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Upward Care Ltd

likes to abuse James Foden's Incapacity otherwise known as Monica Ryder because she knows he is too incapacitated to prevent her. Camelia Monica Ryder incapacity to deprive him of his liberty to Skype against Monica Ryder's relentless abuse of his his loved ones who he grew up with and who grew up with him. James is 20 and has a mental age of 2 to 4 and is defenceless as unfit and unworthy to contact him in the most highly two brothers : Sasha and Sirus and Sister Simone targeted way by targeting ALL of the professionals involved in James's care. Monica Ryder has libelled and defamed James father, in James's care to aid and abet her to abuse James's incapacity she has deceitfully manipulated & groomed all of the professionals to airbrush out of his defenseless life his father, brothers and sister To cause maximum devastation and distress to James's family daytime care to professional care workers except Monday nights until he was 13 to support her full time job. Then she outsourced and every other weekend when James stayed with his paternal family. who she was so happy to leave James with during his daytime hours until late summer 2014 when she cruelly made herself incommunicado of his fortnightly Skype calls to his father, brothers and Sister in 2012 and pushed James under the radar for 2 months - a distressful time Monica Ryder took over from James's grandparents as the connector Adult Social Services where I received a frosty reception from James now After 2 months of not knowing if my son was alive or dead I contacted Solihull known to be renegade social worker: Katy Ivko who told me James cannot see during which James had vanished from the face of the earth. awareness of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 & the Disability Discrimination decides who my incapacitated son can or cannot see. Clearly, Ms Ivko has no Laws & the truth about James loving relationship and strong bonds with his his loved ones any more because his principal carer is his carer and as such she loving relationship with paternal family amounts to Professional Negligence. Katy Ivko's lack of knowledge of the law and the facts surrounding her client's Ivco fully supports Ryder's past & ongoing abuse of James's incapacity. paternal family who raised him to the age of 13 during his daytime hours. with 3 siblings who will one day be the only family he has left to keep an eye on him, of my son's incapacity to deprive him of his liberty to Skype & continue his loving relationship visit him & bring his nephews and nieces to visit him - he adores children and babies. Solihull Council, via their complaints team, also fully support Ryder's ongoing abuse Council fully supports the abusive airbrushing of a defenseless incapacitated & libellous comments about James's family that Ryder fed them and the person's loved ones out of his life & fully supports the renegade Katy Ivko Solihull Council, via there complaints team, also fully support the tissue of lies the renegade and Professionally Negligent Katy Ivko who covered up for the have aided & abetted Ryder's abuse of my son's incapacity by covering up for abusive Ryder who likes to abuse my son's incapacity to deprive him of loved aiding & abetting my son's abuse by covering it up. Therefore Solihull Council my defenceless young adult son are: Alison Coppock, Liz Gillespie & The Solihull Council employees who have gone on the record to officially abuse Karen Millard who all officially support Katy Ivko's and Monica Ryder's abuse ones just because she knows she can and she knows it hurts. and who grew up with him. As I've proven that Solihull Council only recognise of his loving relationship with his growing paternal family who he grew up with laws that suit their cause - they will not recognise the Mental Capacity Act 2005 of my son's incapacity and they have all worked relentlessly to deprive my son recognise the libel laws because they will think that the exposing of their disadvantage to his non incapacitated 20 year old peers and they will abuse of a vulnerable person's incapacity libels them! They won't realise that & the Disability Discrimination laws to stop them from putting my son at a As Solihull Council are so selective in the laws they are prepared to recognise unfit and unworthy to maintain the loving relationship they've had for 20 years. I present you with James's website that exposes Solihull Council with detailed evidence. the only people who've been libelled are James's father, brother's & sister - as

Please ask your solicitor to email James legal advisor at if anybody disagrees with any of the points raised in this obligatory abuse report and any issues will be dealt with without delay.

Please subscribe to James’s YouTube chanel: as it’s the only forum James has to express his 11 year Solihull Council Cover Up of his severe disabilities: Neuronal Migration Disorder (severely malformed brain) and Microcephaly (half of his brain missing) according to his Neurologist, GP, and Hospital Consultant who derived the two disabilities from James’s MRI Scan report and gave the prognosis of a lifetime mental capacity of a baby to a toddler. This prognosis was spot on. Please verify my baby son’s mental capacity (trapped in a 29 year old man’s body ) for yourself on his Youtube chanel to see his baby like mental capacity. James’s YouTube chanel is the only place he can express his ultra severe brain abnormalities, baby like mental capacity and his lifetime love for his paternal family all of which has been covered up by Solihull Council for the past 11 years. As James doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth (like a baby / toddler) whether his own words or the words of his coercive controllers at his care home fraudulently pass off their own words as James’s words. James is effectively as locked is as Stephen Hawking was but Stephen Hawking had a voice machine to express himself with however, by Solihull Council and James’s abusive care home: Upward Care Ltd refusing to recognise James’s baby / toddler like mental capacity according to his Neurologist and MRI scan report they have done the equivalent of effectively turning off Stephen Hawking’s voice machine (muzzling James) or, worse still done the equivalent of reprogramming the voice machine to speak the words of James’s coercive controllers at his care home: Upward Care Ltd (fraudulently passing of their words as James’s words). They have spent 10 years trying to pass of the fraudulent false narrative that James is not interested in his paternal family which is the opposite of what James thinks. This leaves only 2 methods for James to express himself: 1, when he’s in the exclusive company of his paternal family who he loves to bits or via his YouTube channel.

Please subscribe to and enjoy my beautiful son’s expression of his love for his paternal family on the beautiful videos on James’s YouTube channel:

17 February 2025

Hi Danielle / Jane, 

James went to his Mom’s last weekend and told us as usual the day before and he loves to video call us when he gets back from his Mom’s to tell us he’s back. He, like all baby/ toddlers draws comfort from his family knowing where he is and is unsettled when he doesn’t know that his family know where he is.

This weekend he wasn’t due to go and nobody told him to tell us he’s going to his Mom’s so that his family know where he is. He likes us to know where he is so that he can access us.

Please, in future keep his family in the loop so that we all know where he is.

Also the Mental Capacity Act still prevents whoever is holding my ultra severely disabled oldest son from depriving him of his liberty to video call his father, brother and sister, as per his request. The Ryders don’t have an opt out of the Mental Capacity Act and the Disability Discrimination Act still gives him equal rights with a non disabled person to video call his family, over a working Skype connection on a working device and fraud free with nobody telling him what he’s allowed to say do and think by passing off their words and deeds and body language as James’s words, deeds and body language as Carer Jamie hatefully did to James on James’s 61 year old cancer and DVT fighting father’s 61st birthday where James was forced to just sit down and look at the camera and not see us on his device that was blacked out and not speaking to his loved ones and not allowed to freely express his love for us verbally and via facial expression.

Please see James’s recent last  three Safeguarding YouTube videos where you can see him NOT being hatefully abused and  defrauded on his brother’s birthday Jan 4:

and again he was NOT hatefully abused and  defrauded on his Cherma’s  birthday Jan 27: 

but on my 61st bithday 9 Feb: 

James WAS nothing but hatefully abused and defrauded by hate filled abusive Carer Jamie who, if he had got his hate filled abusive way my oldest son would not have been allowed to express anything verbally, or facially and would have been forced by hate filled carer Jamie to sit and behave like he had no interest in his father who he has loved to bits since birth which would have fraudulently supported the psycopathic hate filled Ryders’ ultra fraudulently false narrative that James only has a minor disability and has never loved, or liked his father brother and sister. 

The Ryders distributed their hate filled abusive, fraudulent false narrative via 10 years of libelling and defaming James’s paternal family to everybody involved in James’s care and committing mass deception, serial fraud, perjury to everybody involved in James’s care and using coercive control to fraudulently pass off their words and deeds as James’s words and deeds.

Carer Jamie should be fired for continuing to refuse to recognise my oldest son’s ultra severe disability and baby / toddler like defenceless mental capacity culminating in him committing his hate filled fraud and abuse against Upward care’s most incapacitated resident and a 61 year old man fighting cancer and 3 large DVTs on the 61 year old man’s 61st and possibly last birthday!!!

Simon Foden
James Foden’s Father, Legal Adviser and Carer appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal via the Truth the whole truth and nothing but the Truth.

10th February 2025

Hi Danielle / Jane

We finally tracked James down . Sean at Willows (joint best carer with the lovely new lady: Zeb ) told us James has gone to Stratford today which is lovely but the problem is nobody told us and we got very worried thinking there was an issue and Something was wrong with my severely disabled baby / toddler capacitied beautiful son who has loved and cherished every member of his paternal family since he was born. Zeba later told us James wen to Northfield not Stratford.

Please give James’s loved ones the respect of notifying us with a Skype message by 2pm as normally if James can’t make his scheduled call.

For Info

Best carers are Sean and Zeb, they, like members of the public automatically recognized James baby / toddler like mental capacity as soon as they saw him.

It took Monica Massey 8 and a half years to recognise it.

Carer Jamie (not resident Jamie) still has no clue as to what my severely baby like incapacitated son’s disability is. He just follows the Ryders instructions to abuse my oldest son by rote. 

He told James not to say happy birthday to Daddy and he turned off James screen to blindfold him or he told James to turn it off James is to scared not to comply. Luckily I ran some tests just before blowing my candles and I could see James had been blindfolded to deprive him of seeing his Daddy blow his candles. We got James screen turned back on for him.

We thanked James for watching Daddy blowing the candles and for singing happy birthday (he wasn’t allowed to) and we could hear whispers in the background saying “no he didn’t” which is because he was too scared to after being coercively controlled not to say Happy birthday to his Daddy who he has always loved to bits regardless of the Ryders’ mass Deception, serial Fraud, perjury and coercive control.

I said to Simone they won’t let James say happy birthday to Daddy so we can talk about what he loves most: his family time together in March, April and October.

We proceeded to talk about my oldest son’s favorite subject (which we wouldn’t have done had he not been abused by being coercively controlled to behave like he wasn’t interested in Daddy). They didn’t do this to him on his brother’s and step mom’s birthdays in January. They correctly and legally compliantly let him express his love for them. Carer Jamie wasn’t present on those birthdays.

Nice carer Zeb advised me not to talk about James family sleepovers and holidays which start in 24 sleeps until only 7 sleeps left.

I agreed with her but said it’s the only way we can get his interest because carer Jamie won’t let my oldest son say happy birthday to me or show any interest in me and on my 61st birthday!!!

Zeb realised how bad carer Jamie had been to James and she asked James if he wanted to sing happy birthday to me. James eyes lit up at being freed from carer Jamie’s Shackles and he, with Zeb’s help proceeded to sing happy birthday to his Daddy. It was wonderful and made my day 🙂

Please see carer Jamie’s fraudulent, abusive coercive control of Upward Care’s most severely incapacitated resident (baby / toddler trapped in a 29 year old man’s body) and a 61 year old cancer sufferer with 3 large Deep Vein Thromboses on his 61st birthday:

Please protect James from carer Jamie, he has no clue what my oldest son’s disability is and he’s happy to abuse my oldest son at will when the Ryders’ tell him to.

Zeb and Sean and Z have all resisted the Ryders’ instructions to abuse my oldest son.

Finally please ask the duty carer to let us know by 2pm on a Skype message if James is not going to be able to connect his requested call then we won’t be waiting for it, fretting something is wrong and trying to track my missing oldest son down to make sure he’s okay.

Thank you

Kind regards

Simon Foden,
James Foden’s father, legal advisor and carer appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal via the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth!

7th January 2025

Dear Jane

My totally defenceless baby / toddler (Neurologist MRI scan report) son trapped (locked) in a 29 year old man’s who has always repeated and copied what others tell him to say do and think and who some people abuse with their plethora of fraudulent psychologist reports that violently falsely claim my son understands the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth, any of his deeds, or any of his actions they coercively control him to make knowing full well his MRI scan proves he doesn’t understand them then they violently produce a fraudulent psychologist report and then say James knew what he was saying or doing because we have purchased a violently fraudulent Psychologist report that says he does understand his words and deeds when his MRI scan clearly states there are not enough neurons in his brain for him to understand them.

James had head injuries today that may of been as a result of the regular seizures his Neuronal Migration Disorder generates for him or he may have been driven to despair by his controllers (carers and teenage like co residents who my baby like son was gross negligently place with after the Ryders committed Hate Filled mass deception, serial fraud, perjury and coercive control) the same people who have coercively controlled everything he’s been allowed to say think and do over the past 8 years. That would drive any totally locked in (almost zero ability to defend themselves against teenage like people controlling them) to the point of total self harm prone despair.

James has never hurt himself in the care of his family even when his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly generate him some very violent seizures. This is because he is never alone in the company of his family and he receives the 2 to 1 care that his SENDIST Tribunal ruled that a man with such a severe physical disability as Neuronal Migration Disorder requires to be safeguarded.

Likewise James has never self harmed in the safe environment of his family. 

During todays video call from his care home James was told to “gently” bang his head on the table and “gently” slap his head wounds as if his controllers were trying to “link his self harm” at a coincidental time that he was video calling his family: 

When we consider that James self harm was non existent until he lost his two to one care he enjoyed for 6 years following his SENDIST tribunal after it was taken away by the Ryders’ Mass Deception, Serial Fraud and Perjury committed by the Ryders during their vigilante hate crimes they committed against James and his Paternal family in the court of protection it is is totally clear that my oldest son doesn’t receive enough care to keep him safe given Upward Care’s inadequate resources to provide him with the two to one care it has been ruled that he needs.

On a positive note, the only time James receives adequate care for his severe physical brain abnormalities is during October, March and April when he is in the fully safeguarded 2 to 1 minimum care of his father, brother, sister and step mom. He even has a night watch person: his sister, to keep an eye on him during the night who his able to call on me in the bedroom next door if James needs assistance in the night. Then during the day James has 4 to 1 care as we stay together in a family group for the whole of our 3 months visits to support and care for James and we meet and exceed the minimum 2 to 1 care threshold the SENDIST Tribunal determined James requires to keep him safeguarded given the gravity of his multiple severe brain abnormalities.

Therefore please ensure James receives his 20 nights per month safeguarding protection provided by his paternal family during our visits to safeguard him during Octobers, Marchs and April’s.

The exact dates of our latest safeguarding visit to respite (he’s asked to be picked up every day since being put in Upward Care Ltd) James from his daily torment at 2 Stoney Close.

Please work with James and his safeguarding paternal family to ensure James gets his full 40 nights (20 per month) respite from the people at 2 Stoney Close so he can be with his loving family who he’s dearly loved since his birth and lives as much today as he did when he was a chronological baby.

Please don’t deprive James of any of his 20 nights March and 20 nights April 4 to 1 care given by his beloved family one of whom has provided James care and safeguarding in accordance with SENDIST ruled 2 to 1 requirement for James’s Safeguarding for 29 years. I was even present at his birth.

We land at Birmingham Airport 6.30 pm 5th March. We stay at 190 School Road, Hall Green (Daddy’s old house) for 2 nights then we transfer to James’s family caravan at Riverside Caravan Park, Stratford upon Avon when it opens on 7th March where we will stay until May 3rd when we take James’s brother and sister back to Thailand for there new school Semester.

Please pick 40 appropriate nights to make James’s dreams come true (40 nights of 4 to 1 family provided care)

We’ll take James for a couple of seaside short breaks during this time as may be a couple more nights at Daddy’s old house. 

Yours sincerely

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal adviser appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal via the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

29th December 2024

Hi Jane 

My oldest son: James Foden has never not video called his family on a Sunday and he has spent every New years Eve and New years day with us in person or on Skype for the whole of his life.

He was told last Sunday to say he was being picked up by his Mom in the morning and he told his father brother and sister that he wants to continue his daily Skype calls when he gets back to the care home from his noms house. However he only stays one or two nights at his Mom’s house but yet he has been missing for 7 days now.

Please urgently reunite my oldest who suffers from a lifetime mental capacity of a baby due his twin disabilities of Microcephaly and Neuronal Migration Disorder rendering him with the defenceless mental capacity of a baby or a toddler 

James Upward Care carers have psychopathically refused to recognise his disability for over 8 years resulting in them abusing and defrauding my oldest son every day for over 8 years by defrauding him by forcing him to pass off their words as my son’s words “or else” via coercive control. They know full well he has been conditioned to say and do and think everything that his abusers at the care home tell him to say do and think by the people at the care home fraudulently passing off their words, deeds and actions has my sons words needs and actions.

They know full well James repeats everything the people at the care home tell him to say and they know full well, just as the general public know that James has the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler they know full well that James doesn’t understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth whether his own words or whether his Upward Care abusers words he is fraudulently told to say that his abusers pass off as his own words.

The only time James had ever been allowed to partially express himself both facially and verbally is during his daily Skype calls to his family which averages about 40% freedom of verbal and facial expression. Sometimes he is not allowed any freedom of verbal and facial expression by by being blind folded and muzzled by not being allowed to look at his loved ones he’s waited all day to see and being told not to talk to us and his abusers regularly cut his internet connection or tell him to cut it himself to blind fold and muzzle him or they black his screen and turn his microphone off. 

On a good day James is allowed only 50% freedom of verbal and facial expression wher he has a 50 50 mix of expressing his own words and a 50 50 mix of being told by his abusers what he must say to support his psychopathic mother and stepfathers 20 years of psychopathic abuse against him where they proffered their own seriously fraudulent narrative that my son doesn’t love his father brother and sister (when the opposite is true that he’s always loved us to bits) via mass deception, serial fraud, perjury and coercive control in the Court of Protection that James while my defenceless undefended son had no clue what was going on due this baby like life time prognosis of his mental Capacity that his Neurologist Dr Roper and his GP Doctor Gandhi derived from his MRI scan that the Ryders psychopathically aided by Solihull Councils fraudulent Social Services department: covered up my sons MRI scan from the judge and they didn’t tell the judge not to listen to any words that come our of his mouth because he was unrepresented by the only person who recognises his disability apart from his Neurologist and GP: his father and according to his Neurologist he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth and nobody told the judge that James is only saying any words he says because he was coercively controlled to do so to get his bus ride after the hearing.

The only time James had ever had 100% freedom of expression is when he’s in the exclusive company of his father, brother and sister during his 20 night sleepovers in Octobers’ Marches and Aprils with his family during his brother and sisters 3 months annual school holidays.

Please don’t defraud James out of any of his 20 nights per month 100% freedom of expression and respite from the people at Upward Care who have told him every thing he is allowed say do and think over the past 8 years 

James has always counted down the number of sleeps until he can next pick us up for his sleepovers which will be 20 nights in March and 20 nights in April to comply with Jame request for “another one caravan” to stay his 20 nights per month (not all consecutively) with his family in our new caravan in Stratford-upon-Avon.

For the past week James has been 100% muzzled and blindfolded from expressing his love for his father brother and sister and his love of his holidays with us because he was illegally removed beyond our reach by nobody who controls him connecting his daily Skype calls to his loved ones for him.

This is the same as wheeling Professor Stephen Hawking away from. His family he loves.

James is more locked in than Stephen Hawking who had a voice machine that translated Professor Hawkings words in his brain into spoken words but because of James’s MRI scan derived disability James brain doesn’t contain any words he understands the consequences of to be spoken by a voice machine.

Please end James past 8 days of blind folding and muzzling that resulted in his freedom of expression to his family being reduced to zero and resume his freedom of expression to express his love and joy at seeing his father brother and sister on Skype and chatting with us about his time with us over a working connection and freedom of expression all fit for a non disabled person and please give James family his care home phone number so we can request support for him as James doesn’t have the mental capacity to tell us his phone number himself and so he has equal rights with a non disabled person for compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act. 

Please also give James his reasonable adjustment rights under the Disabilty Discrimination Act so that he can see his daily video calls to his father brother and sister daily at 1.30 pm as per his daily requests too see his brother and sister when they get home from Taekwondo at 1.30 pm UK time 

Please see my would have been legal representation for my oldest son James if he wasn’t abused and defrauded in an illegal Court of Protection Hearing during which the whole testimony by all witnesses was mass deception, serial fraud, perjury and coercive control:

Upward Care receptionist: Charlotte hears my would have been Court of Protection if he had been allowed representation on behalf of James and, like the general public (the Court of Public Opinion – the highest court in the land ), Charlotte recognises I am speaking the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth making Charlotte, the receptionist, the only Upward Care employee who recognises James’s disabilities, his deep love of his father brother and sister and his mother’s mass deception, serial fraud, perjury and coercive control his mother committed against James in the Court of Protection 

Please watch:

Yours Sincerely 

Simon Foden 
James Foden’s Father, Carer and Legal Advisor appointed by the SENDIST Tribual via the Truth the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

21st December 2024

Dear Jane

Please urgently give me the phone number of my son’s care home so he can have the same rights to family support as a non disabled person for legal compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act,

James was moved beyond the reach of his family during his brother and sister Skype time yesterday so he couldn’t have his requested daily freedom of facial and verbal expression call fit for a non disabled person. 

Monica Massey said James daily freedom of facial and verbal expression calls would continue today but my son can’t connect.

Please urgently give me the phone number of my oldest son’s care home so I can seek support for him.

Kind regards
Simon Foden

James Foden’s father, carer and legal adviser appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal via the truth the whole truth and nothing but the Truth in total contrast to the Ryder’s NON appointment via their mass deception, serial fraud, hate crimes against James and his family, perjury and coercive control and abuse of my unrepresented defenceless son in the court of protection.

13 December 2024

Hi Natasha,

The care home phone number was illegally changed four years ago after a mildly incapacitated resident severely and repeatedly abused and defrauded my ultra severely disabled son suffering from Neuronal  Migration Disorder and Microcephally and his 60 year old father suffering from cancer, one kidney and 3 Deep Vein Thromboses. 

The victim of the abusive resident has not been able to receive emergency support from his family by a telephone call to the care home for four years and this is a very serious offence under the hate crime laws, Deprivation of liberty under The Mental Capacity  Act and failing to give an ultra severely disabled person equal rights with a non disabled person to receive telephone support from his family.

These serious offences must end now for legal compliance with the hate crime laws, the Mental Capacity Act and the Disability Discrimination Act.

It is the abusive mildly incapacitated resident’s family that should have been blocked from calling the care home, not his victim and his victims’s family.

My ultra severely disabled son’s Skype account has recently been made permanently offline rendering James effectively kidnapped because James’s family cannot call the care home. They cannot communicate by Skype  message because James Skype account is now  permanently offline. They cannot email the care home manager and deputy managers: Natasha Streeter and Danielle Shorthouse because they cover up communication via phone and email by not answering the messages therefore leaving James’s Safeguarding website and Safeguarding Youtube Channel as the only methods of communication between James’s family and the care home.

Please immediately end James kidnapping by giving him equal rights as non disabled people to receive Telephone calls from his family at his forced place of residence and to have an online Skype account that carers read.

James got back from his castle break late yesterday. Please can James have his requested freedom of expression video call today after 1.30 but before 3pm after his brother and sister are back from Taekwondo.

He’s desperate to see his father, brother and step mom to reassure him that we know where he is following him being missing for the past three days by not being able to see us and express his love for us and express his joy at our past and forthcoming family stays together during his brother and sister’s school holidays in Ocrober March and April.

When it’s time to connect James’s call today please give him freedom of undistracted verbal and facial expression fit for a non disabled person for legal compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act.

Thank you

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal adviser appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal by the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth

4th December 2024

Dear Natasha Streeter and Danielle Shorthouse,

Yesterday’s obligatory abuse report against Solihull’s most vulnerable man by Monica Massey.

My oldest son was clearly illegally  blind folded during his requested family video call because he could only describe what his famiily’s camera was looking at if the person who could see the video told him what to say and if they didn’t know what the camera was looking at James couldn’t answer.

During James requested daily video calls he watches youtube on his “purple” tablet and he told us during his family sleepovers in October that his daily requested family calls are made on his “black tablet”. This was the tablet he was blindfolded on yesterday. The person holding the black tablet could see James family but James could not and this “illegal blindfolding” which is unfit for a non disabled person quite obviously  distressed James.

Monica Massey not only blind folded James she defrauded him by controlling what he could and couldn’t say by fraudulently passing off her words and false narrative that James doesn’t like his paternal family who she and everybody who has views his safeguarding YouTube videos knows he loves to bits since his birth and since his brother and sisters  birth. 

After defrauding my oldest ultra severely disabled totally locked by his MRI scan verified baby / toddler mental capacity Monica Massey proceeded to abuse my son by muzzling him from his freedom of  expression  causing him immense distress when she  snatched his tablet from him and cut his video call and illegally under the Mental Capacity Act deprived him of his liberty to participate in his favourite part of his requested  daily video calls where the two brothers and sister share facial expression with each other and verbally and facially  express their love for eachother and say night night to each other after which James always asks “what did Simone say”so he gets one more chat and night night with his sister then finally he likes to say “love you daddy, see you tomorrow, night night Daddy” but Monica Massey illegally muzzled my defenceless totally locked  on son from facially (requires video) and verbally expressing that yesterday which requires his device not being cruelly snatched  by his so called carer and his call not being cut by his so called carer. Please see below: 

Please see the video below that portrays how much my oldest and ultra severely disabled son loves his father, step mom Cherma, brother Si and sister Simone when he’s in a completely uncontrolled environment free of abusers and coercive controllers from Upward Care Ltd and 3 Wensley Croft Solihull who have all abused him by refusing to recognise his Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and Neurologist MRI scan report verified mental capacity of a baby / toddler so that they can abuse him multiple times more than if theu did recognise it.

Please comply with James’s request above to daily Skype his family on his black tablet and comply with the Disability Discrimination Act, the Mental Capacity Act, and the fraud / passing off laws for today’s requested by James 1.30 pm video call to express his love for and receive expressions of love from  his family both verbally and facially (due to his ultra severe disabilty that severely limits his ability to express and comprehend words)  hence the importance of his audio, video, freedom of expression and freedom from distraction are all fit for a non disabled person for legal compliance.

Simon Foden
James Foden’s Father, carer and legal adviser appointed by the Sendist Tribunal by the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

3rd December 2024

Dear Natasha Streeter and Danielle Shorthouse,

James abusers at 2 Stoney Close sabotaged his what should have been a freedom of expression call fit for a none disabled person yesterday by Straight Jacketing (coercively controlling his Internet connection,  forcing him to sit surrounded by his muzzlers cutting his video and cutting his audio and coercively controlling what questions he can answer and if his abusers let him answer a quesion they defraud him by telling him to pass off their words and body language as James words and body language) him, muzzling him (see above) and blind folding cutting his video or coercively controlling him to cut his video to sabotage his video call which is a heinous action of abuse against Upward Care’s most incapacitated, defenceless and locked in resident suffering from Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephally rendering him the mental capacity of s baby to a toddler according to his GP and Neurologist and legal adviser and father all of whom you have hated on for the last 8 years Natasha.

These offences would make an uninformed person think that James is not really interested in his father, brother, sister and these hate crime, fraud, abuse Deprivation of liberty and Discrimination offences are punishable by custodial sentence.

On a positive note James, for the first time in 8 years, was not forced by his abusers at 2 Stoney Close to jump up and run away when his brother and sister who he had waited all morning to comply with his request to video call him sat down to speak to him. 

James’s Carer and co resident heinous abusers have enjoyed an 8 year reign of fraud, abuse and coercive control against my son to defraud him into behaving like he doesn’t absolutely love his paternal family to bits to support their fraudulent narrative as he has loved us all to bits since his birth and the birth of his brother and sister since their birth. Please see the video below that portrays how much my oldest and ultra severely disabled son loves his father, step mom Cherma, brother Si and sister Simone when he’s in a completely uncontrolled environment free of abusers and coercive controllers from Upward Care Ltd and 3 Wensley Croft Solihull who have all abused him by refusing to recognise his Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and Neurologist MRI scan report verified mental capacity of a baby / toddler so that they can abuse him multiple times more than if theu did recognise it.

If my defenceless oldest son is not as free to share his joy and happiness at being in his requested daily video calls with his father, brother, sister and step mom of 13 years years when he is at his care home as he is when he’s in the exclusive, abuser, fraudster and coercive controller free environment of his paternal family (see his youtube channel) then the above serious offences are being committed against my defenceless  oldest son by his abusers at 2 Stoney Close.

After 8 years of suffering the above offences it is now time for James to have the same freedom to express his joy and happiness of being in his requested online company of his father brother and sister as he has when he’s in the exclusive company of his father brother aand sister without being abused, coercively controlled and defrauded which results in him being defrauded into portraying an indifferent attitude to his father brother, sister and step mom which is the opposite to what he thinks and what the whole world knows what he thinks from his freely expressed YouTube videos. 

It is only a few psychopaths in solihull (no conscience, no remorse) who obviously don’t recognise UK law, (or they wouldn’t be psychopaths) who don’t  think that James has always loved his paternal family to bits, counts down the time to his video call and counts down the number of sleeps until his October, March and April sleepovers with his father, brother and sister that he has requested daily since being placed in Upward Care by the Ryders’s mass deception, serial fraud, coercive control and perjury which resulted in them NOT being appointed.

Only I was appointed, in the SENDIST Tribunal via the fully verified Truth, whole Truth and nothing but the Truth which resulted James suffering zero fraud, abuse and coercive control for 6 years until the Ryders, offences in the Court of Protection noted above when James was 18 years old after which he has suffered daily fraud, abuse and coercive control by everybody at 2 Stoney Close and  3 Wensley Croft.

It is now time for Upward Care and 3 Wensley Croft to desist the above offences committed daily against Solihull’s most defenceless, locked in and incapacitated man.

Natasha, you are James’s care manager. I urge you to desist your 8 years of above noted offences that you, by your 8 year hatred of Neurologists, GPs’ 29 year old men with the Mental capacities of babies  who are more locked the Stephen Hawking was because he could express himself via his voice machine but James cannot express becaise his Neuronal Migration disorder and Microcephally renders him totally locked in and via your staff and house residents who are under your supervision and 2 Stoney Closs co residents have committed against my defenceless oldest son.

Please ensure that from today James care home videos allow James to fully express his love and joy at being in video communication with his father, brother and sister and resemble the same joy and happiness James enjoys when he’s in the exclusive company of his father, brother and sister and step mom who he’s loved to bits since his brother and sister were born.

I have a legal duty as James’s father, Legal Advisor and carer since James SENDIST Tribunal where I was appointed via the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth to report the abuse against my son, with evidence a simple comparison of James’s straight Jacketing, muzzling, blind folding and coercive control he suffered yesterday with his total freedom of expression and joy at being with his father, brother, sister and step mom in a control free environment expressed via his YouTube channel.

Natasha, James has told you, on his YouTube channel that he wants to spend his brother and sister’s school holidays in October, March and April when his brother and sister who comply with his request to pick him up and he has told you in the control free environment of his Safeguarding YouTube channel that he wants to spend most of those three months with his father brother and sister and step mom in our accommodation be it Daddy’s old house, our new family caravan in  Stratford-upon-Avon next to all of James’s favourite buses for daily bus rides to Town, Solihull and Coventry and daily train rides to Solihull, Town, Cradely Heath for Merry Hill and daily boat taxis from the caravan to the Stratford-upon-Avon buses and trains.

Please comply with Disability Discrimination Act Reasonable adjustment clause so that James doesn’t suffer another distraction from his brother snd sister who he’s waited 20 weeks to pick him up so that doesn’t suffer being illegally  removed beyond the reach of his father, brother and sister during his family time with them and ensure he had a minimum of 20 nights per month with his loved ones who he’s waited 20 weeks for us to pick him up and give him his cherished respite from his controllers at 2 Stoney close: see above, so that he can enjoy his cherished family time in the loving uncontrolled environment of his father, brother and sister.

Natasha the public know you refuse to recognise James’s disability due to your 8 year hatred of Neurologists and MRI scans and 60 year old men with cancer and one kidney and 29 year old men with Neuronal Migration Disorders and Microcephally.

The public also know that that when you tricked James from 10 precious nights of family time in October using photos you knew full well and the public know that you knew full well that James is so ultra severely disabled and incapacitated that he didn’t, and still doesn’t, have the mental Capacity to ask “Does this mean I won’t be able to stay with my brother and sister during this 10 days of time that they have complied with my request for  them to pick me up so ghat I can stay with them during thus time” 

James incapacity to ask this question means he was removed from his family he asked to visit him to stay with him without his consent because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to make such consent. Just as he didn’t have the mental capacity to give unrepresented by his father evidence in the Court of Protection. James being abused by his disability not being recognised leads to him being abused even more. Indeed multiple more than if the people who control him recognise his disability.

You knew this Natasha and the public know you knew this but you still illegally removed James from his family he waited 20 weeks to stay 20 nights with in October your illegally and negligent refusal to recognise James’s disability cost him 9 of his cherished 20 nights with his family he waited 20 weeks for.

Please ensure you comply with his request to stay with his family in March and April. The whole world know this is his choice and you must comply with it for legal compliance.

Please also desist James controllers defrauding him out of freely expressing his joy and happiness to video call to his family and please desist James controllers abusing and defrauding by passing off their false narrative that James is not interested in the people that the rest of the world k ow James loves to bits and counts down the time to see either by video call or family sleepovers.

Yours Sincerely 
Simon Foden
James Foden’s Father, legal advisor and carer appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal via the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth

9th November 2024

Hi Tash

My oldest son’s 90% muzzling offences on Thursday and 100% muzzling / complete deprivation of liberty offence on Friday that deprived my oldest son of his liberty to for him and his family to mutually express their love for each other as James loves to do on Skype when he cannot be with his family in person. James was deprived of his reasonable adjustment rights yesterday. Please comply with UK law and respect and comply with James’s love for his family and his love to 2 way audio video calls to his loved ones on a daily basis as he has always done and will always want to do and his connection and freedom from distraction are fit for a non disabled person. Please ensure today’s 1.30 pm freedom of expression of love call is unmuzzled by distraction, call sabotage and deprivation of his liberty to make his call.

Please see James’s messages to you on his YouTube channel to the people who control him to recognise his lifetime love for his family that I have desperately tried to make you understand over the past 8 years without success and his choice to see and be seen by his father, brother and sister every day in a manner fit for a non disabled person, again something I’ve spent 8 years trying to make you understand but without success. Viewers of my oldest don’t YouTube channel understand his disability and mental capacity love for his family and love for video calling his family when he cant be with them in person: something I’ve been trying to make you understand but without success.

Please, please watch James video messages to you and Danielle and everybody who controls my oldest son including 3 Wensley Croft and all at 2 Stoney Close and learn directly from James what is Disability is and what his choices are when he’s in the  uncontrolled environment of his family and free from the people at 2 Stoney Close and 3 Wensley Croft who control him.

Please listen to my oldest and ultra severely  disabled son James and act on his choices that he freely self expresses to you in his YouTube videos for Upward Care’s and 3 Wensley Croft’s legal compliance with UK law.

Please see James communication to you below:

Kind regards

7th November 2024

Hi Tash

James freedom of expression today was only 10% of what it is when he’s in the exclusive uncontrolled environment of his family as per his communication to you via his YouTube channel James Skype call tonight was totally illegal from start to finish under the Mental Capacity Act at no point did James have his liberty to communicate with his family without being constantly distracted and no liberty to have 2 way working audio and video. Offences were committed under the Disability Discrimination Act as not a single minute of James’s call to his loved ones worked with 2 way audio and video fit for a non disabled person. James’s controllers constantly cut his whole call, his whole video, outgoing or incoming video and outbound and incoming sound. James call was constantly cut every few minutes by his controllers and James was defrauded several times by his controllers telling him to fraudulently pass off their words as his words. That is serious fraud against Upward cares most defenceless and ultra severely disabled and ultra severely incapacitated resident who has no capacity to say if I want to call my mom mom and my step mom mommy that is my choice so I can be equal with my brother and sister. 

James cannot say I want to call my step mom mommy so please don’t illegally pass your words off as my words as you are defrauding me. James doesn’t have the mental capacity to defend his choice of words against his fraudsters.

Please checkout James’s YouTube channel to see how relaxed he is in the absence of his controllers and to see for yourselves what his mental capacity is and to see that James must have the liberty under the mental capacity act to have the liberty to identify as a baby to a toddler in line with his Neurologist prognosis and MRI scan report and the liberty to identify and you can see how he identifies: you can see from his YouTube channel he identifies his father as Daddy, he identifies his step mom Cherma as mommy and due to his ultra severely disabled disability he must be given the liberty to choose who he identifies as and who he identifies his family as. James must be unmuzzled, and free, given liberty to express who he identifies his self and his family as. 

Please give my ultra severely disabled oldest son unmuzzled undefrauded freedom of expression fit for a non disabled person over an audio video call fit for a non disabled person tomorrow and every day so that he is free to express himself as he chooses when he’s in an uncontrolled environment. 

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal 17 years ago by the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

02/November 2024

Hi Tash 

Please listen to my ultra severely incapacitated totally defenceless family living oldest son’s messages to his controllers at 3 Wensley Croft and his controllers at Upward Care Limited:

My oldest son is telling you how much he wants to freely express his love to his father, brother and sister because he loves us so much.

Please stop offending under the Mental Capacity Act by depriving my defenceless oldest son of his liberty to express his daily love to his loved ones who he has loved since birth over a working Skype connection, distraction free all fit for a non disabled person to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act.

“Daddy I like watching myself you Mommy my  brother  and sister on my own YouTube  channel and I want you all to see me in Skype every day as usual when my brother  and sister get back from the gym so that I can freely express my love for all of my family and that you can see I am okay in my care home and that I can relax that my family knows where I am.”

Hi Tash

James has sent you some messages himself directly to everybody who controls him via his YouTube channel.  Please listen to his messages and comply with the Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act so that his legal rights under UK law fully adhered to so that he can express his daily love to his loved ones and be reassured that his loved ones can see he’s okay and be reassured the he knows that his loved ones know where he is.

He has been missing since 29 October.

The above laws apply to whoever is controlling him so it is illegal to say we are depriving James of his liberty today because person A or Person B are controlling him today.

It doesn’t matter who is controlling him. His legal rights to freely express his daily love to his loved ones as he has requested to you time and again, over a working video call, undistracted all fit for a non Disabled person to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act

My oldest son’s freedom of expression to express his daily love to his loved ones has effectively been muzzled since 29 October.

Please comply with UK law.

James can’t connect his requested daily 1.30 call to he brother and sister. He wants to video call them on his black tablet. They’re waiting to comply with James’s request to video call them. Please help him

James has been missing since 29 October

Please listen to my ultra severely incapacitated totally defenceless family loving oldest son’s messages to his controllers at 3 Wensley Croft and his controllers at Upward Care Limited:

My oldest son is telling you how much he wants to freely express his love to his father, brother and sister because he loves us so much since he was born and since his younger family were born.

Please stop offending under the Mental Capacity Act by depriving my defenceless ultra severely disabled oldest son of his liberty to express his daily love to his loved ones who he has loved since birth over a working Skype connection, distraction free all fit for a non disabled person to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act.

“Daddy I like watching myself you Mommy my brother  and sister on my own YouTube  channel and I want you all to see me in Skype every day as usual when my brother  and sister get back from the gym so that I can freely express my love for all of my family and that you can see I am okay in my care home and that I can relax that my family knows where I am.”

Please help my ultra severely disabled son connect today’s daily 1.30 Skype call to his loved ones.

Yours sincerely, 
Simon Foden

James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal 17 years ago via the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

07/August 2024

Hi Danielle

Please don’t illegally deprive James of his freedom of expression to his family by constantly distracting him throughout his request to have freedom of expression with his family.

The people at the house took to this method of sabotaging James freedom of expression after they stopped sabotaging it by constantly cutting his connection.

James has the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler, this is an undisputed settled issue now, finally after James suffered 11 years of fraudulent non physician reports. People as severely disabled and as severely incapacitated as James and as severely defenseless as James cannot stop his controllers constantly sabotaging his calls. Please use your management skills to stop James controllers from sabotaging his calls using any method. 

Please comply with James wishes to freely express himself as fit for a non disabled person, over a working connection fit for a non disabled person as as distraction free as a non disabled person so that you can stop your daily offences under the Disability Discrimination Act.

Please comply with this Act that is designed to protect people like James from people like those at 2 Stoney close.

Please give him the care he needs to have his requested freedom of expression of a quality fit for a non disabled person.

Please start your legal compliance tomorrow.

Thank you

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor 


Hi Danielle / Natasha

James had no freedom of expression video call today. First his controllers kept offending by repeatedly cutting his call then the offenders kept offending by distracting him so much he couldn’t express himself. Then the offenders started committing fraud and fraudulently passed their words off as James words and finally his offenders made him so scared he was too scared to speak to us.

James Skype call was illegal today. Many people surrounded him and controlled him not to express himself or express their words instead of James words. He looked scared to death through most of the call.

It is an offence for James not to have the same freedom of expression and freedom from distraction and video call reliability as a non disabled person.

Sometimes when he’s being less controlled he has 50% of the freedom of expression he has when he’s with his family but today his offenders were so hateful to my severely incapacitated oldest son he barely had 10% of the freedom of expression he has when he’s with his family that’s why he’s so desperate for his time with his family well away from 2 Stoney close and the people at 2 Stoney close.

Even when he’s out with us he always says back to Daddy’s old house soon because by baby son trapped in a man’s body is scared he’ll be sent to his teenage controllers who he was scared to death of today.

A non disabled person can deal with people distracting him or her and stopping them from freely expressing himself to their family but James can’t deal with them. He has only one option: comply with their instructions or else which is the tragic situation he’s been in since he was put in Stoney close with 4 people of teenage mental capacity.

Please do more to protect my oldest son from these people and ensure tomorrow’s and future daily video calls allow James the same freedom from distraction and freedom of expression and video call reliability fit for a non disabled person in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act, the Coercive Control laws and the fraud laws.

Yours sincerely 

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor 


Hi Danielle / Tash

James asked 4 times times yesterday if he could say good morning to his sister when she wakes up. I said yes when you have your sleepovers at Daddy’s old house, the hotels and the caravan.

When Simone wakes up in the night she always asks James if he’s okay and he loves that support. He also likes to say good morning to her when he wakes up in the morning which he can easily do when he’s staying with his family. This is just one reason he wants to be with his family in October. Even though I’ve agreed on James behalf to plan B that’s definitely your choice not James choice.

James loves to say goodnight to his brother and sister during his stays at Daddy’s old house and he also loves to do that on Skype during his afternoon call. However it would not be easy for James to say good morning to Simone when she wakes up at 7am Thai Time and leaves for school at 7.25 am Thai time.

Simone wakes up at 1.00 am UK time when James is fast asleep so it wouldn’t be realistic for him Skype good morning to her. That’s why it’s so sad he’s been cut down to 21 good mornings to his sister because of James being sent to Spain when his brother and sister have complied with his wishes to stay with us in October.

I explained to him he can say good morning to Simone every morning when he wakes up in his blue and White bed and Simone wakes up in her Blue bed. I said it won’t be long now only 7 weeks. It’s too upsetting for me to talk to him about Spain because I know he doesn’t want to go.

I will just tell him on 4th October afternoon that Sean will pick him up from Daddy’s old house 6 pm and Simone and Baby Ki will be waiting for Sean to drop him off at 9.00 13th October. I will just call it next week then James can stay at Daddy’s old house and seaside and another one seaside and another one caravan all of which he’s looking forward to and loves discussing with his family on his daily Skype calls.

James brother and sister won gold medals each today  at their second Taekwondo competition and they’re keen to show them to their big brother. James knows what medals are he’s proudly shown me many of his own over the years.

Please help him to connect nobody is helping him at the moment and nobody has messaged us.

Thank you

Kind regards 
Simon Foden
James Foden’s Father, carer


It’s amazing to see James total joy when I’m drying his hair after his shower. He gives me the biggest ever smile he is so pleased that Daddy can help him with his care and his regular meds and his emergency meds when needed. He loves that Simone gives me his regular meds and emergency meds when he needs them and he loves Simone putting his quilt on his bed and asking him if he’s alright in the night when she wakes up to which he replies “yes Simone” and he loves Simone making his breakfast and he loves Cherma to put his clothes and pyjamas on after I’ve showered him and changed his pad. He loves it when his brother helps him with his tablet and does things like fetching his tomato sauce while Simone cuts his sausages or fish. He loves it that his brother and sister look after him while he’s walking to buses trains and trams.

He loves all this in addition to being in his beloved family environment which has always been his natural environment and he loves his face to face in person good mornings and goodnights to Daddy, Cherma, Si and Simone and he knows we are as happy to be with James as he is to be with us and we all have a wonderful family time together.


Hi Danielle

Please remember I was appointed Carer by truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth at the SENDIST Tribunal that Monica Ryder participated  in by letter and that supercedes Monica Ryders NON appointment my mass deception, perjury, serial fraud and coercive control of what James was told to say what he was required to say to get his bus ride at the Court of protection where James was unrepresentative and the judge was deprived  of James MRI scan report and not told James has the mental capacity of a baby / toddler and doesn’t understand the consequences of the words he had to say to get his bus ride. And the judge was not told how James had always loved his paternal family who love him to bits.

James ability to express himself was illegally stopped after his grand parents died (same as Stephen hawking voice machine being turned off) until his safeguarding website and subsequent safeguarding YouTube channel restored his self expression that he lost after his Nanny and Grandad who raised him died 12 year’s ago. James safeguarding website and Safeguarding YouTube channel were like turning Stephen Hawkings voice machine back on and reprogramming it back from speaking carer and coresidents words back to speaking James words.

So James will have only 21 days with us: Tash originally said he would get 22 in previous emails but 21 is okay. We cannot cut any more days we’ve lost one already losing 8 in total because of the Spain trip James hasn’t legally consented to. 

I will start to book James hotels and caravan stays. When not in a hotel or caravan James will be staying in his beloved Daddy’s old house.

There will be only 2 stays this October because of Spain:

1st October 9.00 until 6pm on 4th October at Daddy’s old house.

Then 9am 13 October until 6pm on 30 October drop off and pick up at Daddy’s old house. Please give James enough meds and pads for each of his 2 stays. First stay is 4 nights second stay is 17 nights to make up the reduced 21  total stay. We can wash his clothes if necessary on the second stay.

The second stay will include James seaside breaks in some hotels and a caravan as well as nights at Daddy’s old house.

Last visit we sent you daily video updates of James by his Skype account but he was ignored so this trip we’ll send the same daily video updates to keep you up to date on James’s activities with his family via his YouTube channel. James Safeguarding website and Safeguarding YouTube channels are his only communication methods that are not totally ignored by everybody involved in his care following the Ryders’ (a pair of career criminals) mass deception serial fraud and perjury they abused James with since he was 12 years old.

We travel back to Thailand 31 October

Yours sincerely 

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor 

Hi Danielle

We booked and paid for the accommodation in April on We check in on 1st October. We check out 31 October.

You are misquoting me. I am saying that James decided to stay with us on 30 April. Every single day he was with us he said James stay Daddy’s house. He slapped the wall and said James stay here.

James can only express himself by repeatedly saying what his choice is

Every day  since James was housed at 2 Stoney close he’s asked us to pick him up. 

Every day for the last three years James has given us detailed information about what he wants to do with us when he picks us up.






Every one of the 14000 views James has had on his Safeguarding YOUTUBE CHANNEL KNOWS HE WANTS TO BE WITH HIS FAMILY AT 190 SCHOOL ROAD IN OCTOBER.






This is how we know he wants to be with his family in October in the apartment we booked and paid for in April to comply with James’s request that James calls Daddy’s old house.

Any words that come out of James mouth a dozen times cannot be considered they represent what James thinks because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of the words. This is spelled out clearly in his MRI scan report.

However with video evidence shown to his legal advisor of James reiterating the same message on video for 1000 days that he wants sleepovers with his father Brother and sister in Octobers March’s and Aprils that message is definitely what James thinks. There is no doubt that my earlier message is correct and James wants to be with his father brother and sister in Octobers Marchs and Aprils

You know full well James wants to be with his father brother and sister in Octobers, March’s and Aprils which are his beloved brother and sister’s annual school holidays.

He has never said to his legal advisor anything to the contrary because he doesn’t want anything to the contrary. He just wants to count down the sleeps until we pick him up from the people at 2 Stoney Close as James has requested for 7 years.

Please bring James to us on at 9am on 1st October until 6 pm on 4th October then please let him stay from 9am on 13 th and stay with us until 6 pm on 30th October. That’s barely 3 weeks. 

I promise you James will not be happy with this because he wants respite from the people at 2 Stoney Close.

If you love him please let him stay with us in October. Plan A otherwise plan B:

Please bring James to us on at 9am on 1st October until 6 pm on 4th October then please let him stay from 9am on 13 th and stay with us until 6 pm on 30th October. That’s barely 3 weeks. 

Please don’t cut anything out of the plan B dates.

We’ll stay 1st to 4th with James at 190 school Road (our base) already booked and paid for for October and the dates from 13th to 30th October we’ll book James seaside holidays and hotels and caravan 

This is not our first choice but I trust it is satisfactory if you don’t give James his first choice which is not go to Spain and take a break from the people at 2 Stoney Close 

Please let us know if you reconsider otherwise the barely 3 weeks: 

Please bring James to us on at 9am on 1st October until 6 pm on 4th October then please let him stay from 9am on 13 th and stay with us until 6 pm on 30th October. That’s barely 3 weeks. 

Kind regards 
Simon Foden

James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor

PS it will be very sad for us sitting in Daddy’s old house from 5th to 12th October with Daddy’s oldest boy and  Si and Simone’s oldest brother missing.

For future holidays please keep March’s Aprils and Octobers free now you know how much this bit of time together means to James and his family.

James can go on coresident holidays for the 9 months that don’t clash with his brother and sister’s school holidays.

Thank you

Hi Tash / Danielle 

James doesn’t want to be removed beyond the reach of his brother and sister during their school holidays. He made his choice clear on the 30 April. He has not given consent to be removed from us because you know he doesn’t have the mental capacity to say “Does this mean I won’t be able to stay with my brother and sister in October when they comply with my request for me to stay with them in October in Daddy’s old house, the blue hotel and a caravan holiday” You cannot remove him because he cannot consent to be removed without representation from his father, brother and sister. Same as he couldn’t consent to anything in the Court of Protection without representation from his father because you know he doesn’t understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth whether his own or what he’s told to say and he has always repeated what he’s told to say even though he as no idea what the consequences of the words are as detailed by his physicians in his MRI scan report.

You can see his choice from April 30 here:

He reiterates his choice every day on Youtube. You can see todays reiteration here on his safeguarding YouTube channel:

He wants to be with his family when his coresidents go to Spain if they go during his brother and sisters school holiday. Any other time he can go with them. Only Octobers Marchs and Aprils he would never consent to being removed from his family he’s been counting down the weeks to pick him up .

Please confirm James can stay with his family in October as this holiday is only 4 weeks. We booked 190 School Road Hall Green (Daddy’s old house) for October for him back in April and informed you the same at that time.

Now we have to book his holidays in the Big Blue Hotel Blackpool that he’s requested every day since we come back from England and we have to book his seaside trains and his caravan and maybe another one hotel depending on his choices and requests. Therefore please confirm you will respect James wishes and choices in Octobers, March and Aprils (his brother and sisters school holidays)

We note that James had a large scar on his face today that coincided with him not being given a reasonable adjustment to say ninight to his brother and sister yesterday. This may be just coincidence but as Ive explained to you both for the past 8 years James ’s physicians confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt with his MRI scan that he had and will always have the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler and he has never had the mental capacity to understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth whether his own or other people’s words from 2 Stoney Close fraudulently passed off as his own (the main reason he wants a break from these people when his loved ones come to visit him in October’s, March and Aprils). James doesn’t have the capacity to know he’s being abused and defrauded and smiles in the confusion but what he does know for sure is that he wants to be with his family members for the maximum time in his life and that’s why he counts down the number of sleeps before a family member picks him up. You both know this so please respect my oldest severely disabled son.

Ive been trying to explain this to you for 8 years and like Solihull Social services, solihull council or anybody who has met Monica Ryder (she libelled and defamed me to kingdom come as well as committing mass deception, serial fraud, hate crimes and coercive control of James and perjury by fraudulently passing off her words as James words to everybody involved in James’s care deciving the judge and submitting multiple fraudulent documents to the Court) .

Now you know the truth about the Ryders offences against James and his family leaving my man baby / toddler son only able to express himself for the past 10 years on his safeguarding website and  recently safeguarding YouTube channel.

Please listen to his communication to you both via his 2 Youtube videos above. Please respect his wishes and choices, clearly he’s only able to express to you via his safeguarding YouTube channel and his Safeguarding website. James is much more locked in than Stephen Hawking who could express himself via a voice machine. James can only express himself via daily consistent Skype videos that we sent to you via Skype in March and April but because nobody at Upward care has listened to James choices and wishes sent to his Skype account he’s had to migrate them to his Youtube channel where they do get listened to and therefore unlock James from his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephally so he can express himself. Please don’t send him away from his loved ones who have complied with his choice to stay with us in October to a place he doesn’t want to go to with people he desperately wants a break from. Based on 6 months of consistent video expression first Skyped to you then expressed via Youtube because you didn’t listen to his Skype self expression videos.

Please confirm James can stay with his family in October as this holiday is only 4 weeks. We booked 190 School Road Hall Green (Daddy’s old house) for October for him back in April and informed you the same at that time.Yours sincerelySimon FodenJames Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor

17/July 2024

James missing for 4 days with all of his controllers unreachable except head office where I was able to speak to a carer of James’s please check the conversation here:

James missing for 6 days with all of his controllers unreachable then Danielle answered he phone for the first time in a long time. The conversation here:

Hi Danielle 

URGENT Is James back at 2 Stoney Close or is he still missing (moved to a place he can’t make his requested daily Skype calls from)?

Please give me the contact details of the people who are holding him so that I can reunite him with his loved ones.

Please urgently advise as my helpless totally locked in son has been missing for a week now.

Kind regards

Hi Simon 

James had just returned back to stoney close would you like a Skype call now 

Kind regards


Hi Danielle 

James’s brother and sister have been sleeping for 3 hours now. I can’t wake them and I have to get up in less than 6 hours to take them to school. Getting enough sleep is an important factor in fighting cancer. Therefore please can my oldest son start his daily 2.30pm calls to his brother and sister tomorrow at 2.30 pm. 

In fact tomorrow James brother and sister have no Taekwondo and no home class so please can James make his call tomorrow at 11.30 am?

Friday 2.30 pm after Taekwondo 

 Saturday 1pm after Simone’s Ballet class 

Sunday 10am or later please ask carer to message call time

Monday onwards 2.30pm flexible by 90 minutes

Thank you



Hi Danielle

Thank you for answering my phone call and recognising some facts that you didn’t know before after 8 years.

James favorite accommodation is his annual total 3 months stays with his father brother and sister.

Closely behind or possible equal he likes to stay at his mom’s house.

His least preferred place to stay is his care home. This is because he just loves to be with his family.

I think James recognizes that at the care home everybody has a much higher mental capacity than him as they are teenage like while James is baby / toddler like (physicians (not tinpot psychologists) said this and proved it with their MRI scan)  which supercedes anything written by anybody else. 

James recognizes he’s at the bottom of the food chain at the care home, whereas he’s at the top of the food chain when he’s with his father brother and sister and step mom Cherma who all play supporting roles to meet James extremely special needs with nobody ever telling him what he is allowed to say do or think. James only has this liberty when he’s with his father brother sister and step mom Cherma.

James is happy to be at his mom’s house but he’s not happy to be removed beyond the reach of his paternal family. Removing him (not letting him Skype us or telling him to say he doesn’t want to Skype us) is fraud and deprivation of liberty. Also if he’s not allowed to freely express his love for his father brother and sister (as he’s free to when he’s in our company) as a non disabled person can and over a working Skype connection as a non disabled person can then offenses are being committed under the Disability Discrimination Act.

James loves to Skype us from his care home. He gets irritated when he’s told what he’s allowed to say do and think during his call but he doesn’t have the capacity to know he’s being abused so he can’t stand up for himself.

The most freedom of expression James has ever been allowed at his care home is about 50% of what he can express when he’s with his family.

Normally it’s about 30 to 40% of what he can express when he’s with his paternal family. Sometimes he’s completely muzzled and he’s not allowed to look at us or speak to us at all but these are rare incidents.

When James is at his moms house: 3 Wensley Croft he is 100% muzzled from expressing his love to his brother and sister.

Even when we’re in Birmingham and James has a night at his care home he still wants to Skype his brother and sister from the care home. You know that Danielle.

James perfect world would be to Skype his brother and sister from his mom’s house but, sadly, she doesn’t like him enough to let him do that. She will coercively control him and say no number 3 if you want to see your loved one and James is so severely incapacitated there is nothing he can do to defend himself.

James wants to see his brother and sister every day as he has done for the past 7 years. In every call he makes he tells us see you tomorrow. Therefore whoever is holding my son has a legal obligation to grant him his liberty for his undistracted daily freedom of expression calls to his loved ones fit for a non disabled person and over a Skype connection fit for a non disabled person.

Offenses have been committed since Sunday.

There is no problem with James being at his mom’s house but whoever is holding James has to comply with the Mental Capacity Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the fraud laws. Nobody in the UK are above these 2 laws.

As James carer and legal advisor appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal I have a legal responsibility to ensure that James rights under the Mental Capacity Act and the Disability Discrimination Act are fully adhered to and he sees his brother and sister every day according to his wishes regardless of what anybody tells him to say do or think.

Please connect today’s video call for him so he can see his family before they go to bed.

James wants to video chat to his brother and sister and say goodnight to them.

Please urgently help him.

Kind regards
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father, carer and legal advisor.

Hi Tash / Danielle 

When will my oldest son be back at number 2?

If he will not be back tomorrow how can I contact the people who are holding him?

My oldest son is missing his family. As his carer and legal advisor I have a duty of care to him to reunite him with his brother and sister who he is missing regardless of what anybody who doesn’t recognise his severe brain abnormality disability tells him to say or do.

Please advise how we reunite him with his brother and sister.

Serious offenses are being committed by the people holding him under the Mental Capacity Act, Disability Discrimination Act, Fraud laws, and Hate Crime laws while he has been illegally removed beyond the reach of his family.

Using the Stephen Hawking analogy whoever is holding my son has effectively wheeled Stephen Hawking away from his loved ones (kidnapped him) and either turned off his voice machine or reprogrammed it to to illegally pass off the kidnappers words as Stephen Hawking’s words.

This is what happens to my locked in son when he is coercively controlled what he is allowed to say do and think by the people who hold him and refuse to recognize how locked in his baby like mental capacity makes him because they fraudulently refuse to recognise his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly and fraudulently pass off his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly determined by his MRI scan as a touch of autism.

James clearly defined MRI scan report locks him into  a defenseless baby to toddler like Mental Capacity that has been abused by the people holding him over the past 10 years since James was mass deceived, severely abused and defrauded and perjured against in the Court of Protection 10 years ago when his severe disability was fraudulently covered up and unrecognized to give the people holding him cover to abuse defraud and coercively control him as they have done for the past 10 years and continue to do today.

Please reunite my severely locked in oldest son with his brother and sister tomorrow and going forward so that James can enjoy the freedom of expression fit for a non disabled person of his love for his father brother and sister over a video call fit for a non disabled person

Kind regards


James Foden’s father and legal advisor 

Hi Danielle 

It is very important that his loved ones are kept in the loop especially given all of the fraud abuse and accidents he’s suffered due to his disability and his love for his father brother and sister not being recognized due to the Ryders’ and Solihull Social services mass deception, serial fraud, coercive control, hate crimes and perjury they committed against my defenseless man baby / toddler son trapped in a 28 year old man’s body in the Court of Protection when he was 18 years old when his baby toddler like mental capacity was the same as it is now as it was when he was 12 years old when I won his SENDIST Tribunal for him. Everything his Neurologist, GP: Dr Ghandi  and Hospital Consultant: Dr Roper said would transpire regarding my severely disabled with Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly would transpire re their prognosis of my oldest son’s mental Capacity has verifiably played out to the letter!!!

Everything that has ever been written or said about my severely disabled son’s incapacity and love for his paternal family except what has been said and written by his legal advisor: myself and the three above noted physicians is defamation, libel, fraud and perjury.

The fraudulent Court of Protection hearing in which James was unrepresented is therefore Null and void and the findings of the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth derived SENDIST Tribunal (in which Monica Ryder participated by letter) still stands i.e. James is severely disabled with Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and baby / toddler like mental capacity and requires care consistent with Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and baby / toddler like mental capacity which, so far after 8 years: Upward Care Limited has disgracefully failed to deliver despite my pleas to deliver appropriate care for him. The SENDIST Tribunal recognise me, as James father, legal advisor and carer.

All of James accidents and issues are a direct result of Upward Care failing to deliver James a care package consistent with the SENDIST Tribunal findings. 

The Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act apply to whoever is holding my oldest son: not only Upward Care Ltd. James has protection from these thoughtfully considered and beautifully written laws by the UK Parliament and approved Queen Elizabeth II wherever he is moved to just as much more mildly incapacitated than James (he could express himself and he understood the consequences of the words generated by his talking machine): the late esteemed Professor Stephen Hawking had. Unlike professor Stephen Hawking James MRI scan derived baby / toddler mental capacity means that James is multiple times more locked in, and therefore multiple times more vulnerable than Stephen Hawking was because Stephen Hawking could express himself and understood the consequences of his words whereas James cannot express himself and does not understand the consequences of his words.

We look forward to James daily 2.30 pm to latest 4pm video calls to comply with his wishes to see and talk to his beloved father, brother and sister and freely express his joy re his past and future sleepovers with us.

The sleepovers will alway be Octobers and Marchs and Aprils to coincide with his brother and sister’s school holidays when they will coincide with James’s so please comply with James wishes and keep them free for him.

It is such a pity that you and Natasha hate Neurologists, GPs and Hospital Consultants and SENDIST Tribunals so much. I pray that one day you learn to like these highly trained professionals and learn about James’s Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly, MRI scan and become as knowledgeable about James Mental Capacity as the three physicians named above, the SENDIST Tribunal and any lay person who has seen James’s Safeguarding Website and Safeguarding YouTube channel.

Kind regards
Simon Foden
James Foden’s legal advisor and SENDIST Tribunal appointed carer


Upward Care continues to abuse the incapacity of its most incapacitated resident by steadfastly refusing to recognise his disability, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16, The Disability Discrimination Laws, and most importantly: Magna Carta which asserts that Upward care must be in legal compliance with all UK laws and they can’t, like Solihull Council tries to do: pick and choose which laws they choose to want to comply with

27 June 2024

Hi Danielle / Tash

I’m still trembling after Monica Massey heinously abused my oldest son yesterday and she distressed him so much he self harmed. Simone was left crying and I have been trembling ever since. James has never self harmed when in the company of his paternal family. 

I will make a full video report of Monica Massey connecting James with his sister but she psychopathically refused to let him look at her by pre coercively controlling him before she set up the call Massey leaving him too frightened to look at his sister.

James was stuck between a rock and a hard place between his psychopathic abuser pre banning him from looking at his sister before she set up his video call and his beloved sister requiring to see his face so that he has equal rights with non disabled people to freely express themselves face to face over a working video call and James, like all of his peers with baby like Mental Capacity require to smile at their loved ones so that they can communicate their love and happiness to their loved ones. James conveys a good 50% of his communication through his  facial expression.

I, as James sole carer and sole legal advisor am legally obliged to make the public aware of Monica Massey’s psychopathic abuse and to maintain James visibility to protect him from the same fate baby Arthur suffered at the hands of female psychopaths supported by Solihull Council. Any of Monica Massey’s  psychopathic abuse incidents could set of a chain of events the result in my sons death. He’s already suffered numerous near death experiences while receiving psychopathic abuse of refusing to recognise his disability and refusing to care for him appropriately and refusing to recognise his lifetime deep love for his father brother and sister and refusing to let him have his daily face to face freedom of expression video call to express his love for his father brother and sister fit for a non disabled person for legal compliance with the Mental Capacity Act and the Disability Discrimination Act and the fraud laws (letting James express himself and his baby like love to his paternal family consistent with how he’s expressed himself over the past 20 years when he’s with his paternal family. 

Any inconsistencies are down to abusive coercive control by people at 2 Stoney Close such as Monica Massey and Downes Jamie ). It would appear that the publicity of the Downed Jamie coercive control and defrauding of my son incidents have been insufficient to stop people at 2 Stoney close coercively controlling my son and defrauding him  because he’s a young man with a baby’s brain ripe for abuse by young men with young men’s brains as I pointed out last night.

Young men with babies brains must be placed with other people with similar brains not young men with young men’s brains who will naturally abuse young men with babies brains as Downes Jamie and other incompatible people with James have done to him over the past 8 years at 2 Stoney Close.

James is in the same sorry position of baby Arthur with only 2 differences, non of his never ending Upward Care derived hospital visits have killed him YET, although some have come close, and James enjoys the viability of his safeguarding website and safeguarding YouTube channel luxuries that would have saved baby Arthur’s life from his neurotypical man hating pro female psychopath Solihull Social Services who ignored baby Arthur’s father’s pleas to protect baby Arthur but instead of protecting him the psychopathic Solihull social workers told the police all was fine to give his female psychopathic killer the time she needed to complete he plan to kill baby Arthur.



Kind regards 

From Natasha Streeter:

“James is not a baby he is a young man”

My reply to Natasha Streeter’s heinously abusive 8 year refusal to recognise my oldest son’s Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering him the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler according to his Neurologist, GP, Hospital Consultand and MRI scan and providing him with a care package consistent with his disability that she psychopathically falsely recognises as “a young man with a touch of autism”:

“and you are a psychopath with a hatred of Neurologists, GPs, Hospital consultants, MRI scans that prove baby like incapacity beyond all doubt.

You also hate people with ultra severe brain disorders such as Microcephaly, Neuronal Migration Disorder, 60 year old men with cancer.

You are a psychopathic menace to the most vulnerable people in society and tomorrow your psychopathic refusal to stop abusing and defrauding my doctor described baby mental capacity son by ignoring the doctors reports that report everything I say about my sons mental capacity just so you can continue to abuse and defraud him every day cannot go unreported.

Please prepare your solicitor to email me at so he can give me his opinion of your 8 years of psychopathic abuse of my oldest son whose doctors you ignore because you are a psychopathic abuser of Upward Cares most incapacitated man. 

You and Danielle are both psychopaths because you both refuse to accept the doctors’ mental capacity of my son and instead only look at his chronological age so that you can continue to abuse and defraud my son as you have done for the past 8 years.

The public don’t like psychopaths who describe men with a chronological age of 28 and a fully verified by MRI scan mental age of a baby as young men!!!!!

Nobody other than a psychopath would look at James MRI scan that says he has the mental capacity of a baby and then go on to describe him as a young man’s so that you can abuse and defraud him every day.

Let’s see what the public say when they find out that there are 2 psychopaths who refuse to recognise there most vulnerable resident’s mental capacity of a baby and then describe him as a young man so that he can be abused and defrauded every day by “real young men” who abuse and defraud chronological young men with doctor described mental capacity of a baby. The two psychopaths running a den of fraud and abuse that they masquerade as a care home.

You and Danielle’s hatred of Doctors and MRI scans has gone on too long.

Tomorrow you face the music and I finally, after 8 years get to face your solicitor to find out what is your psychopathic hatred of Neurologists, GPs, Hospital consultants and MRI scan reports is all about.

I am James sole legal advisor and sole carer appointed by the SENDIST Tribunal and I will leave no stone unturned until your solicitor gives me the answers I need to protect James.

Kind regards

Danielle Shorthouse’s refusal to recognise my son’s disabilty of Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering him as a man with a chronological age of 28 with the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler.

My reply to her psychopathic refusal to recognise one of Solihull’s most severely disabled and locked men with a chronological age of 28 and a mental capacity of a baby to a toddler:

I replied to Danielle that she is a psychopath for refusing for 8 years to recognise the disability and mental capacity of Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident and for refusing for 8 years to give my son a care package that is consistant with his disability and baby / toddler like mental capacity.

My reply:

Hi Danielle

He has the mental capacity of a baby to a Toddler. If you think my sons mental capacity is above a 2 year old and that goes up to just under three then should not be working in the carer industry. 

I will update James Safeguarding website with your comments.

I am desperate to get access to your solicitor. I will try very hard tomorrow

Your comments are fraudulent abusive and worst of all they’re psychopathic because they don’t place an upper limit on Baby James mental capacity of a baby to give you wriggle room to continue to abuse and defraud baby James as you have done for the past 8 years so please prepare your solicitor in advance of tomorrows report of you 8 years of psychopathic abuse.

For 8 years you have covered up my son’s doctor described Baby like incapacity drawn from his MRI scan report. Despite being regularly reminded of his doctor described you fraudulently cover it up. Why do you do this?

Because you are a psychopathic (you have no remorse, no conscience and you don’t recognise UK law) abuser of Solihull and Upward cares most incapacitated man and it’s my job as James sole carer and and sole legal advisor to stop your psychopathic abuse of my oldest son in its tracks. I will do whatever it takes to bring your understanding of James’s mental Capacity into line with that of his doctors. You are not a neurologist, you are not a GP. You are not a hospital consultant. You are merely a psychopath with a penchant for covering up neurologist reports designed to protect vulnerable people from psychopaths such as yourself. 

If you were not a psychopath you would not need to cover up James Neuronal Migration Disorder, his Microcephaly and MRI scan report that proves my son’s mental capacity sets at baby to toddler but under 3 for sure.

Why don’t you like Neurologists, GPs, Hospital consultants. The answer is because you are psychopath!!!

Tomorrow I want to know why your solicitor thinks I am wrong!!!!

After publishing James report of your psychopathic abuse of his incapacity your solicitor can contact me at I am desperate to make contact with him.

Kind regards


Hi Danielle Somebody connected his call but he was pre told not to look at his sister and after calling for her 4 times they wouldn’t let him look at her and my man baby son got upset. 

Both James and Simone were left upset and distressed. If they had complied with the Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act and gave him a face to face freedom of expression call neither James nor Simone would have been upset.

James Foden’s father 20 year legal advisor 


I will help you to get in line with James’s Neurologist, GP and consultant ( to stop you denying their diagnoses of Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly and a lifetime mental capacity of a baby) and to recognise how much Baby James has always loved his father, brother and sister non of which was made available to the Judge in the Court of Protection during which Baby James was unrepresented, had no idea what was going on and  repeated to the judge what he was told to say if he wanted his bus ride.

Nobody told the Judge not to listen to anything James was told to say and that he doesn’t understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth regardless of who told him to say them because his Neurologist, Consultant and GP all agreed that he has the lifetime mental capacity of a baby.

Nobody was “appointed” as a carer for baby James during this hearing because the only thing that the judge heard was the Ryders mass deception and nothing but mass deception. The Ryders’ perjury and nothing but Ryders’ perjury. The Ryders serial fraud and nothing but serial fraud, Baby James being coercively controlled and defrauded what to say and nothing but Baby James being coercively controlled and defrauded what to say.

The hearing in which Baby James was unrepresented was devoid of a single word of truth.

That is why Monica Ryder was not “Appointed”

That is why Dominic Ryder was not “Appointed”

However my appointment as Baby James’s Legal Advisor is still intact after I won James SENDIST Tribunal for him 17 years ago which resulted in Baby James care providers being fully in line with his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly Disability and Baby like mental capacity and given appropriate care for these very rare ultra severe disabilities. Nobody abused or defrauded Baby James from Chronological age 12 until 18. 

Ever since the Ryders ultra serious mass deception, serial fraud , perjury and abuse of a very vulnerable and totally defenseless person and perjury offences committed in the court of protection during which they were not “appointed” Baby James has been abused and defrauded by everybody involved in his care every day since the Ryders’ serious offences they committed in the Court of Protection 

No truth No appointment!!!

It’s not rocket science

I alone got Baby James Disability recognised and appropriate given to him at the SENDIST Tribunal when he was 12 and my protection of Baby James from fraud and abuse lasted until the Ryders abused my son in the Court of protection when he was 18 years old behind my back and my son has been abused and defrauded every day since the Ryders’ abused and defrauded him when he was 18 and he has been abused and defrauded by everybody involved in his care every day since my son achieved a chronological age of 18.

Therefore I have sole responsibility for my ultra severely disabled son’s wellbeing and Disability recognition and love of his paternal family recognition and I have a legal obligation to restore my sons protection from fraud and abuse that the Ryder’s stole from him when he was 18.

My man baby son loves me more than anybody else in the world loves me regardless of what his abusers tell him to say and do and think and I will reward his unconditional love by restoring his Disability Recognition and restoring appropriate care and restoring recognition of his love for his paternal family that he had until he was 18 years old unfortunately until the Ryders stole that from him when he was 18 years old in an industrial scale act of abuse, mass deception, serial fraud and perjury.

Please assist Baby James, brother Sirus, sister Simone and myself James appointed by SENDIST tribunal carer win back the protection from fraud and abuse that the Ryders stole from him with their offences in the Court of Protection.

Kind regards
James Foden’s legal advisor 


Hi Simon 

As you continuously say James does not have capacity and has the mental ability of a baby he wouldn’t understand an MRI report.

I will not continue to go round in circles with you, the holiday is booked you are aware of the dates

Thank you 

My reply to Danielle:

Hi Danielle 

I am very concerned about your fitness to provide care manage Upward Care Ltd’s most incapacitated resident who’s Neurologist, GP and Hospital Consultant all agree that James’s MRI Scan Report proves beyond all doubt that James has Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly and will continue to have the mental lifetime capacity of a baby to a toddler as has played out for 29 years and you can see it in action yourself on James’s Safeguarding Youtube Channel: which will bring your level of knowledge of my oldest son’s disability up the the same level as the general public.

Danielle, please heed this advise from James’s father, carer and Legal Advisor: The severely incapacitated patient with the lifetime mental capacity of a baby’s MRI Scan report is not meant to be understood by the severely incapacitated patient!!! It is meant to be undrerstood by the people who provide the severely incapacitated patient’s medical care and personal care!!! As the manager of the severely incapacitated patient’s care provider: Upward Care Ltd your inability to recognise this most basic concept places a large question mark over your fitness to provide care services to such a severely incapacitated patient as my oldest son James Foden, a baby/ toddler trapped inside a 29 year old man’s body trapped inside an abusive care home: Upward Care Ltd that has refused to recognise his disability from the sad day he was placed there until the present day.

Please note it is a hate crime for you to to refuse to recognise the disability of Upward Care Ltd’s most incapacitated resident so that your staff can abuse his incapacity multiple times more than they could get away with if they recognised his severe disability and Upward Care Ltd staff have carried out their additional abuse of my oldest son’s most severe incapacity over the past 8 years with relish and they continue to do so today.

James’s Youtube channel completely agrees with James’s Neurologist, GP, Hospital Consultant and his MRI Scan report.

Danielle, it is you who says James has no capacity. I stated James has the capacity of a baby to a toddler. That is hundreds times more capacity than no capacity.

Hundreds of times more than no capacity is more than enough capacity to be able to choose who he wants to spend October with. James has made it more than clear on his Safeguarding Youtube channel where he wants to spend October: staying with his father brother and sister at “Daddy’s old house” so he can be with his loved ones who he’s asked to pick him up ever since my baby like son was placed with 4 teenage like co-residents at his care home. He is desperate to get some respite from the 4 teenage like co-residents who he has constantly asked to be picked up from ever since he was inappropriately placed with them.

Do not defraud me (by saying that I said my oldest son has “NO Capacity” I have never said that those are your words) as your abuse team defraud my son every day and get away with it because of your hate crime of refusing to recognise my severely incapacitated oldest son’s disability.

You are as much as of a fraudster as your dedicated team of abusers and I have to report your fraud and the den of fraud and abuse you and Natasha run at 2 Stoney Close that masquerades as a care home.

As my severely disabled son’s legal advisor I have to very sure your fraud and abuse committed against me and my severely disabled son is not covered up by anybody.

My son is not happy to be removed from his loved ones for a week in October. He has no idea what you are planning to do to him and he doesn’t have the capacity to know you are stopping him from seeing his sister who has complied with his request to pick him up and a 2 year old has the capacity to ask to be picked up and stay with his paternal family in October but he doesn’t have the additional capacity to ask “does the Spanish holiday mean I cannot see my brother and sister when they come to pick me up so that I can stay with them in October”

You cannot hide behind Monica Ryder’s mass deception, serial fraud and perjury well documented and unchallenged for 10 years on James safeguarding website.

The conversation will continue on James safeguarding website and safeguarding YouTube channel.

Kind regards

Hi Danielle 

They are abusers and fraudsters the evidence is there for all to see.

You, Danielle Shorthouse have just abused and defrauded me, a 60 year old man with cancer and 3 large deep vein thromboses. You have also defrauded and abused my severely disabled son who’s Neurologist and GP Doctor Ghandi and consultant Doctor Roper and myself have all stated that James has a rare and ultra severe disability called Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly and an MRI scan that all confirm that James will have a lifetime mental capacity of a baby to a toddler.

I have NEVER said James has no capacity. Those are your words that you abused me and James with fraudulently passing off your words as my words exactly as Monica Massey, resident Jamie and Taylor have all fraudulently passed off their words as James words for the past 8 years.

You are just as dangerous to James an I as they are. You are an abuser and fraudster as they are.

I have pleaded with Upward Care to recognise James disability but nobody has ever listened to me.

I have proven James baby / toddler mental capacity in the SENDIST court when James was blamed and excluded from his disabled school Reynalds Cross because he was disabled.

After I won my sons tribunal when he was 12 nobody ever abused or defrauded him until the Ryders committed mass deception, serial fraud, and perjury in the court of protection and got James actual mental capacity of a baby to a toddler covered up and his disability was fraudulently covered up and falsely restated as a normal man with a touch of autism and my son has been abused and defrauded every day since he was 18 by his carers and co residents 

All this because Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder is a Mass Deceptor, a Serial Serious Fraudster and a Perjuror in the Court of Protection.

As stated in my last email a two year old has enough mental capacity be able to choose that he wants to spend his brother and sister’s school holidays in October, March and April with his paternal family but he doesn’t have the mental capacity to attend a meeting about an alternative event that clashes with his 20 week ago request and restated daily ever since “does this mean I won’t be able to stay with my father brother and sister when they comply with my request for them to pick me up and me stay with them in October” A 2 year old simply doesn’t have the mental capacity to make that complex analysis and ask that complex question.

James words and body language on his YouTube channel will make it clear to all that he had chosen at the end of April to stay with his father brother and sister at “Daddy’s old house” He had also reiterated that he wants this every day since end of April even on the illegal unrepresented spanish holiday meeting day James reiterated that he is picking us up at 9.00 on 1st October and staying with us in October.

James has to communicate through his safeguarding website and his YouTube channel because the people at 2 Stoney close have deprived James of freedom of expression for 8 years.

James YouTube channel compares and contrasts what he says when he has 100% freedom of expression when he’s with his paternal family with what his controllers allow him to express when he’s at 2 Stoney Close where sometimes suffers zero freedom of expression but never more than 50% freedom of expression on a rare good day. Normally it’s somewhere between zero and 50% of the freedom of expression James enjoys when he’s staying with his paternal family.

Please remember it is kidnap to take James away from his father brother and sister when we comply with James request to stay with us in October and you can’t hide behind the Ryders Mass Deception, Serial Serious Fraud and Perjury in the Court of protection as the spotlight of attention will focus on the Ryder’s offences and prove that they have no legal authority to make decisions about my severely disabled son.

Conversation to be continued on James Safeguarding Website and Safeguarding YouTube channel.

Kind regards
Simon Foden (James Foden’s father and legal adviser)


Danielle Shorthouse’s cruel message to my severely incapacitated son:

“James, I know you are a defenseless toddler trapped in a 28 year old’s body because your MRI scan proves this beyond all reasonable doubt”. I know how much you love your father brother and sister who you have been asking to pick you up during the past 8 years and because you showed me your videos of how much you love them and posted them on your Skype account so I could see them however I’m going to ask you, in a way that I and the general public know you don’t understand because you have the mental capacity of a baby if it is okay for me to take you away from your father brother and sister who you love so much when they follow your instruction to pick you up. James, I know you don’t have the mental capacity to ask me “Does this mean I won’t be able to stay with my brother and sister during this time while they are complying with my request for me to stay with them in October?” ” Danielle Shorthouse, Upward Care Limited

Monica Massey Abuse Report


THE HEINOUS ABUSER AND FRAUDSTER: MONICA MASSEY SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO WORK IN A CARE HOME EVER AGAIN NOW THE WORLD CAN SEE WHAT A HEINOUS ABUSER AND FRAUDSTER SHE IS. THIS HEINOUS ABUSER AND FRAUDSTER ACTED EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE MILDLY INCAPACITATED DOWN SYNDROME RESIDENT: JAMIE WHEN HE DEFRAUDED MY DEFENCELESS MAN BABY SON BY COERCIVELY CONTROLLING MY SON TO CALL ME A WANER SO THAT ANYBODY WHO DIDNT KNOW BETTER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT MY SEVERELY INCAPACITATED MAN BABY SON WHO LOVES ME TO BITS WAS CALLING ME A WANER EVEN THOUGH MY MAN BABY SON DOESN’T EVEN HAVE THE CAPACITY KNOW WHAT WHAT WORD MEANS. You can watch mildly incapacitated resident Jamie cowardly abusing and defrauding my son with the mental capacity of a baby by coervicely controlling and defrauding my son to pass off his word “wan**r” as my man baby son’s word and my man baby son doesn’t even know what that word means. Downs Jamie who has a mental capacity of over 13 and proves it by discussing the latest COVID situation (my son doesn’t have the capacity to know what COVID is) is abusing a man born with half of his brain missing and the other half severely malformed rendering him with the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler according to his Neurologist and MRI scan report. It is disgusting that my man baby sone trapped in an 28 year old man’s body is forced to live with such a hateful mildly incapacitated Downs Syndrome man who was born with a whole brain, has two kidneys, does not have cancer does not have 3 large Deep vein Thromboses in his left leg who has to spit his hate and abuse at two much more vulnerable people than himself who one of his victims was born with half his brain missing and the other half severely malformed rendering him with the mental capacity of a baby according to his Neurologist MRI scan report and his other victim: his first victim’s father has only one kidney, has cancer and has 3 large Deep vein Thromboses in his left leg: Both of hateful abusive Downs Jamie’s victims are multiple time more vulnerable than Downs Jamie is. You can watch Downs Jamie abusing his much more vulnerable than himself victims here:

Downs Jamie’s abuse of my son would leave anybody who didn’t know otherwise that my son who loves me to bits (check his Youtube channel was calling me a “wan**r”.




Hi Tash / Danielle

Monica Massey and Lauren Streeter have just repeatedly refused to recognise my oldest son’s disability (Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering the life time mental capacity of a baby to a toddler) and they subjected James (Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident) and his 60 year old cancer fighting father currently suffering from three Deep vein thrombosis to a tirade of aggressive abuse.

They said James was upset today. I tried to explain to them that I thought he would be because yesterday they didn’t let him call until 30 minutes before his brother and sister got on the motorbike to go to Taekwondo. Why didn’t they let him call at 10 am as they have done recently because James brother and sister go to Taekwondo at 11.00 UK?

I explained that yesterday James was virtually muzzled for the first 20 minutes of the call. They refused to let him express how much he loves me, Cherma, Si and Simone and us express how much we love James by repeatedly calling him away and when he wasn’t called away he was coercively controlled to put a large blue bottle in his mouth to prevent him from speaking to us. This bottle was in his mouth for a large part of the call.

Finally, by the time we got to the motorbike to take Si and Simone to Taekwondo James’s controllers gave him a few minutes of freedom of expression and James realized it was time to go and he hadn’t been allowed to say what he wanted to say because of the muzzling by the large blue bottle and being constantly called away to James explained 3 times that he wanted to call Si and Simone when they “get back in” (from the gym).

His abusive carers who have constantly refused to recognise his disability for 8 years abused him yet again by not letting him see his brother and sister who were waiting for him at 2.30 pm yesterday to comply with James’s wishes to to see them when they “get back in” because the carers refused to let him.

To add insult to injury James’s abusive carers Monica Massey and Lauren Streeter who have abused and defrauded my son with the mental Capacity of a baby / toddler son (according to his GP, Neurologist and father and MRI scan) for the past 8 years subjected my severely disabled son and his cancer fighting father suffering from 3 large deep vein thromboses to a tirade of abuse because they were not happy that my severely disabled son was not happy with his abusers depriving him of his liberty to an undistracted to a freedom of expression call to his loved ones: father, brother, sister and step mom, yesterday before taekwondo and then depriving him of his request to have his freedom of expression when his brother and sister get back in.

Today his abusers and fraudsters: Monica Massey and Lauren Streeter (8 years of refusing to recognise his disability and 8 years of defrauding him by depriving him of freedom of expression to express his love for his loved ones and fraudulently passing off their words deeds and body language as my severely disabled sons words deeds and body language and 8 years of refusing to recognise his disability): Monica Massey and Lauren Streeter today subjected James and I to a tirade of abuse and deprived my severely incapacitated son of expressing his love to his father brother and sister and chatting about our past and October sleepovers over a working Skype connection fit for a non severely disabled person.

As my severely disabled sons legal advisor please comply with my sons wishes to express his love of his paternal family and receive his paternal family’s expression of love to him.

Yesterdays abuse and defrauding of James and his paternal family by Upward care carers:

Todays abuse and defrauding of James and his paternal family by Upward care carers:

Please note in the above video of Monica Massey’s fellow heinous abuser and serial fraudster: Lauren Streeter, of Upward Care Limited’s most severely incapacitate resident: James Foden, you can see Heinous Abuser: Lauren Streeter launching a vicious attach on a 60 year old man with cancer and three deep vein thromboses because she doesn’t want to recognise my severely incapacitates oldest son’s Neuronal Migration Disorder because she wants to defraud out of his disability being recognised so that she doesn’t have to provide the care that a 28 year old man with the mental capacity of a baby (Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly) needs to be safeguared and protected from the abusive fraudster / carers that work at Upward Care’s 2 Stoney Close Solihull. You can see my oldest son who has been virtually straight jacketed and muzzled to varying degrees during his 8 year old nightmare at Upward Care Limited repeatedly showing me his epilepsy watch which he knows is going to Daddy’s old house in October for his stay with his father, brother and sister who he loves to bits. When he shows me his epilepsy watch that means he wants me to pick him up from his abusive care home and take him to Daddy’s old house. That is the only way he can communicate it to me while both he and I are under vicious attack from 2 cowardly heinous abusers and fraudsters: Monica Massey and Lauren Streeter. You can see Monica Massey muzzling my severely incapacited defenceless son by throwing objects at him when he wrestles with her to tell us how much he loves his paternal family and how much he wants us to pick him up for his October sleepover at Daddy’s old house and some seaside short breaks. In addition to throwing physical objects at a 28 year old man with a toddler’s brain Heinous abuser / serial fraudster and coercive controller: Monica Massey normally tells him to cough on demand, burp on demand (which James can do) yawn on demand place objects in his mouth all to defraud my defenceless son out of expressing his love and affection for his paternal family. Heinous abuser / serial fraudster and serial coercive controller: Monica Massey has operated a Wizzard of Oz style industrial scale fraud station at 2 stoney close where she has managed to pass off her words, deeds and body language as my defenceless son’s words deeds and body language. At least half of the words that have come out of my man baby / toddler son’s mouth during his 8 year long nightmare at 2 Stoney Close Solihull have been Heinous abuser / serial fraudster and serial Coercive Controller: Monica Massey’s words leaving my poor defencless man baby son forced to show me is epilepsy watch and tablet as the only way he can express “please get me out of this nightmare place”.




James love for his paternal family has been unwavering since his birth. James paternal family’s love for James has been unwavering since his birth.

For some reason, totally unknown to myself, totally unknown to the police, the two psychopaths who live at 3 Wensley Croft used their skills as psychopaths (people who have no conscience, no remorse, who do not think the laws passed by Parliament and approved by the monarch apply to them).

The psychopath known as Monica Ryder, can look at a WPC in the eye and feed her a tissue of lies whilst maintaining the most gentle smile and the sweetest look on her face. She did this to a WPC when she made the false claim to the police that my reporting of her 20 years of passive aggression against James and I actually amounted to harassment of her: the psychopath. I responded to the WPC that reporting verifiable criminal activity is not harassment of the psychopathic criminal. It is public duty to report the offences against vulnerable toddlers trapped in an adults body.

The WPC who had met many sweet talking female psychopaths accepted that Camelia Monica Ryder was a psychopath and it was correct of me to report her abuse and offences against James and I she committed over a 20 year period.

The psychopaths libeled and defamed James paternal family to everybody involved in James care, behind our backs for 10 years and to our faces for another 10 years.

The psychopaths through libel, defamation, fraud, deceit and perjury created a situation where James paternal family was pre hated by everybody involved in my defenseless sons care. For these most serious offences a custodial sentence is required plus damages for 20 years of libel and defamation of James paternal family.

The psychopaths at 3 wensley Croft, through their experienced and accomplished skills in psychopathy overturned my Sendist Disability Discrimination Ruling that Solihull Council had discriminated against my son because he was disabled by excluding him from a disabled school because he was disabled, by committing serious serial fraud against James and I and purported it in the Court of Protection.

From 12 to 18 James was neither abused nor defrauded because the SENDIST Tribunal recognised his disability as defined in his MRI Scan: Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and a lifetime mental capacity of a toddler and an inability to understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth whether his own or his coercive controllers words being fraudulently passed off as James words.

Since the psychopaths from number 3 Wensley Croft committed serious fraud and perjury in the court of protection with their bent psychologist fraudulent reports and bent social workers fraudulent reports and coercive control of James to say to the judge what they required him to say for him to get his bus ride after the hearing and their fraudulent failure to show the Judge James MRI scan report and their fraudulent failure to tell the judge not to listen to anything James says because his MRI scan depicts that he doesn’t understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth since the psychopaths committed these custodial sentence attracting offences in the court of Protection my oldest son has gone from not being abused and defrauded by anybody involved in his care to being nothing but abused and defrauded by everybody involved in his care since the psychopaths from number 3 Wensley croft committed their serious offences in the court of protection.

Since the psychopaths from number 3 wensley Croft illegally removed James from everybody he loves for 2 months when he was 18 James has been protected by his safeguarding website: and it also acts as a substitute for his representation that he never had when he was abused by the psychopaths at 3 Wensley Croft and the female psychopath loving Solihull Social services in the Court of Protection.

Solihull social services love psychopaths such as Camelia Monica Ryder and the lesbian lover of baby Arthur’s mother who brutally killed baby Arthur, so much that they will completely ignore a male reporting abuse by a female against a vulnerable person and Solihull Social services will facilitate the psychopath’s abuse of vulnerable person until the vulnerable person has been killed by the psychopath by telling the police that all is well and the vulnerable person is safe even though social services know the vulnerable person is not safe because they are privy to abuse reports submitted by a man.

The press said Baby Arthur was made invisible by Solihull Social Services covering up his abuse.

Solihull services also made James invisible and covered up his abuse by 2 psychopaths.

James safeguarding website and safeguarding YouTube channel make him visible so James is in a much stronger position than Baby Arthur was.

So far psychopath Camelia Monica Ryder has not killed yet but she has come close on several occasions such as James fractured skull, James bleed on the brain, James 2 black eyes all caused as a 100% consequence of the psychopath’s serious fraud, abuse and perjury she committed in the court of protection that caused my sons disability to be unrecognised by everybody involved in his care.

As in Baby Arthur style, the psychopath known as Camelia Monica Ryder received full support from Solihull social services as she almost killed my son on several occasions by using her psychopathy to skillfully commit mass deception to the point that the only people involved in my oldest sons care who knew what his disability was was myself: James father and Legal advisor and his GP and his neurologist resulting in my son almost being killed on several occasions: Baby Arthur style with full support of Solihull Social services.

Only a psychopath such as Camelia Monica Ryder and Baby Arthur’s mothers lesbian lover could commit mass deception on such an industrial scale with such disastrous consequences.

To Summarize:

It is an offences for anybody at Upward Care limited to refuse to recognise my sons Disability: Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly, Mental capacity of a baby to a toddler, insufficient mental capacity to understand the consequences of any words that come out of his mouth.

It is also an offence not to recognize my oldest son’s lifetime love for all members of his paternal family.

It is also an offense to take any instructions from psychopath loving Solihull Social services and Psychopath Camelia Monica Ryder that does not meet the legal standards defined by parliament in the Mental Capacity and the Disability Discrimination Act as adjudicated my my understanding of the above Acts of Parliament.

I trust that you can now see how you were one of the many parties deceived by psychopath Camelia Monica Ryder’s mass deception into committing multiple offences and fraud against my severely incapacitated oldest son an now you are armed with the knowledge you need to recognize my son’s love for his paternal family and protecting my son, as Solihull social services Baby Arthur Style completely failed to do: from the 2 psychopaths residing at 3 Wensley Croft.

Simply tell the psychopaths (not bound by any laws) that upward care is bound by the mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act and you and your staff will make decisions compliant with Acts so that upward care is legally compliant.

I’ll send some further updates of James family holiday activities later.

Thank you
Simon Foden
James Fodens father and legal advisor

Hi Tash

His mom is the fraudster who told the world James does not love his paternal family during her 20 years of libeling and defaming his paternal family behind their backs and another 10 years libeling and defaming his to our faces.

His mother is his biggest abuser. It is she who committed mass deception to everybody involved in in my severely disabled sons care

It is she who committed serial fraud with her bent solicitors and bent psychologists.

It is she who committed perjury in the Court of Protection.

It is she who will be jailed if she tries to enforce her fraudulent court orders that she perjured while my defenceless son was unrepresented as she abused him in the Court of protection.

If you try to enforce Monica Ryder’s perjury you will get Monica Ryder jailed.

Any issue involving James paternal family is only legally binding if James is represented by his paternal family and James paternal family consent.

We do not consent to James being defrauded out of his October sleepover at Daddy’s house and we will leave no stone unturned until James wishes for his October sleepover at Daddy’s old house is complied with. There are 9 different months when James can go to Spain with his paternal family’s blessing.

If I as James’s legal representative do not consent to James being taken away for 7 days of the 30 days he asked to stay with us then James too didn’t consent because he has neuronal migration disorder, Microcephaly and a baby’s mental capacity and he identifies as a baby as his Gp and Neurologist would expect him to.

We will continue this conversation online as I have a legal obligation to stop you, Monica Ryder and Danielle from abusing and defrauding my severely disabled son out of 7 days of his 30 days with his family in June because you all know he relies on me to consent for him on any issue relating to his paternal family and the decision was taken fraudulently behind my back.

Si and Simone have asked me to set up a YouTube channel to protect their severely disabled son being taken away for 7 days from the people he’s waited 5 months to be with. I think they have a good idea.

On a positive note just because an illegal trip was booked it doesn’t mean he had to go on it. If he doesn’t go on it then no law has been broken even though it was booked.

Kind regards

Hi Danielle

James cannot go to Spain during October because he will be with his paternal family who will be complying with his request for sleepovers With his paternal family.

James did not consent to be taken away from us while we are complying with his request for sleepovers with his paternal family. He does not have the Mental capacity to consent because his MRI scan report says he has the Mental Capacity of a baby and cannot make any decision about any subject and understand the consequences of the words that come out of his mouth. 

Also, just like when he was abused unrepresented in the Court of Protection you abused him unrepresented when you asked him if he wanted to go to Spain. 

You know full well that James does not have the capacity to understand you are removing him from his father brother and sister who he’s been waiting 5 months to pick him up for his October stay with us at ” Daddy’s old house”. Therefore it will be an heinous act of abuse to not to recognise his neuronal Migration Disorder’ Microcephaly and his deep love for his paternal family who he has no idea you are trying to illegally remove him from while we are complying with his 5 month old request to let him stay with us during his brother and sisters school holiday in all October. Then again in all March and April.

He only has 3 months with us. Therefore please comply with the reasonable adjustment element of the Disability Discrimination Act and take him on his upward Care holiday during the 9  months James is not staying  at “Daddy’s old house “

Because his MRI scan says he cannot consent and he was unrepresented by me in your meeting that didn’t recognise his disability he did not consent then James wishes to stay with his paternal family in October, March and April each year must be respected otherwise you are defrauding him by illegally passing off your wishes as by baby son’s (trapped in an a 28 year old man’s body’s wishes). 

James MRI scan says he cannot consent and he requires representation from his paternal family for any decision about his paternal family to be legally binding.

The Mental Capacity Act requires he’s not deprived of his liberty for his requested October sleepovers at Daddy’s old house that Daddy, brother and sister and complying with.

The Disability Discrimination Act requires you to adjust the month to one of the 9 months that Janes does not stay with his paternal family.

Fraud laws. You defrauded my defenceless son by refusing to recognise his MRI scan disability and refusal to let me represent him at the decision meeting amounts to you fraudulently passing off your words and opiions as my oldest son’s words and opinions.

It will be illegal for you to move my severely disabled, defenceless,  unrepresented baby trapped in a 28 year old man’s body, son (Neuronal Migration Disorder) beyond the reach of his paternal family in October.

This defenceless man’s wishes to stay with us in October must be respected for legal compliance.

I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.

Kind regards

Hi Danielle 

He cannot go because you are not above the law and I will defend my severely disabled son from your fraud and abuse of his incapacity 

You know full well he cannot consent to be illegally removed from his loved ones.

If you defraud my oldest and most severely disabled son out of his time with his loved ones in October you will regret it because the law is the law and just because you’ve booked it doesn’t mean he has to go somewhere he is not capable of consenting to go.

Therefore he cannot go because he cannot consent to it and he was unrepresented when whatever words, that he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand, came out of his mouth.

I will do my utmost to defend and protect my oldest son from your fraud and abuse. I will leave no stone unturned to protect him from you and enforce the multiple laws your trying to break against you.

Please read my last email. It gives you more details of yours and upward cares offenses against upward cares most Incapacitated resident.

Just because you booked an illegal trip my son didn’t consent to does not mean he has to go on if. He’ll have more than enough to entertain him when he’s with the people who complied with his request to come and pick him up for a stay with his paternal family in October . You cannot ignore his wishes to stay with his family in October and get some respite from the people at 2 Stoney close who don’t recognise his disability and refuse to comply with Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident’s wishes.

Hope this helps you to do the right thing and leave my son with the people he asked to come and pick him up from the people at 2 Stoney close.

It doesn’t matter if you booked it as long as he’s not taken on it because he cannot consent to it.

You know that.

Kind regards


Hi Danielle / Tash

Simon, 16:40
James can’t see us please help him

Simon, 16:41
Please give my oldest son a video call fit for a non disabled person so that you comply with the disability discrimination act

Simon, 16:42
Please give my oldest son the care he needs for his devices not to keep breaking. His devices never break when he’s in the care of his paternal family

James, 16:45
He is going out now and will call later from the device you have provided.

Simon, 16:46
What happened to the 2 devices I provided last month?

Simon, 16:47
Why can’t you give my severely disabled son the care he needs for his disability to be recognized enough for his devices not to keep breaking

Simon, 16:49
I’ve recently provided my severely disabled son with 3 new devices, please use one of the other 2 devices if there is a problem with one of them.

My oldest sons devices that never break when he’s in his paternal family’s care always break when he’s in the care of Upward Care Limited proves that Upward Care Limited don’t recognise my oldest son’s severe Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly disability. If you did recognise his disability his devices wouldn’t keep breaking when he’s in your care!!!

Please give my son a device that complies with the Disability Discrimination Act and please recognise his disability enough for him to be equal to non disabled people.

You can say you recognise his disability until you’re blue in the face but the evidence you provide proves that you don’t recognise his severe disability therefore your refusal to recognise his disability proves you are defrauding him out of his rights under the Mental Capacity Act to have his severe Disability recognized and enough care given to him to meet the needs of his severe disability.

Next you will say I, James father and lifelong legal advisor am upsetting the carers by doing my legal duty to point out their offences and meekly requesting they stop offending: if this the case then LET THE OFFENDING CARERS BE UPSET!!! Because they shouldn’t be working in the carer business if they refuse to recognise the severe disability of the people they’re paid to care for and they’re regularly offending under the Mental Capacity Act and the Disability Discrimination Act and the fraud laws.

Telling my severely disabled son what to say during his Skype calls is serious fraud: fraudulently passing off the carer’s or coresidents words as my severely disabled son’s words is serious fraud. Also telling my severely disabled son what to say when I help him by asking him what’s this? to see if he can see us or not the carers were telling my son what to say in order to defraud my son out of seeing his loved ones, deprive him of his liberty to see his loved ones by defrauding him (Mental Capacity Act) and providing him with a video call not fit for a non disabled person. Tonight they committed three serious offenses Fraud, Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act!!! Carers refusing to recognise my oldest son’s Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly was also an additional offence under the Mental Capacity Act.

Why is my oldest and most severely Disabled son with Microcephaly and Neuronal Disorder so distant and aloof to his paternal family when he’s at Upward Care while he displays nothing but happiness vivaciousness and joy when he’s in his paternal family’s exclusive care?

Why is my oldest son not free to express anything he wants when he’s in the exclusive care of his paternal family?

Why is my oldest son scared to freely express himself to us when he’s at Upward Care. Older videos portray James telling me Si and Simone that he loves us but he’s scared to say that now at Upward Care?

My oldest son as recently as a couple of months ago used to love talking on Skype about his sleepovers at daddy’s old house and his seaside holiday sleepovers with his father brother and sister prove he’s to scared to talk about these things when he’s at upward care but but he loves to talk about his bus, train and tram rides and sleepovers at Daddy’s old house and seaside sleepovers when he’s in the exclusive care of his paternal family.

He tells us when to take him on buses trains and trams and shortly after we set off he says back to Daddy’s old house later. He makes sure that his wishes are freely and lovingly expressed when he’s with us but when he’s at Upward care, due to coercive control of my son by carers he’s almost totally scared to express anything to us that he expresses to us when he’s with us due to the carers fraudulently passing off their words, opinions and body language as my severely disabled with Neuronal migration disorder and Microcephaly disabled sons words, opinions and body language!!!

Now please confirm you recognise my oldest sons disability enough for him to make his daily audio video calls on a device fit for a non disabled person and please confirm that you recognise my son’s MRI scan report that proves he cannot give consent to him being removed beyond the reach of his loved ones during October when his loved ones are complying with his wishes for him to stay with us during this month and please also recognise that my oldest son had no defence and no representation when he was asked if he wanted to go to Spain. The words that come out of his mouth are only legally binding if he has the representation of myself and his brother and sister at the time these words come out of his mouth.

It is the same reason the Court orders from the Court of protection are not legally binding because James was unrepresented, the judge wasn’t told how much James loves his paternal family and the judge didn’t see my oldest son’s MRI scan report and nobody told the judge not to listen to any words that come out of James mouth that he had to say to get his bus ride because his MRI scan report proves that James didn’t have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of any words that came out of his mouth because the judge was deprived of James MRI scan report and the Judge was deprived of James defense and representation from his father. Any orders derived from the above perjury are null and void and not worth the paper they’re written on

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father and lifelong legal representative

James loves me so much I am dedicating my retirement to him. As well as his 3 months stays a year with his father brother and sister and his daily Skype call to his brother and sister he can make an additional Skype call to me any time he feels sad and lonely and wants to see Daddy.

I will always be available if I’m not riding a motorbike and not taking a deep tissue massage to increase my white blood cells to fight my cancer.

If I can’t answer straightaway James enjoys keep trying and he knows I will answer eventually.

Therefore the is no reason for James to feel sad and lonely any more when he’s ay 2 Stoney close.

I will give James this extra support for the rest of my life be as he made it so clear that he loves me so much during his stays in England with us

Hope this helps
Kind regards

James has never been unhappy or thrown a tantrum or self harmed or or suffered an injury when he’s been in the care of his me plus Nanny and grandad or me plus Baby Ki and Simone

James has only ever suffered these problems at Upward Care

Now I can support Upward Care with a Skype call to me every morning when he wakes up, a Skype call to me any time he wants one providing he gets to see his requested call to his brother and sister at the earliest time they are available.

I can support James stay at Upward care with additional support far more than the Ryders can because James made it so clear too me that he loves me and needs me so much and I will return his love with additional support he requires to make his stay at Upward care more successful.

Please note that the video calls must be fit for a non disabled person for legal compliance.

I will post James videos of love and Joy during our stays with us and I will post my message above to offer James the additional support he needs to make sure his stay at Upward care is a success and not never ending distress and hospital visits as in the past 8 Years.

I hope you commend me for dedicating my retirement to my severely incapacitated son who loves and needs me so much and who I and his brother and sister love much too.

Families have to stick together when o e member as additional and substantial special needs.

For crying out loud! Please finally recognise my oldest and severely disabled son’s disability. You have forced me to repeatedly remind you of it over the past 8 years.

For crying out loud! Please finally recognise my oldest and severely disabled son’s deep love for his father brother and sister and step mom Cherma. You have forced me to repeatedly remind you of it over the past 8 years.

For crying out loud! Please finally stop defrauding my son by illegally passing off Upward care staff and coresidents words deeds and actions as my defenseless baby / toddler trapped in a 28 year old man’s body’s words. You have forced me to repeatedly remind you of it over the past 8 years.

Simply recognize his MRI scan report that confirms his lifelong mental capacity of a baby because he was born with a Neuronal migration disorder and Microcephaly.

Recognise James neurologist and GP recognise James mental capacity as a baby

Recognise James’s identity rights to identify himself as a baby because that’s what his MRI scan identifies him as, Neurologist and GP also recognise his mental capacity as.

Recognise that James can’t go to Spain in October because his Neurologist says he doesn’t have the mental capacity to make that decision and understand the consequences of not being able to be at Daddy’s old house with his father brother and sister who are complying with his request to stay with us in October.

Recognise that my severely incapacitated oldest son has nothing in common with his slightly incapacitated co-residents and he’s desperate to have a break from them in October.

James doesn’t care where he is as long as it is with his father, brother, sister, step mom Cherma, or step dad Dominic Ryder or mom Monica Ryder.

He doesn’t want to be with anybody else that’s why he’s always counted down the number of sleeps until one of the above pick him up from 2 Stoney Close.

The reason you’ve almost killed my son on about 5 different occasions is because you defraud him by not recognising his disability and because you are incapable of recognizing his disability that I have reminded you of for 8 years you’ve almost most killed him on multiple occasions requiring multiple hospital visits over 8 years for 2 black eyes, deep cuts below both eye brows, bleeds on the brain, fractured skulls etc etc. How can you possibly keep him safe when you don’t recognise his disability. Today he said his carers upset him and he broke his tablet in a tantrum. That is further proof of his baby like mental capacity. That’s what babies do!!!

Now please recognise his disability, his deep love for his father brother and sister and also recognise he is still waiting to express his love to us and receive our expression of love to him and chat about his past and October sleepovers at Daddy’s old house and at the seaside. He still hasn’t been able to connect his Skype call today. Please help him.

Please, for the first time in 8 years don’t let the carers coercively control what my baby son is allowed to say do and think and let him, for the first time express his love for his father brother snd sister, undistracted overs working video call fit for a non disabled person.

James and his brother and sister are waiting for their call please connect my baby sons call to his loved ones. They’re all waiting for each other

One of the reasons James loves us so much is that he knows we recognise his baby like mental capacity that he identifies with and Identifies as because that is what his MRI scan says he is.. a baby trapped in a 28 year old man’s body

James feels like he’s on Mars surrounded by a bunch of Aliens when he’s at 2 Stoney close because nobody there knows what is disability is and who he is and who he identifies as and who he loves. At 2 Stoney Close they only know about James what they fraudulently told him he is by fraudulently passing off their words deeds and actions my severely disabled son’s words deeds and actions. They know absolutely nothing about what James thinks because his abusive fraudsters at 2 Stoney close have been telling him what he’s allowed to say do and think for the past 8 years.

Kind regards
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father and life red time legal advisor

New video by Simon Foden

New video by Simon Foden

Excerpt from James Safeguarding website where Natasha steadfastly refuses to recognise that James is severely Disabled !!!!!!!

You cannot get more severely disabled than Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly!!!!

Natasha says it’s okay for mildly incapacitated resident Jamie to abuse and defraud severely incapacitated James Foden: my son!!!!

She said James doesn’t want to Skype his loved ones he loves to Skype. That’s James talking through the straight jacket and muzzle his coercive controllers have bondaged him with. They are not James words. James will say anything his coercive controllers tell him to say remember the infamous resident Jamie’s abuse and fraud attack against my 2 year old son trapped in a 28 year olds body.

Not enough people know how much James loves his paternal family for James to be safe!!!!

Not enough people know James has a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly for him to be safe.

Not enough people know how James Skype call was repeatedly sabotaged tonight every time he wrestled with his controllers to freely express himself as he normally does on Skype when he’s allowed. Inbound camera off then on inbound sound off then on. Outbound camera off then on inbound camera off then on in order to block my severely disabled son from having a Skype connection and freedom of expression fit for a non disabled person

I will plug the holes on James safeguarding website so his visitors will know how much he loves his paternal family

His visitors will be reminded that Natasha refuses to recognise James Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly and the general 2 year old mental capacity his disability causes

I will remind James visitors of his MRI scan report so they know he’s too incapacitated to make any decision about any subject and understand the consequences of it.

I will post James assertions that he wants to Skype his family. He makes these assertions at the time he has to go back to the care home.

I will post James assertions of “No number 2 no” The public have the right to know that my severely disabled son whose disability is not recognised by his care home doesn’t want to be in the care home and when he has no choice but to be in the care home he asserts that he wants to Skype his father brother and sister

Finally I will publish how he’s deprived of freedom of expression unless Danielle calls the care home and requests they give him a working connection and freedom of expression.

James expression on Skype regarding his family should always be as free as it is when he’s staying with his family! That would be legally compliant.

I can simply compare and contrast 2 videos side by side

Reminder of James severe Disability. You can download his MRI scan report here:

It’s the total opposite of Natasha’s understanding of James’s “not severely disabled” disability.

I’m devastated that she refuses to recognise my sons MOST severe Disability

Her refusal to recognise my sons disability is derogatory as well as fraudulent.

Remember the man with the broken arm clearly defined on an Xray the a psychologist wrote a fraudulent report as a second opinion falsely stating that there was nothing wrong with the man’s arm and it was all in his mind even though the break was clearly depicted in the nans XRay.

James psychologist report that denies James’s Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly is equally as fraudulent

As James father and legal advisor I am legally compelled to boost James’s legal representation and Defence from the abuse he’s suffered over the past 8 years by Upward Care willfully refusing to recognise his disability and and using this to willfully refuse to recognise his life time deep love blood relatives who James is defenseless to assert his love for his father brother and sister because he only has the mental capacity of a baby. I will be as gentle as I can with you and Danielle at first and incrementally turn up the heat on you both if James needs this extra level of Defence and representation to protect him from you and Danielle.

Please note the word Gentle. I am trying to help you both at first. If you react positively to my help James won’t require me to turn up the heat beyond step one which merely proves what James’s disability is and proves his love for his blood relatives. Nothing more nothing less.

This is James first line of Defence to simply prove he has the mental capacity of a baby, How much he loves his father brother and sister. How little he has in common with Upward Care residents and how he didn’t understand that, to paraphrase what you said to James in a secret meeting

“I know you are a defenseless toddler trapped in a 28 year old’s body because your MRI scan proves this beyond all reasonable doubt”. I know how much you love your father brother and sister who you have been asking to pick you up during the past 8 years and because you showed me your videos of how much you love them and posted them on your Skype account so I could see them however I’m going to ask you, in a way that I and the general public know you don’t understand because you have the mental capacity of a baby if it is okay for me to take you away from your father brother and sister who you love so much when they follow your instruction to pick you up.

As well as asking you this in a way that I and the general public know you don’t understand I am going to ask you in secret meeting where you have no representation from your father, brother and sister and you have no defence against me refusing to recognise your mental capacity of a toddler according to your MRI scan and me refusing to recognise how much you love your father, brother and sister because I ignored the videos you sent me that prove your love beyond all reasonable doubt and because the meeting is not held in the presence of your father brother and sister you will not have the ability to show me how much you love them and want to be with them when they follow your request to pick you up for your requested sleepover time in October because I am going to take you away from them when your loved ones come to pick you up.” Danielle Shorthouse

Step One:

I’m going to create a page on James’s Safeguarding website called James Foden through which he can express his feelings with equality with Non Severely Disabled people (Disability Discrimination Act) with a simple picture of your MRI scan report to remind the public that my oldest son had the mental Capacity and self defenses of a toddler.

Then below the report I am going to post James videos he sent to Danielle on his Skype account to Show her how much he loves his father brother and sister.

Please see these example videos I sent to Danielle below:

Plus many more videos of James expressing his love for his father brother and sister which is something he can only do when he’s in the exclusive company of his paternal family with no Upward Care Carers and Co residents to defraud fraud him by fraudulently passing off there words and deeds as my severely incapacitated sons words and deeds.

Step Two, only if step one doesn’t help you to understand that James is severely disabled with a Neuronal Migration Disorder (a severely malformed and under developed brain) And Microcephaly half of his brain missing :

I will publish the paraphrased version of the grossly misleading question Danielle Shorthouse asked James on Tuesday her knowing full well he didn’t understand the consequences of the question and knowing full well he was unrepresented by his loved ones so he could demonstrate to Danielle Shorthouse his love for his father brother and sister he’s waiting to stay with in October and knowing full well he was defenseless to defend himself by asking “will this stop me from my loved ones picking me up in October as I have requested them to do”

Step 3:

Step 3 will demonstrate how James has nothing in common with his so called house mates because James has the mental capacity of a toddler while the house mates have the mental capacity if early teens.

Step 4 will demonstrate how the house mates have abused and defrauded James for 8 years by coercively controlling what James is allowed to say do and think and defrauding him by passing off their words, deeds and body language as my severely disabled son’s words deeds and body language.

I have a legal responsibility to report the above abuses James has suffered while at upward care over the past 8 years and I can be prosecuted for covering up the abuse of a severely incapacitated young adult if I don’t report it on the most confidential forum that Uoward Care and Solihull Social services cannot cover up: James Safeguarding website.

I hope step one works for James, it’s merely a legal advisory to Danielle Shorthouse and Natasha Streeter to explain to them what James’s severe disability is and how James has tried to explain to them how much he loves his father brother and sister and how much he wants to be with them in October when they comply with his request to pick him up which he’s waiting for and prevents him from being taken away when his loved ones follow his request to pick him up for sleepovers in October.

Kind regards
Simon Foden (James Foden’s father and lifetime legal advisor)

Hi Natasha / Danielle 

James doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that you are taking away something that he likes much more than you are giving him I and wasn’t invited there to represent and defend him via Skype just as I wasn’t invited to represent and defend James at the Court of Protection requiring representation via Safeguarding website. 

Also James says anything his carer and co resident controllers tell him to say. It is 100% certain that what James was told to say was the opposite to what he thinks and his safeguarding videos prove beyond all reasonable doubt that James thinks the opposite to any words that come out of his mouth about his paternal family when he is not with his paternal family.

Simone asked James if he liked Spain an he said no.

If Simone was allowed to ask James in the exclusive company of his paternal family if he wanted to go to Spain with 2 Stoney close residents or spend the time with sleepovers and holidays with Simone , Baby Ki and Daddy it is 100% sure he would he would choose baby Ki Simone and Daddy.

You know that James always says no number 2 no when he’s not under upward cares control.

Just as the Court orders the Ryders obtained by mass deception, serial fraud and perjury while James was unrepresentative an un defended are not enforceable  the secret meeting you refer to below is also not enforceable because James was unrepresented and un defended during the meeting and he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that you are giving him something he likes much less than what you are taking away from him therefore James wishes to stay with his Simone Si and Daddy while his co resident controllers go to Spain should be respected for legal compliance with the Mental Capacity Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the fraud laws.

Any matter that involves or affects James father brother and sister can only be legally resolved if his father brother and sister can represent and defend him during the meeting therefore it is illegal for you to remove James beyond the people he prefers to be with during the our October visit that James requested for another one sleepovers and another one holidays with Simone and Baby Ki.

The matter will be resolved on James Safeguarding Website.

Kind regards


Hi Natasha. / Danielle

The allegations are not false. You and Danielle have not listened to a word of James freely expressed words which are mostly the opposite to what James is told to say at 2 Stoney close and I have a legal obligation to publish my last email as an abuse report on the Upward Care page of James’s safeguarding website along with James’s supporting videos and an invitation to your lawyer to explain why you don’t recognise James disability and why James freely expressed words deeds and body language when he’s in the exclusive company of his paternal family are the opposite to what James is allowed to express when he’s at upward cares 2 Stoney Close. 

Your lawyer will see the same supporting evidence the rest of the world can see and I will publish his response to why he thinks James’s freely expressed words, deeds and body language when he’s in the exclusive company of his paternal family are the opposite to what James is allowed to express when he is at Upward Care 2 Stoney Close under the strict coercive control of carers and Co residents.

If your lawyer doesn’t think that upward Care carers and co residents have fraudulently passed off the words of the people who control James at 2 Stoney Close as my defenseless 2 year old son trapped in a 28 year old body’s words then I will report his response on James Safeguarding website to the Law Society such is the powerful Smoking Gun evidence contained in James’s safeguarding videos that portray an up to 100% contrast between what James thinks and what his upward care carers and co resident controllers tell him to say.

Kind regards 


Hi Natasha / Danielle 

James doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that you are taking away something that he likes much more than you are giving him I and wasn’t invited there to represent and defend him via Skype just as I wasn’t invited to represent and defend James at the Court of Protection requiring representation via Safeguarding website. 

Also James says anything his carer and co resident controllers tell him to say. It is 100% certain that what James was told to say was the opposite to what he thinks and his safeguarding videos prove beyond all reasonable doubt that James thinks the opposite to any words that come out of his mouth about his paternal family when he is not with his paternal family.

Simone asked James if he liked Spain an he said no.

If Simone was allowed to ask James in the exclusive company of his paternal family if he wanted to go to Spain with 2 Stoney close residents or spend the time with sleepovers and holidays with Simone , Baby Ki and Daddy it is 100% sure he would he would choose baby Ki Simone and Daddy.

You know that James always says no number 2 no when he’s not under upward cares control.

Just as the Court orders the Ryders obtained by mass deception, serial fraud and perjury while James was unrepresentative an un defended are not enforceable  the secret meeting you refer to below is also not enforceable because James was unrepresented and un defended during the meeting and he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that you are giving him something he likes much less than what you are taking away from him therefore James wishes to stay with his Simone Si and Daddy while his co resident controllers go to Spain should be respected for legal compliance with the Mental Capacity Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the fraud laws.

Any matter that involves or affects James father brother and sister can only be legally resolved if his father brother and sister can represent and defend him during the meeting therefore it is illegal for you to remove James beyond the people he prefers to be with during the our October visit that James requested for another one sleepovers and another one holidays with Simone and Baby Ki.

The matter will be resolved on James Safeguarding Website.

Kind regards


Hi Danielle. / Tash

Okay but do you agree that the care provider provides James with enough care and disability recognition for his tablet not to break?

Why does James have a safeguarding website?

Simple short answer is that 

1: the care provider refuses to recognise what James disability is (Neronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering my oldest son with the mental capacity of a toddler and and a total incapacity to make any decisions about any subjects and understand the consequences of the decisions) Eg James does not have the capacity to defend himself against you when you asked him if he wanted to go to Spain in October. James does not have the capacity to say:

“Does this mean I cannot see my father brother and sister when they comply with my request to have sleepovers with them in October therefore I do not want to be removed from them when they comply with my request”

This is why the email you sent me defrauds my oldest and severely disabled son because it is proof that you refuse to recognise his mental capacity as defined in his MRI scan report as incapable of understanding the consequences of any decision. 

Please don’t defraud James by refusing to accept that he doesn’t have the capacity to consent to losing any of his requested October, March and April family time.

However you have mine and James’s consent to take him on holiday any month except October, March and April which are his brother and sisters school holidays

2: The  care provider refuses to recognise how much James loves his paternal family 

3: the care provider treats James’s paternal family less favorable that his maternal family which is abuse of James because he loves his paternal family equally as much as his maternal family.

These are the three reasons James has to have a safeguarding website so he can express what he likes and his love for his paternal family, receive legal representation of his rights under the Mental Capacity Act, Disability Discrimination  Act and ensure he’s not defrauded by his severe disability and mental Capacity being ignored by his care provider.

My paraphrasing of your email is a true and correct paraphrasing and I have a legal obligation to report the paraphrased version of what your email says and you are free to sue me if I’m wrong. Your solicitor is one of the people I most want to to have a line of communication with, only behind the Ryders solicitor.

If James gets his requested daily fully working 2 way audio video calls and he is not removed from his paternal family when they comply with his request to spend October March and April with his paternal family then no further entries on his Safeguarding Website will be required to protect James legal rights.

Let’s face it, who but a 2 year old would repeatedly throw tantrums that smash up his most cherished possession his tablet that he requires for his most cherished activities: watching his YouTube and Skyping his cherished brother and sister?

The man described in the above paragraph is demonstrating 2 year old behavior and that is fully in line with the mental age of James according to his MRI scan report.

Even James behavior is fully congruent with his MRI scan report therefore both his MRI scan report and his behavior together prove that my oldest son does not have the capacity to understand that he won’t be able to see us when we comply with his request for him to stay with us in  October March and April if you remove him from us.

I appeal to you not to remove him from his brother and sister when they comply with his request.

Also I appeal to you to recognise James disability. Writing a false disability that is inconsistent with James’s MRI scan and backed up by James’s 2 year old behaviour several incidents demonstrated this week, defrauds James and prevents you from providing him with Care that is consistent with his MRI scan and his behavior.

Please confirm James won’t be removed from his cherished brother and sister when they comply with his request to stay with us and holiday with us during these months.

Also please comply with James request and legal rights under the Mental Capacity Act to have his daily requested audio video freedom of expression calls to be fit for a non disabled person.

Tonight the people at 2 Stoney close tormented James to Kingdom come by constantly cutting his call , or his audio or his inbound video or his outbound video every time he wrestled with them to express to his family how much he loves us.  

This alone is a massive reason to support his wishes to be with his family during October March and April and give him some respite from his controllers at 2 Stoney close. I have a full video recording of James wrestling for non existent help for an hour and a half before he finally got a 5 minute working video call and allowed a bit of freedom of expression following your intervention.

What James wants is respite from the people who control him at 2 Stoney Close and assistance to stay with his brother and sister when they comply with his request to stay with us during their school holidays and assistance to freely express himself to his brother and sister with a working audio video call fit for a non disabled person (Disability Discrimination Act).

I have over 1500 Skype videos of James Skype successes and difficulties and hundreds of videos of James expressing his love for us when he’s in our exclusive company which he loves.

James phone which I bought him works fine in West midlands Safari Park and after you have advised the care home to stop tormenting my severely disabled son (the phone worked great for 5 minutes) . James was so tormented by his tormentors at 2 Stoney Close today he had a seizure. I have 1500 videos of James Skype calls where he doesn’t have a seizure.

Please advise the care home never to torment James during his family Skype time (1.30 to 4.30 British Winter time and 2.30 to 4.30 British summer time as now) A 20 minute fully working full freedom of expression call that is consistent with what James expresses in our exclusive company. Please see all the videos of James freely expressing himself I posted for you on his Skype account as this is the only means James has of expressing his wishes to you. You can see that James has strictly limited freedom of expression when his with the staff and residents of 2 Stoney Close.

I’ve bent over backwards to help you understand what James wants here. Please seize on the help and give James appropriate care that recognizes his disability, is adequate for his disability and assist not hinder him from his requests to be with his father, brother and sister in October, March and April where freedom of expression comes as standard and assist him to have 20 minutes a day of working 2 way audio video call to his brother and sister and freely express himself to them (can say the same things he can say when in his paternal family’s company) 

Broken tablets mean the care home doesn’t recognise James disability. They wouldn’t break if it did.

Kind regards


Hi Danielle. / Tash

Okay but do you agree that the care provider provides James with enough care and disability recognition for his tablet not to break?

Why does James have a safeguarding website?

Simple short answer is that 

1: the care provider refuses to recognise what James disability is (Neronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering my oldest son with the mental capacity of a toddler and and a total incapacity to make any decisions about any subjects and understand the consequences of the decisions) Eg James does not have the capacity to defend himself against you when you asked him if he wanted to go to Spain in October. James does not have the capacity to say:

“Does this mean I cannot see my father brother and sister when they comply with my request to have sleepovers with them in October therefore I do not want to be removed from them when they comply with my request”

This is why the email you sent me defrauds my oldest and severely disabled son because it is proof that you refuse to recognise his mental capacity as defined in his MRI scan report as incapable of understanding the consequences of any decision. 

Please don’t defraud James by refusing to accept that he doesn’t have the capacity to consent to losing any of his requested October, March and April family time.

However you have mine and James’s consent to take him on holiday any month except October, March and April which are his brother and sisters school holidays

2: The  care provider refuses to recognise how much James loves his paternal family 

3: the care provider treats James’s paternal family less favorable that his maternal family which is abuse of James because he loves his paternal family equally as much as his maternal family.

These are the three reasons James has to have a safeguarding website so he can express what he likes and his love for his paternal family, receive legal representation of his rights under the Mental Capacity Act, Disability Discrimination  Act and ensure he’s not defrauded by his severe disability and mental Capacity being ignored by his care provider.

My paraphrasing of your email is a true and correct paraphrasing and I have a legal obligation to report the paraphrased version of what your email says and you are free to sue me if I’m wrong. Your solicitor is one of the people I most want to to have a line of communication with, only behind the Ryders solicitor.

If James gets his requested daily fully working 2 way audio video calls and he is not removed from his paternal family when they comply with his request to spend October March and April with his paternal family then no further entries on his Safeguarding Website will be required to protect James legal rights.

Let’s face it, who but a 2 year old would repeatedly throw tantrums that smash up his most cherished possession his tablet that he requires for his most cherished activities: watching his YouTube and Skyping his cherished brother and sister?

The man described in the above paragraph is demonstrating 2 year old behavior and that is fully in line with the mental age of James according to his MRI scan report.

Even James behavior is fully congruent with his MRI scan report therefore both his MRI scan report and his behavior together prove that my oldest son does not have the capacity to understand that he won’t be able to see us when we comply with his request for him to stay with us in  October March and April if you remove him from us.

I appeal to you not to remove him from his brother and sister when they comply with his request.

Also I appeal to you to recognise James disability. Writing a false disability that is inconsistent with James’s MRI scan and backed up by James’s 2 year old behaviour several incidents demonstrated this week, defrauds James and prevents you from providing him with Care that is consistent with his MRI scan and his behavior.

Please confirm James won’t be removed from his cherished brother and sister when they comply with his request to stay with us and holiday with us during these months.

Also please comply with James request and legal rights under the Mental Capacity Act to have his daily requested audio video freedom of expression calls to be fit for a non disabled person.

Tonight the people at 2 Stoney close tormented James to Kingdom come by constantly cutting his call , or his audio or his inbound video or his outbound video every time he wrestled with them to express to his family how much he loves us.  

This alone is a massive reason to support his wishes to be with his family during October March and April and give him some respite from his controllers at 2 Stoney close. I have a full video recording of James wrestling for non existent help for an hour and a half before he finally got a 5 minute working video call and allowed a bit of freedom of expression following your intervention.

What James wants is respite from the people who control him at 2 Stoney Close and assistance to stay with his brother and sister when they comply with his request to stay with us during their school holidays and assistance to freely express himself to his brother and sister with a working audio video call fit for a non disabled person (Disability Discrimination Act).

I have over 1500 Skype videos of James Skype successes and difficulties and hundreds of videos of James expressing his love for us when he’s in our exclusive company which he loves.

James phone which I bought him works fine in West midlands Safari Park and after you have advised the care home to stop tormenting my severely disabled son (the phone worked great for 5 minutes) . James was so tormented by his tormentors at 2 Stoney Close today he had a seizure. I have 1500 videos of James Skype calls where he doesn’t have a seizure.

Please advise the care home never to torment James during his family Skype time (1.30 to 4.30 British Winter time and 2.30 to 4.30 British summer time as now) A 20 minute fully working full freedom of expression call that is consistent with what James expresses in our exclusive company. Please see all the videos of James freely expressing himself I posted for you on his Skype account as this is the only means James has of expressing his wishes to you. You can see that James has strictly limited freedom of expression when his with the staff and residents of 2 Stoney Close.

I’ve bent over backwards to help you understand what James wants here. Please seize on the help and give James appropriate care that recognizes his disability, is adequate for his disability and assist not hinder him from his requests to be with his father, brother and sister in October, March and April where freedom of expression comes as standard and assist him to have 20 minutes a day of working 2 way audio video call to his brother and sister and freely express himself to them (can say the same things he can say when in his paternal family’s company) 

Broken tablets mean the care home doesn’t recognise James disability. They wouldn’t break if it did.

Kind regards


21 February 2023

Last walk home from the bus my son states that he wants to continue his daily Skypes to see his family:

Saying goodbye and states my son states he wants to continue his daily face to face Skypes to see his family:

James hot chocolate machine

Abuse report to Upward Care LTD Head office

James excited about picking his family up in 3 weeks:

James face to face calls set up to point the camera at his chin depriving him of his liberty to face to face communication;

Legal advisory to returning carer Sean to bring him up to speed on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Act:

James heinous abuse by Upward Care Carers fully kitting him out in a full blown virtual straight jacket complete with muzzle and blindfold.

Simon, 18:16
Please remember Daniella said James can have his daily 1.30 pm face to face video call with his family.

Simon, 18:21
Please also note that my oldest son wants to see his his father, brother, sister and step mom every day regardless of what his “carers” and “coresidents” tell him what he’s allowed to say think and do.

Simon, 18:22
Just because during the the past year or so the people controlling him have forbidden him to tell us he loves us does not mean he doesn’t love us.

Simon, 18:25
Please note its an offence under the mental capacity act to deprive him of his daily face to face calls by setting up his call with his camera pointing at his chin or telling him to sabotage his own call by telling him to pont the camera at his chin.

Simon, 18:30
Please also note it is an offence under the mental capacity act to deprive him of his face to face video call by constantly distracting him all the way through his call by calling him into another room, distracting him with the fire alarm, telling him to burp telling him to yawn telling him to look away from his camera during his video call – he’s told us about people telling him to do these things during his calls and we have hundreds of videos of him being told to do this things that sabotage his calls

Simon, 18:38
Please note its an offence to distract him from his face to face to face call under the mental capacity act by telling him to watch youtube during his call. This is also an offence under the disability discrimination act which provides him with reasonable adjustment e.g take a 30 minute break from his youtube activity which he loves so that he can get the most out of his Skype his family activity which he also loves. I.e. Reasonable Adjustment ensures that he doesn’t miss out on any of the activities he loves by making slight adjustments when there is an activity clash.

Simon, 18:43
Please note that my sons disability is defined by his MRI scan which says, to paraphrase, my oldest son was born with half of his brain missing and, as such, does not have the mental capacity to make any decision about any subject and understand the consequences of the decision and that my son’s MRI scan report is sovereign and supercedes everything else ever written about him by any other person.

Simon, 18:49
Please restore my son’s daily face to face 1.30 pm video calls to his family, subject to reasonable adjustment, as agreed with Daniella who understands that my son wants his daily face to face video call with his family regardless of what any other individual has told him to say think or do.

Simon, 18:53
Please understand that there is no correlation between what he is told to say think and do and wants to say think and do. This is enshrined in my son’s MRI scan report that supercedes anything else ever written about him by any other individual or organisation.

Simon, 20:52
James can’t connect his video call please help him

Simon, 20:55
James can’t make a face to face call please help him

Simon, 22:02
James can’t talk please help him

Simon, 22:09
Today my son was wearing his full virtual straight jacket – I’ve never seen it before. I’ll publish his straight jacket on the internet so the public can see how he was coercively controlled in his straight jacket to only think say and do what his coercive controllers told him he was allowed to say think and do. In total contrast to every other time he’s Skyped us and seen us in person. I’ll also publish James videos on his last trip so that the public can see how much he loves with no straight jacket at all, his partial straight Jacket when he Skypes from Upward Care and his total straight jacket he was forced to wear for the first time today.

Simon, 22:13
It is an offense to cover up the abuse of vulnerable people and it would be an offense for me to cover up my son’s coercive control into a full virtual straight Jacket to be defrauded by the carers fraudulently passing off their words and narrative as my oldest sons words and narrative.

Simon, 22:17
This is the worst abuse of a totally vulnerable, totally dependent and totally incapacitated grown man with a toddler’s mental capacity I have ever seen. I’m appalled and distraught. How can you virtually straight jacket and defraud a 27 year old man with the mental capacity of a baby? Today the carers carried out one hell of an act of cruelty against Solihull’s most vulnerable and incapacitated man.

Simon, 22:22
Please never do this to my son again.

11 September 2022

We’re complying with James one year old request to come and visit him and take him for his day trip bus train taxi rides when Si and Simone start their school holiday September 30. Normally we take James out every 2 days and every 2 weekends. Natasha said James can see us as he has all of his life. Hopefully we’ll be meeting James at Solihull station on 1 October (if Chermas visa comes back in time)

James is talking about a holiday he’s going on with upward care. Hopefully that won’t clash with his time with his paternal family which is every 2 days for 5 weeks making 18 trips out with his paternal family.

However , if there are any clashes in scheduling with my oldest sons paternal family activities and his Upward care activities please ensure you comply with sons Reasonable adjustment rights under the Disability Discrimination Act to ensure he gets his 18 trips out with his paternal family which he’s been waiting for for 4 years as the last trip was cancelled due to covid

His tablet is charging
My oldest son was born with half of his brain missing. Why did nobody help him charge his device so he could complete his Video call without it getting cut. I bought him 2 tablets for his birthday.

Why did nobody help my defenseless half brained son finish his call that was cut mid sentence while he was talking to his brother?

Once it is charged he will call
Why did nobody at upward Care keep their word and let him call back to finish his call?

Why does nobody at Upward Care recognise my severely incapacitated oldest son’s disability: I.e. that he was born with half of his brain missing rendering Solihull’s most incapacitated 27 year old man who is so incapacitated he’s happy to be abused?

Why does nobody at upward Care understand that my severely incapacitated young adult son is even more happy when is not being abused than when he is being abused?

Why does nobody at Upward Care comply with the mental Capacity Act 2005 and allow my severely incapacitated half brained son his liberty to Skype his loved ones on a fully functional device and not be coercively controlled to do, say think and see what his coercively controllers at Upward Care tell him he has to say think do and see? His non disabled brother: Sasha has always enjoyed freedom of speech for 14 years because Sasha is not severely disabled?

Why Do upward care not recognize that my severely incapacitated half brained son is totally defenseless and has no capacity to defend himself and protect himself from his coercive controllers at Upward Cares 2 Stoney Close?

Why do Upward Care not recognise my half brained totally incapacitated sons life long fondness and love for his paternal family?

Why do Upward Care not recognize that my severely incapacitated half brined so is so incapacitated he repeats and says everything his coercively controllers at upward care 2 Stoney close tell him to say think and do regardless of whether or not it’s what he actually wants even though he’s happy to say and do what he’s told to say and do but much less happy that if he is given his liberty under the mental capacity Act to have freedom of face to face online or in person communication with his loved ones he’s loved all his life?

When there are two things my severely incapacitated half brained son likes to do why do upward Care not give him reasonable adjustment under the Disability Discrimination Act so that he can do all the things he likes instead of being forced to choose?

Why do Upward Care not recognize my half brained severely incapacitated sons legal advisor? I am the only person other than my sons GP and Neurologist who recognise his disability.

I got it recognized by Solihull Council when my half brained son was 12 years old and being abused by Reynalds Cross School who excluded him because he was born with half of his brain missing. I single handed my got my half brained severely incapacitated young adult son’s disability recognized after winning my sons SENDIST Tribunal.

Solihull Council strangely unrecognized my severely incapacitated half brained sons disability when he was 18 years old and he has suffered abuse and fraud attacks ever since the council unrecognised his disability.

During the period from 12 years old to 18 years old when my severely incapacitated half brained son’s disability was recognized by Solihull Council he suffered no abuse and no fraud attacks.

Since he was 18 years old and my severely incapacitated half brained sons disability was unrecognized by Solihull Council he’s suffered continually from abuse and fraud attacks and was almost killed twice as depicted and as unchallenged by any solicitor on his safeguarding website that has kept him visible (and protected him from the fate baby Arthur suffered at the hands of Solihull Social services covering up his abuse) throughout his ordeal of his disability being in unrecognized 8 years ago.

Why does Monica Massih refer to James’s 7 year old sister at “that little girl” instead of referring to her as James’s sister who James loves to bits because she’s his only sister and she shares a similar sunny personality to James?

Why did Monica Massih, whilst demonstrating that she had no idea what my severely incapacitated half brained son’s disability was refuse to read my son’s MRI scan report which confirms my oldest son was born with half of his brain missing and renders him incapable of making any decision about any subject or issue and fully understand the consequences of that decision.

When Simone saw Monica Massey being cruel to her severely incapacitated half brained older brother 7 year old Simone asked Monica Massih “Why don’t you read my older brother James’s MRI scan report so you can learn what my brother’s disability is? Monica Massih declined to learn what Simone’s older brother’s disability is.

Therefore it is a very serious offence to ask my severely incapacitated son if he wants to see his sister or go on an upward care holiday when upward care knows full well he’s been waiting 4 years to see his sister and upward care knows full well that my severely incapacitated half brained son does not have the capacity to understand if he follows his instructions to choose the holiday he will have no idea whatsoever that he will be illegally deprived of his liberty to see his sister and two brothers who he’s been waiting four years to see

This is exactly how Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder abused my severely incapacitated half brained son 7 years ago when she tricked him to choose a bus ride instead of seizing his opportunity to see his brother Sasha leaving my severely incapacitated half brained son devastated the next day when he asked “where’s Sasha”? and I had to tell him we had Sasha yesterday he can’t come with us today. James got severely upset snd shouted “OH No” because he doesn’t have the capacity to understand that he’s losing more than he gains if he chooses any option over seeing his paternal family during his paternal family’s visit to take him out on bus and train rides and other trips such as the zoo and theme park.

8 September 2022

Hi Simon

Thankyou, I will ensure scheduled visits are facilitated and James be taken to solihull station.
You do not need Danielle’s email address as you have mine and the contact number will be the willows, should Danielle or I not be available we will take a message and call you back.

Kind regards

Hi Natasha

I’m very disappointed with your latest offenses and your total lack of compassion for the victims of the offences committed over 5 years by everybody at 2 Stoney close except Will against its most innocent, vulnerable and incapacitated resident: my severely incapacitated half brained son, his most innocent and brave cancer fighting father and legal advisor and my sons most innocent brother and sister who my oldest son loves to bits.

In view of your total lack of compassion for abused vulnerable people including myself please drop my severely incapacitated and half brained son at Solihull Station every other morning at 10.00 as usual and we will arrange a variable drop off time with you depending on the day in questions family activity.

In order to comply as closely as possible with my severely incapacitated half brained sons wishes to be picked up and dropped off at his place of residence we will bring my son to within 100m of his place of residence either on foot or by taxi. Drop off point will be round the corner but out of sight of 2 Stoney Close.

Date and time of first pick up is yet to be determined because although we have accommodation booked and the kids have their renews passports we are still waiting for Cherma’s. As soon as she receives it we can book flights snd get James Covid postponed visit under way

James has always spent every other weekend with his maternal family

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden (James Fodens father and legal advisor)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 19:27, Natasha Streeter wrote:
Hi Simon

As per my previous email please let me know the dates and times you would like visits to be arranged and a location for a member of the management team to take James to meet you and pick him up.
We are happy to facilitate these visits.
Danielle and I will be the point of contact throughout the duration of your stay.
If I do not hear from you I will choose a location with James as it is important James is aware of plans in advance.

Kind Regards

On Thu, 8 Sep 2022 at 13:20, Simon Foden wrote:
Hi Natasha

These are not allegations they are verifiable facts that I have begged you to give me access to your solicitor so that I can get them resolved with him.

You know full well that they are verifiable facts that is why you continue to cover up the Ryders 20 years of abuse of my half brained son, your continued abuse of my half brained son, your staff’s continued abuse of my half brained son and certain co-residents abuse of my half brained son.

I am pleased to say that I am satisfied resident Will has never abused my half brained son but everybody else in the house has committed offenses under the Mental Capacity Act, the Disability Discrimination Laws, the hate Crime laws the Coercive Control laws and Fraud offenses ranging from minor in most cases to severe in resident Jamie’s case.

You know full well by half brained oldest son is more than happy to be abused because he doesn’t have the capacity to know he’s being abused because half of his brain is missing due to a severe birth defect. You also know full well the only thing he likes more than being abused is NOT being abused but you’ve never granted him that higher level of happiness. You leave him merely happy to be abused due to not having the capacity to know he’s being abused

I’m going to publish these facts on my sons safeguarding website to prove to you that they are, indeed facts and not allegations.

If they are allegations you will give me the contact details of Upward Cares solicitor. If you ignore my plea as you have done for 5 years to you to give me access to your solicitor so I can discuss the unresolved issues of my half brained son’s 5 years of abuse at Upward Care Limited legal advisor to legal advisor with your solicitor then you are admitting that what you call “allegations” are indeed fully verifiable and peer reviews facts that have remained unchallenged in the public domain for 5 years.

It beggars belief that you put fully deserved distress of you care home full of abusers being called out and held to account for abusing Solihull’s most incapacitated resident as more important than totally innocent most severely incapacitated Solihull’s most incapacitated resident: my oldest son and his totally innocent but very brave cancer fighting father and his totally innocent brother and sister Baby Ki and Simone.

By putting the fully deserved distress of your house full of abusers being called out and held to account at Upward Cares 2 Stoney Close care home as more important than the distress of their victims: my totally defenseless and totally incapacitated half brained son and his brave cancer fighting father and legal advisor and his brother and sister you are callously committing one additional offence under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 by illegally depriving my half brained totally incapacitated son of his wishes he’s been calling out for more than a year: to briefly receive his father brothers and sister at his place of residence for the purpose of picking him up and taking him out on his family activities he enjoys every couple of years.

The offense you have committed today is an offense too far and had to be reported.

After I report it why don’t you do the decent thing and give me access to Upward Care’s solicitor so that the fully verifiable abuse incidents by the staff and certain coresidents at 2 Stoney Close can finally be discussed legal advisor to legal advisor? He or she can Skype me and / or email me at

Simon Foden
James Fodens father, legal advisor and covictim alongside my half brained totally incapacitated son of the 5 years of abuse meted out to us by your house full of abusers at 2 Stoney Close.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 13:41, Natasha Streeter wrote:
Good morning Simon,

I hope you are well, in regards to your email as stated previously throughout any communication with yourself I again reiterate to you that James is very happy at Stoney close and is not abused, therefore I have nothing further to add to this point of your email.
James is not being deprived of his liberty and we are not restricting his access to you and his family, however as stated in my previous email it is requested you do not attend Stoney close due to your allegations towards staff and other residents and the distress that this will cause them, should you attend Stoney close without management being present staff and other residents are advised not to open the door.
As you are aware it is important to pre plan things with James so I will need in advance your dates that you wish to see James so this can be talked through with him, and planned around his other activities and visits to mums, then a member of the management team will bring James to meet you and pick him up, I am happy for this to be by Stoney close if you wish, however this is to be away from the house.
James is happy to be seeing his family, and we will support these visits..
I am sorry you are not happy with the decision regarding not coming to Stoney close, however in view of your continuous allegations that you have stated again within your email and the distress your visits will cause to others this is the decision that has been made.
James will be happy to see his family without you coming to the door.
Please let me know your schedule and Danielle and I will then make ourselves available to facilitate visits..

Kind regards

On Thu, 8 Sep 2022 at 06:12, Simon Foden wrote:
Hi Natasha / Jane

Your email is very aggressive and states you are going to offend under the Mental capacity Act 2005

What about the distress and anxieties James’s Upward Care abusive carers and abusive co-residents who have verifiably and heinously abused and defrauded my 27 year old son who was tragically born with half of his brain missing and the bit of brain he has being malformed???

For 5 years, under your direction they have covered up his disability and mental capacity of a baby according to his MRI scan report and downgraded his disability to a “touch of autism” so that they could abuse him multiple times more than if they recognized his disability and abuse him they did, for 5 years taking advantage of his happiness to be abused because he’s so incapacitated he doesn’t even know he’s being abused, taking advantage of this to sabotage and cut his Skype calls to his loved ones excercise total control overcwhatvhescallowed to think, say, do and see (virtual straight jacket, virtual muzzle, and virtual blindfold).

Only recently have they stopped cutting his calls after I pointed out the offence under the disability discrimination act of James 2 way audio video calls not working because he has the mental capacity of a baby because he was sadly born with half of his brain missing while his younger brother Sasha has never had a Skype call fail in any way because Sasha is not disabled. This offence was committed for 4 years.

After Upward care accepted the offence and stopped cutting my half brained son’s calls his carers and co residents immediately started abusing him by hacking his Skype device and defrauding him by illegally passing off their text messages as my half brained defenseless sons text messages but not satisfied with that commenced to excercise total coercive control over what my defenseless totally incapacitated half brained son is allowed to say, think, see and do (virtual straight Jacket, virtual muzzle and virtual blindfold).

The upward care staff and coresidents surround my defenseless half brained almost zero mental capacitied son during his daily Skype call to his loved ones and have 75% control over what my defenseless son is allayed to do, see and say he’s told what to say, when to burst into uncontrollable laughter, when to burp uncontrollably (James has always been able to do this on demand). He’s told to repeatedly question everything his family say to him and the summary of how his coercive controllers at 2 Stoney close control what he can say do and think is that a person who didn’t know better would think he was less than interested in his family and even maybe not want to see us which is the total opposite of the truth and the facts and my half brained totally defense almost totally incapacitated son af suffered 5 years of his abusive carers and coresident bending over backwards to coercively control and defraud Upward Cares most incapacitated resident out of Skyping (with a working connection) from his address at 2 Stoney Close and receiving his loved ones at his address at 2 Stoney Close for the purpose of picking him up and dropping him of at his address at 2 Stoney Close.

A significant amount of video evidence of the above offenses committed by a upward Care carers and Coresidents under the Metal Capacity Act Disability Discrimination Act, Hate crime laws, Coercive Control laws and the Fraud laws against Upward Cares most incapacitated resident and his innocent cancer fighting father, brother and sister and step mom.

A significant amount of evidence for the Court of Public Opinion and the police to see is already available my half brained totally incapacitated sons safeguarding website and there are many hours more to make available to the Police and the Court if necessary.

Don’t forget that any Court orders obtained by my incapacitated sons abusers via aggressive vigilante perjury by using fraudulent psychologists reports that covered up my sons Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly (born with half of his brain missing)
Verified by his covered up CT scan report that clearly defines that my half brained son does not have the capacity to make any decision about any subject and the judge clearly not being told that my totally unrepresented half brained son was raised by his paternal family for 13 years and does and always has loved his paternal family to bits and the Judge was not told that my half brained son is the worlds most unreliable witness because he will just repeat what his abusers tell him he has to say in order to get his bus ride at the end of the court hearing.

Therefore it is an offence to use any of the aggressive vigilante perjury my son has been abused with since he was 18 years old against his wishes that he had expressed for his loved ones to pick him up and drop him off at his 2 Stoney Close Care home during his regular visits from his paternal family he lives to bits even though he’s been coercively controlled by his abusers to stop telling us he loves us.

Therefore it is an offence under the Mental Capacity for deprive my severely incapacitated son of his liberty for his loved ones to pick him up and drop him off at his own 2 Stoney close address which is something he’s been asking us to do for more than a year now.

I understand that my incapacitated sons abusive carers and some of the coresidents who joined in with the abusive carers to coercively control and defraud my severely incapacitated son and cause immense distress to his cancer fighting father, brother and sister will be uncomfortable with the abuse and distress they’ve inflicted on my severely incapacitated son since my severely incapacitated son’s last family visit I understand they will be uncomfortable with the abuse they’ve inflicted on a resident 10 times more incapacitated than themselves and I’m very happy they will be uncomfortable with the abuse they inflicted on my severely incapacitated son and his cancer fighting father (why would I not be happy that my sons abusers are uncomfortable wit the offence they committed against a 27 year old man born with half of his brain missing and his cancer fighting father and legal advisor)?

Abusers being uncomfortable with offenses they already committed is not a reason to justify committing additional offenses under the mental capacity act to deprive my severely incapacitated son of his liberty to receive his loved ones at his 2 Stoney Close address for the purpose of picking up my severely incapacitated son and dropping him off later in the day.

As James legal advisor I confirm I will uphold his right to his liberty to be picked up and dropped off by his loved ones at his 2 Stoney Close address because that is his wish and I will ensure his wish is respected.

We will merely ring the doorbell bell, wait for him to put his coat on and take him for his day out with his family as this is what he wants us to do and nobody can deprive him of this liberty under the mental capacity Act.

We have no wish to see or communicate with any coresidents or carers.

James has told us we can wait for him while he puts his coat on.

We have not requested we meet anybody other than James at 2 Stoney Close that is the last thing we would want to do.

We trust you will comply with the Mental Capacity Act and James innocent wish to be picked up by his loved ones and his legal advisors request for legal compliance.

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden
(James Foden’s father)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 03:38, Natasha Streeter wrote:
Good evening Simon,

I hope you are well, thankyou for your email
regarding your visit and confirmation of dates.
We are happy to facilitate your visits with James, however due to the distress and anxieties that this may cause other residents if you came to Stoney the visits will need to be arranged away from Stoney.
The weekend of the 1st October is the Friday that James goes to mums returning Saturday.
If you can let me know the dates you wish to see James please we can arrange a drop off and pick up point that staff will take James to, to meet you.
There will be a communication book with James please can you complete what he has eaten, any seizures, pad changes and any other information you would like to detail.
Danielle and I will be the point of contact throughout your visits for arrangements and any emergencies.
James is looking forward to your visits and we will support in anyway possible to ensure the visits run smoothly, however as stated previously it is requested you do not go to Stoney close.
Have a safe journey
Kind regards

Natasha Streeter
Operations Manager
Upward Care Limited

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 13:41, Natasha Streeter wrote:
Good morning Simon,

I hope you are well, in regards to your email as stated previously throughout any communication with yourself I again reiterate to you that James is very happy at Stoney close and is not abused, therefore I have nothing further to add to this point of your email.
James is not being deprived of his liberty and we are not restricting his access to you and his family, however as stated in my previous email it is requested you do not attend Stoney close due to your allegations towards staff and other residents and the distress that this will cause them, should you attend Stoney close without management being present staff and other residents are advised not to open the door.
As you are aware it is important to pre plan things with James so I will need in advance your dates that you wish to see James so this can be talked through with him, and planned around his other activities and visits to mums, then a member of the management team will bring James to meet you and pick him up, I am happy for this to be by Stoney close if you wish, however this is to be away from the house.
James is happy to be seeing his family, and we will support these visits..
I am sorry you are not happy with the decision regarding not coming to Stoney close, however in view of your continuous allegations that you have stated again within your email and the distress your visits will cause to others this is the decision that has been made.
James will be happy to see his family without you coming to the door.
Please let me know your schedule and Danielle and I will then make ourselves available to facilitate visits..

Kind regards

On Thu, 8 Sep 2022 at 06:12, Simon Foden wrote:
Hi Natasha / Jane

Your email is very aggressive and states you are going to offend under the Mental capacity Act 2005

What about the distress and anxieties James’s Upward Care abusive carers and abusive co-residents who have verifiably and heinously abused and defrauded my 27 year old son who was tragically born with half of his brain missing and the bit of brain he has being malformed???

For 5 years, under your direction they have covered up his disability and mental capacity of a baby according to his MRI scan report and downgraded his disability to a “touch of autism” so that they could abuse him multiple times more than if they recognized his disability and abuse him they did, for 5 years taking advantage of his happiness to be abused because he’s so incapacitated he doesn’t even know he’s being abused, taking advantage of this to sabotage and cut his Skype calls to his loved ones excercise total control overcwhatvhescallowed to think, say, do and see (virtual straight jacket, virtual muzzle, and virtual blindfold).

Only recently have they stopped cutting his calls after I pointed out the offence under the disability discrimination act of James 2 way audio video calls not working because he has the mental capacity of a baby because he was sadly born with half of his brain missing while his younger brother Sasha has never had a Skype call fail in any way because Sasha is not disabled. This offence was committed for 4 years.

After Upward care accepted the offence and stopped cutting my half brained son’s calls his carers and co residents immediately started abusing him by hacking his Skype device and defrauding him by illegally passing off their text messages as my half brained defenseless sons text messages but not satisfied with that commenced to excercise total coercive control over what my defenseless totally incapacitated half brained son is allowed to say, think, see and do (virtual straight Jacket, virtual muzzle and virtual blindfold).

The upward care staff and coresidents surround my defenseless half brained almost zero mental capacitied son during his daily Skype call to his loved ones and have 75% control over what my defenseless son is allayed to do, see and say he’s told what to say, when to burst into uncontrollable laughter, when to burp uncontrollably (James has always been able to do this on demand). He’s told to repeatedly question everything his family say to him and the summary of how his coercive controllers at 2 Stoney close control what he can say do and think is that a person who didn’t know better would think he was less than interested in his family and even maybe not want to see us which is the total opposite of the truth and the facts and my half brained totally defense almost totally incapacitated son af suffered 5 years of his abusive carers and coresident bending over backwards to coercively control and defraud Upward Cares most incapacitated resident out of Skyping (with a working connection) from his address at 2 Stoney Close and receiving his loved ones at his address at 2 Stoney Close for the purpose of picking him up and dropping him of at his address at 2 Stoney Close.

A significant amount of video evidence of the above offenses committed by a upward Care carers and Coresidents under the Metal Capacity Act Disability Discrimination Act, Hate crime laws, Coercive Control laws and the Fraud laws against Upward Cares most incapacitated resident and his innocent cancer fighting father, brother and sister and step mom.

A significant amount of evidence for the Court of Public Opinion and the police to see is already available my half brained totally incapacitated sons safeguarding website and there are many hours more to make available to the Police and the Court if necessary.

Don’t forget that any Court orders obtained by my incapacitated sons abusers via aggressive vigilante perjury by using fraudulent psychologists reports that covered up my sons Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly (born with half of his brain missing)
Verified by his covered up CT scan report that clearly defines that my half brained son does not have the capacity to make any decision about any subject and the judge clearly not being told that my totally unrepresented half brained son was raised by his paternal family for 13 years and does and always has loved his paternal family to bits and the Judge was not told that my half brained son is the worlds most unreliable witness because he will just repeat what his abusers tell him he has to say in order to get his bus ride at the end of the court hearing.

Therefore it is an offence to use any of the aggressive vigilante perjury my son has been abused with since he was 18 years old against his wishes that he had expressed for his loved ones to pick him up and drop him off at his 2 Stoney Close Care home during his regular visits from his paternal family he lives to bits even though he’s been coercively controlled by his abusers to stop telling us he loves us.

Therefore it is an offence under the Mental Capacity for deprive my severely incapacitated son of his liberty for his loved ones to pick him up and drop him off at his own 2 Stoney close address which is something he’s been asking us to do for more than a year now.

I understand that my incapacitated sons abusive carers and some of the coresidents who joined in with the abusive carers to coercively control and defraud my severely incapacitated son and cause immense distress to his cancer fighting father, brother and sister will be uncomfortable with the abuse and distress they’ve inflicted on my severely incapacitated son since my severely incapacitated son’s last family visit I understand they will be uncomfortable with the abuse they’ve inflicted on a resident 10 times more incapacitated than themselves and I’m very happy they will be uncomfortable with the abuse they inflicted on my severely incapacitated son and his cancer fighting father (why would I not be happy that my sons abusers are uncomfortable wit the offence they committed against a 27 year old man born with half of his brain missing and his cancer fighting father and legal advisor)?

Abusers being uncomfortable with offenses they already committed is not a reason to justify committing additional offenses under the mental capacity act to deprive my severely incapacitated son of his liberty to receive his loved ones at his 2 Stoney Close address for the purpose of picking up my severely incapacitated son and dropping him off later in the day.

As James legal advisor I confirm I will uphold his right to his liberty to be picked up and dropped off by his loved ones at his 2 Stoney Close address because that is his wish and I will ensure his wish is respected.

We will merely ring the doorbell bell, wait for him to put his coat on and take him for his day out with his family as this is what he wants us to do and nobody can deprive him of this liberty under the mental capacity Act.

We have no wish to see or communicate with any coresidents or carers.

James has told us we can wait for him while he puts his coat on.

We have not requested we meet anybody other than James at 2 Stoney Close that is the last thing we would want to do.

We trust you will comply with the Mental Capacity Act and James innocent wish to be picked up by his loved ones and his legal advisors request for legal compliance.

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden
(James Foden’s father)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 03:38, Natasha Streeter wrote:
Good evening Simon,

I hope you are well, thankyou for your email
regarding your visit and confirmation of dates.
We are happy to facilitate your visits with James, however due to the distress and anxieties that this may cause other residents if you came to Stoney the visits will need to be arranged away from Stoney.
The weekend of the 1st October is the Friday that James goes to mums returning Saturday.
If you can let me know the dates you wish to see James please we can arrange a drop off and pick up point that staff will take James to, to meet you.
There will be a communication book with James please can you complete what he has eaten, any seizures, pad changes and any other information you would like to detail.
Danielle and I will be the point of contact throughout your visits for arrangements and any emergencies.
James is looking forward to your visits and we will support in anyway possible to ensure the visits run smoothly, however as stated previously it is requested you do not go to Stoney close.
Have a safe journey
Kind regards

Natasha Streeter
Operations Manager
Upward Care Limited

11 August 2022

Hi Natasha / Jane

I mentioned this on Skype a few months ago and Monica Massih requested I email Natasha.

My oldest son missed out on his last family visit because it coincided with the Covid pandemic. His last actual family visit was February to May 2018. 12 months ago my son started, completely out of the blue, saying to his brother and sister “pick me up” which is what he says when we drop him back home at 2 Stoney Close after each trip out and I reply tomorrow with friends and next day we pick you up. I said to James one year ago we have to wait for the nasty virus to finish first. Finally, all the ducks are in a row: I’m fit to travel following my Kidney Cancer, we have the money, pandemic is over and children have a school holiday in October and they have their British passports renewed.

We arrive in Hall Green sometime on 1st of October. The last visit was frictionless: my oldest son got his trip out with his paternal family every 2 days in the week and every 2 weekends (1 with us one with his maternal family – as it has always been for him).

We don’t plan anything different from the last family visit: simply pick him up in the morning and go for bus rides, train rides in the areas covered by James’s bus pass, some tram rides, lunches out in McDonalds or a pub or a café. A trip to Severn Valley Railway and a taxi ride to Drayton Manor Park and a bus ride to ‘Dudley zoo and a trip to Stratford.

There are 2 changes since the last trip. Two months after returning home my pee pee suddenly turned blood red and I was diagnosed with stage 2 Renal Cell Carcinoma and my left kidney was removed and I’ve managed to survive 4 years since the diagnosis. My parents both died within 2 years of their cancer operations so I have to consider that I may be on borrowed time and therefore I respectfully request that this trip, which could be the last time my oldest son and I see each other therefore I respectfully request it passes as frictionlessly as the last trip and we have a method of communicating with Upward Care carers in case of issues such as traffic Jams so we can keep carers up to date if there is an issue getting home to 2 Stoney Close on time.

I had no idea on the last trip I had stage 2 kidney cancer.

The second change is that Sirus, James youngest brother had concentration issues a couple of years ago and an experienced teacher advised us to take Si to a psychiatrist which we did and Si was diagnosed with ADHD and some Dyslexia. I personally think Si has a touch of Autism too, but he is fiercely intelligent and has a daily 12 hour Ritalin pill to help him concentrate. He starts to lose his concentration a bit after the pill wears off and he can get a bit hyperactive. James likes to chat with “Baby Ki” when his pill is working and he likes to chat with him when his pill wears off and Si is a bit hyperactive. James likes to tell Si to “calm down” and “behave”. Its funny to watch and Si always complies with James’s instructions. (I think James see’s a bit of himself in his youngest brother)

Si is doing well at school despite having ADHD and Dyslexia and despite learning in Thai language. Si and Simone both go to Thai school not an international school.

All 3 brothers and one sister love each other very much and have a fantastic relationship.

Therefore, please confirm all is in order for James’s family visit in the same format as the last one i.e. trips out every two days in the week and every two weekends. No overnight stays out and every trip returning early to late evening. The last trip was for 10 weeks this one is only for 5 weeks – this might be the last time my oldest son and I meet in person but hopefully not. I’ve already had 2 years of borrowed time compared to my parents’ cancer experience.

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden

19 July, A father’s love for his half brained, severely incapacitated son on his 27th birthday.

Simon, 21:59
It’s been hot for a few days and James still likes to look at his family regardless of continuous distraction but today he was visibly scared to look at us. Such coercive control of a defenseless man with half of his brain missing is as illegal as it is cruel. Under the Mental Capacity Act he has to be given his liberty to relax with his loved ones and under the Disability Discrimination Act he shouldn’t be distracted with tablets constant distractions that deprive him of his liberty to relax with his family. He’s allowed to have “reasonable adjustment” so tablet then family then tablet.

It was frightening to see him so scared stiff to look at his family and be forced to force himself to not look at us when all his instincts are to look at his loved ones.

It is totally sickening to watch the very people who’ve made him scared stiff to look at his family to then tell him to look at us which is exactly what he would be doing if the very same people hadn’t coercively controlled a defenseless man with half his brain missing and made him scared stiff to look at the people he loves and has always loved and always will live regardless of the heinous coercive control he’s subjected to by his abusers not to look at his loved ones he instinctively wants to look at.

Simon, 22:03
The public have the right to know about the abuse my defenseless son with half his brain missing was forced to endure today and even more cruel to abuse him on his birthday.

Simon, 22:09
His abusers know full well my son with half his brain missing will do anything his abusers tell (coercively control) (the virtual straight jacket and muzzle and sometimes a virtual blindfold to when his video is taken off) him to do and is defenseless to do anything about it and he’s 100 % reliant and dependent on his father and legal advisor to report it and stop it.

Monica Massey, 22:26
He had a good connection on Skype, nobody forced him not to see you, the UK right now is at record high temperatures of close to 40 degrees, also he was distracted by the set up off his birthday party for later.
Just to relay the information again, he does not get forced to do anything. He is a young man, who can make choices.
Nobody is abusing him.
We are making his birthday special as always.
We are not going to tolerate your accusations towards our staff team.
Thank you

Simon, 22:32
I’ll post his videos and people can make up their own mind. You could see last night he was under pressure not to look at us but he broke free of his shackles and looked at us. He’s been incrementally more scared to relax with his family over the last month but tonight he was scared stiff and almost unable to break free of his virtual shackles of coercive control.

Simon, 22:33
A 58 year old man with cancer should not have been forced to watch his loving son with half his brain missing be scared stiff to look at him.

Simon, 22:36
It was even worse to watch his abusers and fraudsters (fraudulently passing off their non-verbal communication as my half-brained son’s non-verbal communication) who made him scared stiff to look at us then tell him to look at us by pretending he didn’t want to see us and pretend she was helping her half-brained victim. That was a totally sickening act by a heinous sick abuser.

Monica Massey, 04:14
Everyday we are subjected to your abuse and comments towards the staff and service users. Your comments are derogatory, unsubstantiated and causing immense stress to everyone, if this continues we need to look into ways of stopping this.

Simon, 07:41
I and my son with half a brain are the only people who have been abused by upward care limited and the abuse has continued for 5 years and have I begged you for 5 years to give me access to your solicitor who will be legally obliged to guide you into legal compliance with the Fraud laws, the Hate Crime laws, the Libel, Defamation and Slander laws, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Act.

No Upward Care solicitor means no Upward Care legal compliance and my son with half a brain is 100% dependent on his father and legal advisor to bring Upward Care into legal compliance and that cannot happen until I get access to your solicitor to explain the matter to him or her.

Simon, 07:45
These are the laws that I, as my oldest son’s father and legal adviser am determined to discuss with your solicitor. In the absence of your solicitor making contact with me my oldest son who was born with half a brain and has incrementally been subjected to ever more abuse from Upward Care cruel carers such as yourself over a period of 5 years has to rely on his safeguarding website for his abuse to be visible.

Simon, 07:46
I am now escalating my updating his safeguarding website and once it’s finished I will be escalating it to the police and, hopefully, your solicitor.

Simon, 07:48
The police will take interest in the plethora of laws you have broken over the past 5 years and the rate and gravity with which you continue to break them.

Simon, 08:02
James’s safeguarding website is the representation he was deprived of in all the illegal court hearings in which he had no representation and was abused with a barrage of of fraudulent reports and perjury by his Principle abusers from 3 Wensley Croft: Camelia Monica Ryder, otherwise known as Monica Ryder, Dominic Ryder, Katy Ivco et al at Solihull social social services and all of the bent psychologists and bent solicitors they hired to cover up my son born with half a brain’s disability so they could escalate and expedite his abuse which they have done and continue to do culminating in yesterday’s heinous abuse of my son’s severe incapacity.

Half a brain is severe although you always deny its severe because your fraudulent social workers lie that it’s “just a touch of autism” and “just a touch of epilepsy” This is just an heinous misrepresentation as saying a man with no legs has “some walking difficulties”. You cannot cover up the severity of his disability anymore. I will make sure you don’t via my defenceless half-brained sons’s safeguarding website. You cannot cover up his love for his paternal family anymore because the whole world knows how much he loves us despite your coercive control of his incapacity to force him to say do and think otherwise when you make him wear virtual straight jackets virtual muzzles and virtual blindfolds.

Now please do the decent thing and give me access to your solicitor today.

Failure to give me access to your solicitor will result in the police knocking on your door. James safeguarding website doubles as a dossier of evidence all collated in one place to help the police to investigate your plethora of offences committed against a helpless defenceless man born with half a brain to make their job easier.

If Natasha Streeter joined the Ryder’s in committing perjury as she threatened while savaging a 58 year old cancer fighting father of a man born with half a brain she will be joining the Ryder’s and Katy Ivco in their custodial perjury sentences.

Simon, 08:05
What is “derogatory” is coercively controlling a 27 year old man born with half a brain (you made him scared stiff to look at his loved ones yesterday), refusing to recognise his disability refusing to recognise his lifelong love of his family. That is what is derogatory.

In James whole life he had never looked away from me or any of his paternal family. He has always loved us and coveted his loving relationship. Now a bunch of heinous abusers from Upward Care Limited including Natasha Streeter and Monica Massey are trying to take that away from him by coercively controlling what he is is able to think do and say if he wants his bus ride or if he does not want to be subjected to physical violence. YES physical violence. I have a video of my half-brained son chatting with me towards the end of the conversation he said something nice to me and immediately after he started to shout “aw aw my leg’s hurting” while he was sitting at the table chatting. It is pretty obvious his abuser didn’t like my son saying something nice to me so the abuser kicked my helpless defenceless half-brained son in the leg as punishment for “saying the wrong thing”

My half brained son has every right to share his affection with his loved ones and his abusers at Upward Care Limited have no rights at all to kick this helpless defenceless half brained man for”saying the wrong thing”

My half brained son doesn’t have the capacity to say his carer or coresident kicked him all he could suddenly break the conversation and say is “aw aw my legs hurting”

His abusers have upped the ante with their cowardly punishment of a totally defenceless and totally helpless half brained man that yesterday, his 27th birthday, for the first time, he was scared stiff to look at his sister who he loves to bits and has done since her birth 7 years ago for the whole duration of the call.

Simon, 08:06
There is nothing derogatory about seeking legal compliance and reporting his abuse of a completely helpless and defenceless half brained man when legal compliance is denied.

Simon, 08:07
Reporting abuse is courageous and heroic.

Simon, 08:09
Now if there is anything noted above you disagree with I beg you to give me access to your solicitor so that I as my son’s life long legal advisor can resolve the matter together.

Simon, 08:12
No progress has been made in the absence of your solicitor you have denied me for 5 years now simply instruct your solicitor to email me so we can get the ball rolling to resolve the matter.

Simon, 08:14
I await your solicitor’s contact. In the meantime I will strengthen my son tragically born with half a brain’s website to make your solicitors and the police job easier with the large dossier of information all collated and gathered in one easily accessible place.

Simon, 08:15
I expect your solicitor you denied me for 5 years to contact me today. I am awaiting his or her contact.

You have 3 choices
1 Legal Compliance
2 Give me contact with your solicitor
3 You abuse I report on behalf of my oldest son in the capacity of his life time legal advisor and one of only 3 people who recognise his disability and vulnerability to abuse apart from his GP and Neurologist. Everybody else involved in my son’s care has covered up his disability by burying it under fraudulent psychologist and social worker reports written by bent social workers such as Katy Ivco and Sara hands and the bent psychologists they hired and the bent solicitors they hired to perjur the fraudulent reports in UK courts.

The 3 choices are in my order of preference and in the order of preference of any reasonable person.

All information in this abuse report is fully backed up by photographic evidence even, and including my defenceless helpless son’s disability photographed on his MRI scan proving half of his brain is missing making him the most vulnerable man in Solihull heinously abused since he was 12 years old by Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder: his principal abusers who groomed everybody in my half brained son’s care to cover up the fact that he was born with half a brain rendering him with the lifetime mental capacity of a baby, a willingness to be abused by everybody who wants to abuse him, covering up his lifetime love of his paternal family, grooming everybody in his care to downgrade his disability from being born with half his brain missing to “some learning disabilities” and “a touch of autism” .

You give me your solicitor and I will give him or her the photographic evidence that backs up every fully verifiable fact in this brief concise abuse report and my half brained defenceless and helpless oldest son’s more detailed abuse report at this website which is close being finished (all its lacking is the links to all of my oldest son’s videos and the last two abuse incidents including this one) and will help your solicitor and the police bring you into legal compliance in the shortest possible time.

Simon, 08:17
Now do the decent thing and give me contact with your solicitor.

Please advise him to contact me at and please let me know if you need any additional information for your solicitor.

I am waiting for your solicitor to make contact with me.

Kind regards
Simon Foden (James Foden’s Father and Legal representative)

11 July 2022

Hi Natasha

Please urgently restore my totally helpless, totally defenceless 26 year old man-baby sons’s daily 2.30 Skype his family activity. It’s one of his favourite activities of the day regardless of what anybody tells him he can say, think, do or see.

He has a right to this daily activity which he loves and it is an offense not to recognise the consequences of his MRI scan, an offence under the Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination laws to deprive him of his liberty to do this activity in the presence of his brother and sister who he loves to bits even when he’s told to say and behave otherwise.

It is an offence for anybody holding him not to recognise the above laws. It’s also an offence to follow any proven beyond all reasonable doubt fraudulent psychologist and fraudulent social worker reports now that you know they were acts of fraud committed against a defenceless unrepresented man baby and it’s an offence to follow any court orders that you now know we’re perjured by the above fraudulent reports and you know that the judge was not explicitly told that my oldest son is the world’s most unreliable witness, because of regardless of his outward appearance he has a disability called Neuronal migration disorder wrongly wired brain and microcephaly half his brain missing, (unlike a baby which has a full brain) the judge was also not explicitly told about the consequences of the Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering my severely incapacitated man baby son incapable of making any decisions for himself and incapable of understanding any word that has ever come from his mouth whether initiated by himself, whether he was told to say it to get a reward (coercive control) or whether he remembered past words he was told to say.

The judge was not told to disregard anything my man-baby son said in court as a consequence of the above and instead the judge was presented a false narrative that my son has “some learning difficulties” and “a touch of autism”. This was like hiding from the judge that a person had who had “no legs” and presenting a gross misrepresentation to the judge that the person with “no legs” suffers from “walking difficulties”. A gross fraudulent misrepresentation of the gravity of the person with “no legs’s disability”

The judge was also lied to about how much my defenceless man-baby son loves and has always loved his paternal family equally as much as his mom and step dad. Every word uttered in the court was a fraudulent gross misrepresentation “the truth” and contains zero elements of the “truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” therefore, armed with these facts it is a serious offence for anybody, social workers, parents, step parents, psychologists or carers to recognise these illegal, vigilante, 100% fraudulent perjury derived court orders.

Now, please, I beg you, to immediately restore my totally helpless, totally defenceless 26 year old man-baby sons’s daily 2.30 Skype his family activity.
It’s one of his favourite activities of the day regardless of what anybody tells him he can say, think do or see.

Yours Sincerely,
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father and lifetime legal advisor.

5 July 2022

Explanation to Claire from Upward Care Ltd how Camelia Monica Ryder, otherwise known as Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder from 3 Wensley Croft Solihull committed perjury in UK Courts

Natasha Streeter
Just to update you James was due back from Paris this evening at 19.00pm, however whilst on holiday he had been being tested for covid daily and yesterday tested positive, therefore he will be staying with his Mum for the isolation period, dependant on his results he will be there between 5-10 days.
He is well and not displaying symptoms but is tired.
Please can I make you aware that the number you call for our Walsall office can not provide you with information or support as they just take messages.
I wanted dto let you know about James so you were not concerned when he does not call

Hi Natasha
Thank you for the update.

Carer Jamie said James would be back on 5 July I became worried for him when he didn’t turn up and I couldn’t get through to house update.
The Walsall office had, until yesterday been the only method I had to seek support for James since his home phone number was callously changed after I called for support for him after a resident seized his device while he was engaged in conversation with his sister and I meekly requested to speak to a carer but was denied by the resident who seized his device. That issue is still to be resolved.

Daniella was very helpful and arranged James 2.30 pm calls to his paternal family who he has always loved equally (not more, not less) to his mother and stepdad at 3 Wensley Croft. However yesterday the Walsall office didn’t help James and left everybody in the dark but a different office did at least listen to the problem but didn’t get back to me.

Of course his 2.30. pm calls are subject to reasonable adjustment under the Disability Discrimination Act to ensure he has maximum access to his care home activities and his Skype his family activities in the presence of his brother and sister which he loves equally as much as his care home activities.

There are only 3 issues to resolve one was resolved at his Sendist Tribunal by his legal adviser (myself) as one of only 3 people who recognised his disability. And his disability was recognised for 6 years until it was callously unrecognised by his abusers at Wensley Croft and Solihull social services evil acts of abuse of my son’s severe incapacity during their vigilante perjury in the court of protection.

I am also concerned that you have committed vigilante perjury against my son following your threat to get a fraudulent contact order court order to abuse my severely incapacitated son with. The contact order should be to facilitate his contact with his family he loves by recognising his disability and his love for his paternal family and reconciling this vital evidence with the courts not to add more obstacles for this defenceless man-baby to have to jump through.

All court orders need to be amended so that they are based on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Only then would they be enforceable.

No court orders are valid without my son receiving representation from me as apart from his GP and neurologist I’m the only person who recognises his disability and the consequence of his disability as defined in his MRI scan
In any case the fraudulent court orders are unenforceable because the very act of enforcing them will reveal my son’s abusers’ perjury and abuse of the British legal system and lead the perjurers to custodial Jail sentences.
Thank you for updating me on my son’s whereabouts and I will update you later about the outstanding issues.

Thank you
Simon Foden
James Foden’s father and lifetime legal advisor.

Simon, 15:56
James is entitled to his liberty to see his brother and sister who he loves to bits under the Mental Capacity Act and also he’s entitled to a reasonable adjustment of his daily activities
under the Disability Discrimination Act so that he’s allowed to do all the things he likes to do and he’s not forced to choose between them. It saddens me that I still have to keep reminding Upward Care of my son’s legal rights after 5 years. Everybody, by now, should understand what his disability is, how much he loves his daily Skype to brother Si and Sister Simone and what his legal rights are.

5 June 2022
Simon, 16:00
James can see his brother and sister today at 11am uk or between or between 11am and 2.30 pm and we’ll be waiting to entertain him and chat with him when he calls.

Monica Massey, 16:25
Hi Simon, this is convenient for yourself but not for James as it causes his distress, James has a routine everyday which you are aware of.
The telephone number was changed due to your mannerisms via the landline causing staff and other house mates distress.
As you are aware dealing with sudden changes for James makes things hard for him.
This is unfair as during the day James likes to go out and can be out all day at times, so we can’t always guarantee the call at 2.30pm, whereas the early UK morning call was convenient as he had the rest of the day to do his daily routine and activities that he enjoys.

Simon, 17:04
For the last 5 years James’s calls have been at midday to 3pm and James had no distress calling at that time. And you know that. You unilaterally changed to 8.30 Calls only a few weeks ago.Please revert back to the norm to help my disabled son with his routine.

Simon, 18:17
I refute in the strongest possible terms that I have been rude to anybody at 2 Stoney Close during any request for support. Even under provocation after I heard tenant Jamie seize James phone and cut his call while my son was asking for 5 more minutes I was very polite to him and I politely said please can I speak to Imran then Jamie called me a prick and hung up the phone and my defenseless son got no support. I did nothing wrong but as a result of requesting support for my abused son had his device snatched by tenant Jamie I was subjected to verbal abuse by tenant Jamie then because tenant Jamie verbally abused me I was banned from seeking telephone support for my severely incapacitated defenseless son. I haven’t been abusive to anybody but even though I’m a 58-year-old man suffering from cancer I was doubly abused first by tenant Jamie then by Natasha stopping me from seeking help for my son because tenant Jamie first abused my son by seizing his phone then abused me for politely asking to speak to Imran for help.

Simon, 18:21
For the last 5 years James calls have been at midday to 3pm and James had no distress calling at that time. And you know that. You unilaterally changed to 8.30 Calls only a few weeks ago.please revert back to the norm to help my disabled son with his routine.

Simon, 18:23
James seeing his brother and sister are and always have been equally important to him as his daily routine and he’s always called between midday and 3pm.

Simon, 18:26
James reiterated today he wants to see his brother and sister when they get home from school. He always enjoys seeing them.

Simon, 18:28
Because of my son’s severe incapacity, we have to give him reasonable adjustments we have to do our best to accommodate James’s wishes by being flexible.

Simon, 18:31
Please can James call at 2.30 pm tomorrow or for flexibility between 2.30 and 4pm

Simon, 18:35
All James wants is the status quo of midday to 3pm calls as they have always been.

Simon, 18:36
He’s not looking for change.

Simon, 18:40
He just wants one of his daily activities to be seeing his father brother and sister. Nobody can credibly deny this is what he wants. Not even a bent psychologist because a real psychologist would dispute the bent psychologist’s opinion based on common sense. James seeing his family is just one of his daily activities its not his only daily activity😄

Simon, 18:41
Please can James call at 2.30 pm tomorrow or for flexibility between 2.30 and 4pm

Simon, 18:54
4pm would be close to Si and Simone’s bed time and I respectfully request not to call that late if possible because it would be a short call and the kids would be tired but for James it would be better than not seeing them at all and he can say ninight to them.

Simon, 18:54
Please help my severely incapacitated son who depends on your help to call his family at:

11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Simon, 18:56
2.30pm to 4pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Simon, 18:57
Any time at weekends

Simon, 19:00
Thank you for understanding my son and helping him today. Please help him everyday. I have cancer and my son has a severe brain abnormality and neither of us knows how long the other will live so it’s important we don’t miss out while we still have time to see each other.

Simon, 18:19
Please help James connect his daily Skype activity to his brother and sister he said he wants to see them.

Simon, 18:20
You said you would help him at 11am

Simon, 18:23
Please help him

Simon, 19:11
Please help my son connect his daily Skype at 2.30pm as agreed with Daniella

Simon, 00:14
James can’t see us please help him

Simon, 00:17
Please never connect calls that don’t have 2 way audio and video because it’s heart breaking to watch my man baby son being abused moping around like a lost sheep not knowing where to turn for help calling his brother Simone calling me Simone calling his sister baby Ki. No carer offered him any help.

Simon, 10:43
Somebody at 2 Stoney Close connected my man baby Skype with a black screen and no ability for him to see who he was talking to and after a heart breaking few minutes watching him being abused and the distress of not being able to call the house to request support for him I had to call upward care head office to seek help for my helpless son who no carer wanted to help.

Simon, 11:08
I was forced to watch my severely incapacitated man baby son being abused by Upward Care carers sabotaging his video call by letting him connect with no video leaving him with no idea who he was talking to they forced him to look at a black screen during the heartbreaking distressing call sabotaged to prevent him from seeing his loved ones with no carer prepared to help him knowing full well his Dad cannot call for help because they’ve stopped him from receiving my help by changing the care home number and not giving it to James Dad.

Simon, 11:24
Please never ever call my Skype account again with a connection that doesn’t connect with two way audio and video because it is distressing beyond belief to be forced to watch my defenseless, totally helpless man baby son being abused with a sabotaged call and all carers neglecting him when he needed their help to switch the video on for him and watching them neglecting him and refusing to help him was as distressing as watching him being abused with a connection he couldn’t see us with.

This incident of abuse was one of the most heartbreaking and distressing moments of my life and no way should carers treat my man baby son like this first abuse him with a connection that doesn’t work then neglect to help him.

It’s no way to treat a 26 year old man baby and no way to treat his 58 year old dad who is battling cancer by forcing him to watch his severely incapacitated son first be abused then neglected.

James and I don’t know how much time we have left to see each other and it is shocking and cruel that we’re both being abused and neglected this way by upward care carers.

Simon, 11:49
Daniella said James can see his father brother and sister every day at 2.30 pm. Please give him a fully working Skype connection (like non disabled people use)at 2.30 pm so that he can see them. Please do not make any Skype calls that are not fully working so as not to make fools of your most defenseless man baby resident and his father who suffers from cancer.

Simon, 20:29
James call got cut

Simon, 20:31
Please help him

Simon, 20:27
Please connect my incapacitated sons call. He said he wants to see us but he is too incapacitated to connect without assistance from a carer.

Simon, 20:32
If an abuser has told him to say he doesn’t want to see us that means nothing because there is no link between what he is told to say and do and what he wants to do and it’s an offense under the Mental Capacity Act not to let him do all the things he wants to do even if an abuser had told him to say he doesn’t want to do what he wants to do. When he repeats what his abusers coercively control him to say he doesn’t know the consequences of doing so and he doesn’t know the abuser is fraudulently passing off her words as his words.

Simon, 20:35
Please don’t forget he has the Mental Capacity of a baby due to his Neronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly when it comes to defending himself from his abusers who he’s scared of who coercively control what he’s allowed to think say and do.

Simon, 20:36
Please help him

Simon, 20:49
It is an offense under the Mental Capacity Act to deprive him of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones by his abusers constantly distracting him throughout his call to his father brother and sister. He is entitled to space to communicate without constantly being called away and distracted throughout his call to his family.

Simon, 20:52
The Mental Capacity Act protects my severely incapacitated son from his abusers refusing to recognize his disability and his love of his father brother and sister and his love of calling us on a non sabotaged connection as would be used by a non disabled person.

Simon, 20:55
Just because he’s so incapacitated that he’s happy to be abused by his abuser doesn’t make it legal for them to abuse him because he’s even happier when he’s not being abused.

Simon, 20:56
The last point above is very important

Simon, 20:59
Please help him to connect a working call on a non sabotaged device and give him the space he needs to express and communicate his love of his father brother and sister during his call without him being coercively controlled what he’s allowed to say and without him being constantly distracted throughout his call in order to illegally deprive him of his liberty to communicate with his family.

Simon, 21:02
12 months ago his abusers told him he’s not allowed to say he loves his dad. 6 months ago his abusers told him he’s not allowed to say he loves his sister I.e his abusers are fraudulently passing off what they want to communicate as what my severely incapacitated son wants to communicate.

Simon, 21:04
My son is scared of his abusers and he nearly always complies with what they coercively control him to say and do.

Simon, 21:07
This is a tragic abuse of my wonderful baby son trapped in a 26 year old’s body and a tragic abuse of his cancer fighting father, 9 year old brother and 7 year old sister all of whom he loves to bits but is coercively controlled to behave like he’s doesn’t love us or doesn’t want to see us even though his daily call to his family is one of his favorite activities.

James, 21:09
He does many activities that he enjoys. He also has choices to make for himself. Thanks

Simon, 21:59
I have hundreds of hours of footage that prove beyond all reasonable doubt the points raised above and now, after 5 years it’s time for Upward Care to recognize his disability and love for his paternal family,

Monica Massey, 23:00
He does many activities that he enjoys. He also has choices to make for himself. Thanks
My son’s MRI scan report clearly and specifically states that his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly mean that he does not have the mental capacity to make any decision about anything. Anybody who refuses to recognize this key point to ensure safety in his care, such as Natasha Streeter and Solihull Social Services and the Ryders is an abuser of my son’s incapacity.

Simon, 23:08
My son, due to his severe disability requires his carers to recognize that his love for his paternal family and his love of seeing us, undistracted, on a working connection is a standing choice of yes regardless of anything he says because he doesn’t have the capacity to understand the consequences of something that he says. There is a section on his Safeguarding website called “Sarah Hands” that depicts Sarah Hands, one of Solihull Council’s corrupt social workers asserting that “babies and two year olds can only see their parents if they choose to” which basically means all 2 year old children should be banned from seeing their parents unless, when given a choice, the clearly state they want to see their parents

Simon, 23:17
Just as it is taken for granted that two year olds want to see their parents even if they say otherwise my oldest son James has the same protection that a two year old has I.e. a general recognition that he wants to see his family regardless of anything he says because, just like a two year old, my son’s baby like Capacity means he does not understand the consequences of anything that he says that is why his MRI scan clearly states that he is not capable of making any decisions and understanding the consequences of his decisions. This is why his MRI scan report is Supreme because it is photographic evidence and it takes precedence over any fraudulent psychologist reports any fraudulent social worker reports, any fraudulent solicitor reports and any Court order derived from the perjury of submitting the fraudulent reports by any of the above to any UK Court.

Simon, 23:25
I paraphrased this on the Upward Care section of my son’s Safeguarding Website:
What the corrupt Solihull Social worker did to abuse my son was the same as taking an X-ray that clearly depicts a person has a broken arm and then getting a second opinion from a bent psychologist which says there is nothing wrong with the person’s arm regardless of the X-ray because it’s all in the person’s mind and the person is malingering.

Simon, 23:27
Corrupt Solihull Social workers buried my man baby son’s disability as clearly depicted on his MRI with fraudulent reports from corrupt psychologists, corrupt social workers and corrupt solicitors

Simon, 23:32
Therefore it is generally understood, based on his MRI scan, that my oldest son wants to see his loved ones, undistracted, on a working Skype connection every day without having to make any choices that he does not have the Capacity make and does not have the capacity to understand the consequences of the choice just like it is generally understood that babies and two year olds want to see their family on a daily basis without being distracted with choices that they don’t have the capacity to make

Simon, 23:35
Therefore it is abuse of my oldest son’s incapacity to force him to make choices that he does not have the capacity to make.

Simon, 23:42
For legal compliance, he only requires a daily 45 minutes to an hour Skype to see his family and reassure himself that we are still there and we still love him and we will come to visit him as often as we can which is now every 6 months then he is free to conduct any other care home activities that are available to him but he clearly does not have the Mental Capacity to opt-out of his daily see his family activity and understand what he’s given up just like any baby or 2 year old with similar capacity to my son doesn’t have the mental capacity to opt-out of seeing their families.

Simon, 07:47
Please can James Skype his family at 2.30pm daily UK time as agreed with Daniella. He eventually saw us yesterday around this time after I messaged for help. Please don’t call at 9pm UK time because that 3 am here and we’re all fast asleep here. Thank you.

Simon, 15:47
Kids will be back in 90 minutes we’re picking them up the buying Si a new uniform

Simon, 15:48
Thanks for James call please let him see us later. After 90 minutes and before 3.30 pm for flexibility

Simon, 17:48
James called to see his brother and sister while they were at school. They’re back home now so he can see them. Please help him connect between now and 4pm for flexibility with other activities.

Simon, 22:39
Please don’t make calls where my severely disabled son can’t see us because he’s helpless so helpless that he’s happy to be abused and teased but when he’s not abused and teased and distracted when he’s trying to see us he’s even happier.

Simon, 22:42
There’s no reason for my son not to have 2 way audio and video and it’s cruel to make fun of him by watching him try to see us for an hour when you know he can’t and he is too baby like incapacitated to ask for help and you’ve deprived him of his liberty for his dad and legal advisor to call the house for help.

Simon, 22:44
I personally think my baby son trapped in a 26 year olds body was treated disgracefully today but nobody at Upward Care Limited has ever listened to anything I’ve ever said

Simon, 22:45
James couldn’t see us all through the first call so we repeated it for him when he could see us.

Simon, 22:48
Please help my son by giving his father and legal advisor the house phone number so we can call for help for him instead of watching him being abused and teased for an hour by making us watch him not be able to see us.

Simon, 22:49
James is entitled for me to be able to ask for help for him regardless of a co resident being abusive to me

Simon, 22:50
James still needs support even if I’m abused by an aggressive coresident

Simon, 22:52
I cannot see the link between a coresident abusing me being used as an excuse for me not to be able to call for help for my defenseless son when he needs help.

Simon, 22:52
I just cannot see the link

Simon, 22:53
I’ll call head office and request my defenseless son can receive support from me by me calling the house and explaining to a carer that my son can’t see us

Simon, 22:54
I love my son so much I’m happy to take abuse from his coresidents if that is the price I have to pay to seek help for him

Simon, 22:57
Stopping co residents from abusing me by stopping my son with Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly from being able to get help from me is like throwing the baby out with the bath water

Monica Massey, 22:57
You have been causing James distress, by calling his staff Naughty, which led him to believe that he is naughty. We do not use words like that as he is not a child.
As you are aware of your previous actions with the landline, we cannot provide you with the new landline number.
Nobody abuses you or your son.
You have abused the staff here by calling staff Naughty and Abusers.
This is a defamation of character in regards to your derogatory comments.

Simon, 23:00
Why did you not just give him a connection that worked so that his rights to a 2 way undistracted audio video call to his loved ones under the Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act are fully adhered to

Simon, 23:02
Also why don’t you recognise my son’s disability as depicted by his MRI scan report. If you did then he would have had wonderful working 2 way audio video calls for the last 5 years and there would never have been a reason for me to seek help for him?

Simon, 23:10
It was kind of you to give him a second go at seeing his family and Simone was unphased by going through the whole call again to entertain her defenseless older brother but doing it all again was distressing for Si because he has ADHD and he, like his oldest brother James is a stickler for routine and his routine is to chill out with YouTube after he’s entertained his defenseless older brother and it was distressing for him to break his routine and do it again but Simone and I found it easy to just repeat the whole call once James could see us and sing his songs with him and watch his trains with him and and chat about what he wants to do and where he wants to go on his bidaily family visits in October.

Simon, 23:13
Si finds it harder to provide loving entertainment and to come to terms with his older brother neuronal migration disorder and Microcephaly than Simone and I but he tries hard and sometimes surprises James with some pippin on his phone

Simon, 23:16
Si always chats with James when his Ritalin is working but after it’s stopped working he can’t focus on anything. It was his teachers who first spotted his ADHD was confirmed and successfully treated during school hours with his 12 hour Ritalin pills

Simon, 23:24
The most challenging time for me was when my parents picked me up from the airport 3 weeks before mom died of cancer. Then the day after she died I cared for James and my dad together during the Christmas holiday, Monica and Dominic brought James round for me to care for the day after my mom died and I cared for James every day at the same time as I provided palliative caring for my dad every day and changed James pad and dads colostomy bag every day during a time that I’d just lost my mom and knowing Dad had only 4 weeks left to live. That was even more challenging than dealing with my own cancer but I was unphased by these challenging times and I just got on and dealt with it.

Simon, 23:26
So a resident being abusive to me when I’m trying to get help for my son is water off a ducks back therefore there is no reason to deprive my son of his dad being able to call for help for him when he can’t see us or can’t hear us for whatever the reason.

Simon, 23:29
My life has been roller coaster but there is nothing I can’t deal with. Simone is like me and is unphased by challenges and challenging times

Simon, 23:31
Even with Si’s ADHD he can still do Taekwando classes and sailed through yellow then yellow / green belts first time and is going to be tested for his green belt next month

Simon, 23:35
James father brother and sister are good people that’s why he loves us so much. Please don’t encumber him with distractions and devices that don’t work when he’s trying to receive love support and entertainment from us especially as James and I have life limiting medical conditions.

Monica Massey, 07:58
You have been causing James distress, by calling his staff Naughty, which led him to believe that he is naughty. We do not use words like that as he is not a child.
As you are aware of your previous actions with the landline, we cannot provide you with the new landline number.
Nobody abuses you or your son.
You have abused the staff here by calling staff Naughty and Abusers.
This is a defamation of character in regards to your derogatory comments.

There have been no previous actions other than gently requesting support for my baby son trapped and locked into a 26-year-old man’s body exactly as depicted by his MRI scan report and his neurologist when he 2 years old. I beg you to give me access to your solicitor if you disagree with any information in any of my severely incapacitated son’s abuse reports.

Simon, 08:03
Everything has transpired as they said it would I.e my son would be a lifetime man-baby. The only thing that wasn’t predicted is that corrupt social services would bury his MRI scan report cover up his disability and place him in an abusive care home with an abusive principal carer and an abusive care manager living with an abusive coresident 10 times less incapacitated than my son.

Simon, 08:16
Everything will be available for public scrutiny, peer review, and safeguarding of my baby-like incapacity son following last night’s Ruthless attack on him and his Cancer-fighting father by abusive carer Monica Massey sabotaging his call knowing full well I was straight-jacketed and muzzled from seeking help for him and you added a blindfold to his straight jacket and muzzle by removing his family from the screen on his device since she illegally deprived my loving man-baby of receiving help by illegally changing my sons care home phone number.

Simon, 08:23
If I took her abusive advice and ended the call this abusive woman’s advice to cut my sons sabotaged call she would have abused him even more by saying hey look your dad doesn’t want to see you therefore his cancer-fighting father and brother and sister were forced to watch him being abused, as they have been forced to do for 5 years, with a sabotaged connection only this time there is no house number because my son’s abusers have illegally deprived him of receiving help from a gentle call to carers where I could have explained he can’t see us instead of being forced to watch him not be able to see us for 45 minutes.

Simon, 08:26
He was so upset that we ended the call after 45 minutes without him being able to see us he called back this time with a connection that worked like a non disabled person would use. Therefore to avoid further distress to my disabled son and forcing his family to watch him being abused give me his contact number so I can get support for him.

Simon, 08:29
It is an offense not to give it to me because my son is locked in due to his baby like Capacity and can only get help if I call the care home to help him. Since you cut my locked in sons support line you have illegally removed him beyond the reach of his loved ones. It’s my job as his lifetime legal advisor and father to get his emergency support line number back for him with the help of his safeguarding website.

Simon, 08:31
Which is his only form of redress, communication and visibility with the outside world.

Simon, 12:14
James said he wants us to wave bye-bye before he goes to his moms

Simon, 12:15
He likes to chat before he goes then he likes say James go and he likes us to yes James go see you when you come back to number 2.

Simon, 12:17
In short, he likes to keep all of his family in his loop so we all know where he is and we all know when he wants to see us next based on his wishes not what others tell him to say by fraudulently passing off their words as my son’s words to support Solihull Councils 14 year false narrative that he doesn’t want to see us derived from the Ryders libeling, defaming and slandering his paternal family on an industrial psychopathic scale to everyone involved in his care first for 12 years behind our backs then for 8 years to our faces.

Simon, 12:18
In short, he likes to see us after lunch when Si and Simone are here and early on the day his mom picks him up

Monica Massey, 18:38
You have been causing James distress, by calling his staff Naughty, which led him to believe that he is naughty. We do not use words like that as he is not a child.
As you are aware of your previous actions with the landline, we cannot provide you with the new landline number.
Nobody abuses you or your son.
You have abused the staff here by calling staff Naughty and Abusers.
This is a defamation of character in regards to your derogatory comments.

I am the one whose been defamed. I refute your false allegations in the strongest possible terms. If you wrongly think you are the one who has been defamed I want to speak to your solicitor. There is nothing I have said that I am not happy to publish on my sons safeguarding website. This will make it easier for your solicitor to get to the bottom of how you’ve abused my son and I look forward to him making contact with me.

Simon, 18:38
You have abused my son for 5 years and the quicker you give me the opportunity to speak to your solicitor the quicker you will stop abusing him.

Simon, 18:42
I have repeatedly explained my sons case against the Ryders Upward Care and Solihull Council but nobody has listened to a word I’ve said so I’ve safeguarded him on his website that has uncovered what you’ve done to him and his cancer fighting father and you keep forcing me to add to my severely disabled sons safeguarding site until you recognize how you’ve abused him and his family and you stop abusing him. At the point you stop abusing him no further entries will be required to protect him from you.

Monica Massey, 01:44
You have been causing James distress, by calling his staff Naughty, which led him to believe that he is naughty. We do not use words like that as he is not a child.
As you are aware of your previous actions with the landline, we cannot provide you with the new landline number.
Nobody abuses you or your son.
You have abused the staff here by calling staff Naughty and Abusers.
This is a defamation of character in regards to your derogatory comments.

Please tell me what the so-called previous actions are other than me politely requesting help and an aggressive co-resident abusing me. This matter is not resolved and it cannot be covered up both for my security and safety and my baby-like severely disabled sons security and safety. It is an offense to cover up the abuse of vulnerable people and as my son’s legal advisor I have to I have a legal obligation to make sure my son’s abuse is visible, not invisible like baby Arthur’s abuse.

Simon, 01:49
We all know what happens to extremely vulnerable people when their abuse is made invisible by corrupt, negligent and inept Solihull social workers. They have a history of contributing to the abuse, death, and near-death of vulnerable people going back 14 years that I am aware of and it’s an offense for me to cover it up.

Simon, 01:50
Please give me your solicitor’s contact details so I can explain to them directly what has transpired over the past 14 years.

Simon, 01:51
They can email me directly at

Simon, 01:56
I’ve been waiting 14 years for your solicitors to make contact with me. So far only one has ever made contact with me and he agreed I was right and his client was wrong but James and I need to make contact with more solicitors because the last was only able to resolve one small aspect of abuse of my defenseless severely incapacitated baby like son trapped and locked into a 26 year old man’s body.

Simon, 02:04
Please don’t make any false allegations regarding me seeking support for my son and regards getting his disability recognized and regards his abuse at Upward care ltd lovingly detailed for him at a massive financial cost to my family and my other children. Multiple times more than my mom left me to use to protect him from abuse. The Sendist tribunal alone cost more than mom helped me with then reuniting him with his family following his 2 month kidnapping when he finished Merstone school then he needed it again when his abuse and cover-up of his disability continued beyond his 18th birthday.

Simon, 02:23
My mother’s solicitor explained to me that under no circumstances must his gift from his grandmother be withheld until his 25th bithday if he needs it before he’s 25. Well, he received it when he was 12 to stop Reynalds Cross school from abusing him by blaming and punishing him for being disabled which I single-handedly achieved for him. Then he received his grandmother’s gift a second time when he was 18 to reunite him with his family which like his expensive Sendist tribunal was successful and achieved his reuniting with his family and my son also received his grandmother’s gift a third time for a third time when he was 18 years old for his safeguarding website to campaign for his disability to be recognized and to make it more difficult for carers to abuse him and to keep him visible so he doesn’t suffer the same fate as baby Arthur although he almost did on 2 occasions at Upward Care 2 Stoney Close under the care of Monica Massey and the management of Natasha Streeter. The third giving of his grandmother’s gift has had limited success in that unlike baby Arthur James is still alive due to his visibility on his safeguarding website but it’s still costing me a fortune to campaign for his disability to be recognized as it is clearly and photographically portrayed in his MRI scan and for his abuse to end but regardless of the funds I’ve spent on this endeavor multiple times over and above what his grandmother left me to protect him with (by making me trustee and ensure the funds were spent on him as soon as he needed them) I’ve still not achieved success in uncovering his disability and getting it recognized by everybody involved in his care and stopping his severe baby like incapacity (as depicted in his covered up MRI scan) being abused and taken advantage of by carers care managers and care home coresidents and everybody else who has contributed to the cover up of my son’s severe disability and the abuse of his incapacity.

Monica Massey, 21:13
James has been out and fell asleep, he’ll call you when he is awake.

Simon, 21:16
Thank you for letting me know we’re up for an hour and a half then we go to bed

Simon, 20:47
Please help James to connect and give him his rights to have some undistracted time with his family. Family time is time out from tablet time and talk to residents time.

Simon, 20:52
Yesterday he was called away and distracted away every time the people he loves to talk to tried to talk to him. This is deprivation of his liberty an offence under the Mental Capacity Act to have a bit of time out from his other activities to have 30 minutes or so quality time with his family and he wasn’t given reasonable adjustment to some time out from his tablet so he can enjoy time in with his brother and sister.

Simon, 20:55
By depriving him of reasonable adjustment to his activities other things he loves i.e talking to his family and watching his YouTube on his tablet were both degraded because the carers didn’t comply with the disability discrimination Act and give him reasonable adjustment so that he could make the most of his tablet activity and his Skype his family activities..

Simon, 21:01
Because my son only had the capacity of a baby telling him to do things is coercive control because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand that when you keep calling him away from his Skype call or keep offering him distractions from it or cut his picture of his family or goad him to cut it himself his baby like incapacity cannot determine that his brief call to his loved ones is being sabotaged by the people who want him distracted from his brother and sister and father.

Simon, 21:04
Please remember my man-baby son loves being abused he thinks it’s very funny and he automatically thinks that what carers and coresidents tell him to do is correct. The only thing he loves more than being abused is not being abused therefore please don’t deprive him if face to face undistracted communication with his loved ones again like you did every day for the past 7 days

Simon, 21:07
Please help him to enjoy his liberty to an undistracted non sabotaged call to his loved ones. So far nobody has helped him to connect his 2.30 pm call today. Please help him.

Simon, 21:10
I’ll report to head office tomorrow because you’ve illegally deprived my man baby son to received support from his father and legal advisor by changing the support number and depriving my son of the support he needs to navigate through his challenging life at 2 Stoney close.

Simon, 21:14
By changing the phone number through no fault of my own you have illegally removed Upward Cares most incapacitated resident beyond the reach of his family and legal advisor when he needs support from a carer. You have illegally deprived him of receiving help from a carer when he needs it because his only channel to receive it is for me to call the people who hold him and request support for him.

Monica Massey, 21:15
His having a nap

James, 21:16
He will call you when his up

Simon, 21:16
Thank you for letting me know

Monica Massey, 21:37
You need to know and understand that James also has a routine and can make his own decisions about what he wants to do. Nobody stops him from calling you, nobody distracts him away from you, if he wants to move away from the tablet to go toilet, or get a drink or go to his room, that is his choice, we do NOT force him away from you.
Also we do NOT see James as a baby, which you are constantly repeating. He is an adult.
Again he is not being ABUSED.
Stop with your derogatory and accusations.
James is not being abused, if we was to force him to sit in front of the tablet consistently against his will and NOT use the bathroom or get water, THAT IS ABUSE of what we are NOT willing to do so.

Simon, 21:43
According to James Mri scan, he doesn’t have the Capacity to know that if he’s distracted for any reason from seeing his family on Skype that he will be deprived of that activity that he loves. It is automatically assumed that people with James’s capacity want to see their family regardless of what they say or are goaded to say by others. Babies and toddlers are automatically assumed to want to see their loved ones regardless of anything they say or are goaded to say

Simon, 21:44
James doesn’t need the toilet every 3 minutes for an hour

Simon, 21:45
It’s a pleasure to watch him getting his drinks and drinking them but he doesn’t need to fetch a drink ever 3 minutes for an hour

Simon, 21:50
You are abusing James by not recognizing his baby-like Capacity and defencelessness because it is confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt by his MRI scan report which supersedes any fraudulent report from a bent psychologist reporting that a person with an undeniable broken arm according to their X-ray but the bent psychologists refute the x ray and report that there’s nothing wrong with his arm it’s all in his mind.

Monica Massey, 21:50
From understanding this message you are stating that James doesn’t know what he wants. James does know what he wants and what he doesn’t want.

Simon, 21:52
James’s Disability diagnosis of Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly was buried by the bent psychologists hired by the bent social workers and his disability was downgraded to a “touch of autism”. The Mri scan reports that my severely incapacitated son doesn’t have the capacity to make any decision about any subject.

Simon, 21:53
The fraudulent reports were perjured to UK Courts by bent solicitors

Monica Massey, 21:54
You can continue to state what you want, we will not be forcing him to be sat down in front of the tablet.
He has the capacity to make his decisions.
He may not have full capacity to make wider choices but he does the capacity to make a choice.

To say that my severely incapacitated son doesn’t have full capacity is the same as saying a person with no legs doesn’t have full walking capability. You make a total misrepresentation of the facts. Your gross misrepresentation perverts the course of justice and covers up Camelia Monica Ryder, otherwise known as Monica Ryder’s perjury in the Court of Protection and Natasha Streeters perjury she comitted to obtain a fraudulent contact order to abuse my severely incapacitated son with.

My son’s MRI scan report says he doesn’t have the capacity to make any decision about anything and understand the consequences of the decision.

Monica Massey, 21:56
From understanding this message you are stating that James doesn’t know what he wants. James does know what he wants and what he doesn’t want.

Yes you have finally got it. This is exactly what my sons MRI scan reports says is “James doesn’t have the capacity to make any decision about anything and understand the consequences of the decision because his disability: Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly has rendered him with the lifetime mental capacity of a baby”

Simon, 21:59
His MRI scan report is supreme and renders anything written by anybody that contradicts and denies his disability defined in my son’s MRI scan report is a fraudulent abuser of my son’s severe baby-like incapacity.

Monica Massey, 22:14
You can continue to state what you want, we will not be forcing him to be sat down in front of the tablet.
He has the capacity to make his decisions.
He may not have full capacity to make wider choices but he does capacity to make a choice.

As James’s legal adviser I have a legal duty to advise you that you will be offending under the Disability Discrimination Act if you as your state above refuse to give him a reasonable adjustment and give him a little time to all the activities he loves consecutively so he has over 23 hours a day with his tablet and 30 minutes or so with his family. James doesn’t understand, according to his MRI scan, the consequences of choosing his tablet during his Skype activity will degrade his face-to-face communication which he is entitled to with no distraction just as James non-disabled brother Sasha has Skyped his family for 13 years without being distracted by other people, or electronic devices because Sasha understood, even at 4 years old, that such would degrade the activity of the moment I.e Skyping his family and at that young age Sasha understood he could return to his devices after his Skype his family activity is complete. Treating severely incapacitated James less favorably than his non-disabled brother Sasha is an offense under the Disability Discrimination Act because the Act provides for Disabled people to be treated equally with Non-disabled people.

Monica Massey, 22:18
You can continue to state what you want, we will not be forcing him to be sat down in front of the tablet.
He has the capacity to make his decisions.
He may not have full capacity to make wider choices but he does capacity to make a choice.

He doesn’t not only have full capacity he has the capacity of a baby!!! His baby like capacity doesn’t even come close to a 2 year olds Capacity let alone the full capacity of a 26 year old. You still have no clue to my sons disability and you are still a repeat offender under the Mental Capacity Act and Disability Discrimination Act and you admit the same in your message above.

Simon, 22:50
And I have a legal obligation to report your offenses to your head office and to my desperately incapacitated man baby’s safeguarding website that my severely locked-in son depends on for visibility and reporting his abuse.

Monica Massey, 07:56
From understanding this message you are stating that James doesn’t know what he wants. James does know what he wants and what he doesn’t want.

Babies know what they want and what they don’t want but they don’t know the consequences of the decision they make. That’s what James is severe disability is all about. People with neuronal migration disorders and microcephaly do not have enough neurons in their brains to understand the consequences of any decision they make that is why my severely incapacitated man baby’s MRI scan report says he will have the life time mental capacity of a baby and will always be incapable of making any decisions about any issue now don’t you think this is problem enough for me as his father without having to suffer 14 years of bent social workers and their bent psychologists that fraudulently cover up my man baby’s disability that cover up the blatantly obvious and then hire bent solicitors to perjure their fraudulent reports to UK courts to provide cover to a bent care home to abuse my severely incapacitated man-baby.

Do you really think I and my severely incapacitated and severely abused (since his grandparents died) man baby need to put up with this abuse and travesty of a miscarriage of justice by everybody named above any longer?

On top being the parent of a man baby who has suffered abuse starting at Reynolds Cross School 14 years ago and briefly paused at Merstone school after after James’s legal adviser won his sendist Tribunal for him and got his severe Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly briefly recognised by corrupt Solihull Council then his abuse and miscarriage of justice resumed again in earnest at Queen Alexandra College and Upward Care Ltd, after corrupt Solihull Council wheeled out their bent Social workers who recently let Baby Arthur die, their bent psychologists who argue that X-Rays and MRI scans are meaningless the the only thing that matters is the fraudulent fiction the bent psychologists write under the instruction of the corrupt Solihull Council employing them and their Solicitors who perjure the fraudulent reports to UK Courts.

My man baby son is the world’s most unreliable whiteness because he has the mental capacity of a baby and is coercively controlled as easily as his principal abusers: Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and her accomplice Dominic Ryder who have libeled and defamed James loved ones to groom everybody involved in James care to pre-hate his paternal family who raised him and who he’s loved all his life and will always love even though he’s been coercively controlled by his abusive care provider Upward care to stop telling us he loves us the Ryder’s libeled and defamed us on an industrial scale over 20 years. Because my man baby son is the world’s most unreliable whiteness because he has the mental capacity of a baby he will repeat (with no understanding whatsoever) everything the principal abusers, bent social workers, bent psychologists, and bent solicitors everything they tell him to repeat in front of the judge by fraudulently passing off their words as my son’s words to the judge and they will purjer the judge by covering up my son’s MRI scan report derived Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering him with the lifetime capacity of a baby and fraudulently telling the judge that my man-baby has to he capacity of a 12 year old and understands what he’s talking about and the consequences of the same when the reality is that James will repeat s total load of gibberish that he doesn’t understand in order to get his bus ride from his abusers.

No wonder with all the stress pro abuse anti whistle blowing Council: Solihull Council, Solihull MBC has put me through I succumbed to cancer. Enough is enough and now is time to rescue my 26 year old man baby from all the Solihull Council and Upward Care’s abuse and miscarriage of justice by the abusive care home Upward Care Limited and the abusive Solihull Councilserived misuse and abuse of multiple UK Courts

Simon, 08:09
My 26 year old man baby is the world’s most unreliable witness because he has the mental capacity of a baby according to his MRI scan report that his perjurers covered up from any Court cases he was abused in.

Simon, 09:26
His abusers won’t tell the judge the truth that my man-baby has an MRI scan that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that he has a neuronal migration disorder, Microcephaly a lifetime mental capacity of a baby and a lifetime inability to make any decision about any issue and understand the consequences of that decision. They didn’t tell the Judge not to listen to anything James says because he has a Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly and a lifetime mental capacity and he just repeats parrot-fashion everything his abusers tell him to say and has zero understanding of what he is saying and even more importantly zero understanding of the consequences of what he is saying. He just wants his promised bus ride at the end of the Court Session as his reward for repeating what his abusers told him to say. His abusers know full well he doesn’t have the capacity to understand the consequences of the words his abusers told him to say in Court.

Simon, 09:35
This is because if Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder from 3 Wensley Croft Solihull won’t be able to get a Court order that gives them and Solihull Social Services and Upward Care Ltd at 2 Stoney Close Solihull a license to abuse my 26-year-old man-baby if they tell the truth to Judges in their illegal secret hearings in UK courts in which my 26-year-old man-baby was abused and had zero representation from his father and legal advisor who won his SENDIST tribunal for him against all of his abusers at 3 Wensley Croft Solihull, Reynolds Cross School, Solihull, the Local Authority Ombudsman, and Solihull Council.

Simon, 09:53
Explanation to Rafiq from Upwards Care Ltd how the Ryder’s from 3 Wensley Croft Solihull committed perjury in UK Courts

Simon, 20:37
James call got cut

Simon, 20:37
While he was talking

Simon, 21:11
James can’t hear us

Simon, 21:11
and his call got cut


Updard Care Ltd Administration worker: Glen says he would not like his severely incapacitated son treated as cruelly as Upward Care Ltd Staff and management treat my 26 year old son who has a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly that renders him with the lifetime capacity and defencelessness as a baby

Upward Care 2 Stoney Close add a virtual blindfold (turning the brightness off his device so he cannot see his loved ones who he’s loved all of his life see link below) to their existing abuse toolkit of virtual Straight Jacket (coercively controlling what he is allowed to think and do) and virtual Muzzle (coerceively controlling what he is allowed to say – they stopped him telling me he love me 12 months ago and they stopped him telling his sister he loved her 6 months ago)

James abusers at Upward Care 2 Stoney Close subject him to a double whammy of abuse by not connecting his call until after his brother and sister had gone to be then sabotaging his device so that all he can see is a black screen on his video call and you can see that as a man baby he is totally lost and defensless and cannot get any help and as a tripple whammy his father and legal advisor has no way to call the house to seek help since his abusers changed the house phone number to ensure that their most incapacitated resident is abused to the absolute maximum his abusers think they can get away with.


Please note that from today Si and Simone are back at school and Daniella said it’s okay to change James call time to 2.30 pm in weekdays and leave weekend call times as they are now when James is at number2 at weekends.
Please gently explain to James tomorrow that he can see Baby Ki and Simone at 2.30 pm. Thank you
Please don’t tease James by calling when his brother and sister are at school
Today James can see his brother and sister at 11am uk time because no Taekwando
Daniella said you’ll call at 2.30 pm today
Please confirm you’ve received my message.
because James is being deprived of me calling the care home to get help for him because you haven’t given his Dad and lifetime legal advisor the new house phone number.
11am is okay today because no Taekwando
Please help James at 11 am thank you
No Si and Simone at the moment because they are at school
Today they’ll be home at 11 am Uk time. I’m just going to set off on the motorbike to go and pick them up now.
James and I are grateful for Daniella’s assistance in ensuring James sees his brother and sister when he makes his daily call.
James is entitled to his liberty to see his brother and sister who he loves to bits under the Mental Capacity Act and also he’s entitled to reasonable adjustment of his daily activities
under the Disability Discrimination Act so that he’s allowed to do all the things he likes to do and he’s not forced to choose between them. It saddens me that I still have to keep reminding Upward Care of my sons legal rights after 5 years. Everybody, by now, should understand what his disability is, how much he loves his daily Skype to brother Si and Sister Simone and what his legal rights are.
James can see his brother and sister today at 11am uk or between or between 11am and 2.30 pm and we’ll be waiting to entertain him and chat with him when he calls.

James, 16:25
Hi Simon, this is convenient for yourself but not for James as it causes his distress, James has a routine everyday which you are aware of.
The telephone number was changed due to your mannerisms via the landline causing staff and other house mates distress.
As you are aware dealing with sudden changes for James makes things hard for him.
This is unfair as during the day James likes to go out and can be out all day at times, so we can’t always guarantee the call at 2.30pm, whereas the early UK morning call was convenient as he had the rest of the day to do his daily routine and activities that he enjoys.


Hi Simon, this is convenient for yourself but not for James as it causes his distress, James has a routine everyday which you are aware of.
The telephone number was changed due to your mannerisms via the landline causing staff and other house mates distress.
As you are aware dealing with sudden changes for James makes things hard for him.
This is unfair as during the day James likes to go out and can be out all day at times, so we can’t always guarantee the call at 2.30pm, whereas the early UK morning call was convenient as he had the rest of the day to do his daily routine and activities that he enjoys.

For the last 5 years James calls have been at midday to 3pm and James had no distress calling at that time. And you know that. You unilaterally changed to 8.30 Calls only a few weeks ago.please revert back to the norm to help my disabled son with his routine.
Thank you very much for James call
James Foden, 17/05/2022
I refute in the strongest possible terms that I have been rude to anybody at 2 Stoney Close during any request for support. Even under provocation after I heard tenant Jamie seize James phone and cut his call while my son was asking for 5 more minutes I was very polite to him and I politely said please can I speak to Imran then Jamie called me a prick and hung up the phone and my defenceless son got no support. I did nothing wrong but as a result of requesting support for my abused son had his device snatched by tenant Jamie I was subjected to verbal abuse by tenant Jamie then because tenant Jamie verbally abused me I was banned from seeking telephone support for my severely incapacitated defenceless son. I haven’t been abusive to anybody but even though I’m a 58 year old man suffering with cancer I was doubly abused first by tenant Jamie then by Natasha stopping me from seeking help for my son because tenant Jamie first abused my son by seizing his phone then abused me for politely asking to speak to Imran for help.

For the last 5 years James calls have been at midday to 3pm and James had no distress calling at that time. And you know that. You unilaterally changed to 8.30 Calls only a few weeks ago.please revert back to the norm to help my disabled son with his routine.
James seeing his brother and sister are and always have been equally important to him as his daily routine and he’s always called between midday and 3pm.
James reiterated today he wants to see his brother and sister when they get home from school. He always enjoys seeing them.
Because of my son’s severe incapacity we have to give him reasonable adjustment we have to do our best to accommodate James wishes by being flexible.
Please can James call at 2.30 pm tomorrow or for flexibility between 2.30 and 4pm
All James wants is the status quo of midday to 3pm calls as they have always been.
He’s not looking for change.
He just wants one of his daily activities to be seeing his father brother and sister. Nobody can credibly deny this is what he wants. Not even a bent psychologist because a real psychologist would dispute the bent psychologist’s opinion based on common sense. James seeing his family is just one of his daily activities its not his only daily activity😄
Please can James call at 2.30 pm tomorrow or for flexibility between 2.30 and 4pm
4pm would be close to Si and Simone’s bed time and I respectfully request not to call that late if possible because it would be a short call and the kids would be tired but for James it would be better than not seeing them at all and he can say ninight to them.
Please help my severely incapacitated son who depends on your help to call his family at:

11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays
2.30pm to 4pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Any time at weekends
Thank you for understanding my son and helping him today. Please help him everyday. I have cancer and my son has a severe brain abnormality and neither of us knows how long the other will live so it’s important we don’t miss out while we still have time to see each other.


Why did you not help my son connect his daily Skype to his family. Somebody just pinged his account online then took him off again without connecting his call.
My man baby son’s account should always be online while James is being deprived of his liberty to receive support from his father / legal advisor to call the care home to seek help for his son.
I’m a 58 year old man with stage 2 renal cell carcinoma and I’m distraught that I don’t know if my oldest son is alive or dead since he was illegally removed beyond the reach of his loved ones after he was last allowed to make contact on Wednesday.
What has happened to my son?

Daniela said James can Skype us for an hour every day at 8 am UK time and then switch to 2.30 to 3pm from 17 May: Helpful lady: Daniella at Upward Care Ltd said James can see his father bother and sister every day at 2.30pm when they get back home from school and Taekwando classes
He hasn’t been able to Skype us for the last 6 days therefore please let him Skype us when he wakes up. His last words to Si and Simone on Wednesday were see you tomorrow but it’s been 6 days. Please help him when he wakes up.
Daniela said he can Skype us today so I assume that means when he wakes up. Please help him when he wakes up.


Voicemail to Natasha Streeter she hasn’t replied

01 May 2022

James can’t connect his daily Skype call to see his father brother, sister, and Cherma. He said he wanted to see us on Thursday but his Skype account has been offline since Wednesday. Natasha said he would be back at Stoney on Sunday after a break with Dominic but it’s Sunday and he still can’t connect. Please help him

Please help my severely incapacitated young adult son who suffers from Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly. He can’t connect today’s call. Please give him the help and care that his MRI scan clearly depicts that he needs.

It is a very serious offence to remove a person severely incapacitated with Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering them with baby-like defencelessness beyond the reach of their loved ones.
There must always be an open channel of communication between my incapacitated son who was born with Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly that renders him baby-like defenseless so that he can receive the care he needs to connect his daily Skype call to his father, brother, sister and Cherma all of whom he loves to bits and loves to see. At present, I cannot help him because we have no channel of communication with the people who control my man baby Neuronal Migration disorder Microcephaly severely incapacitated son.

02 May 2022

James often makes his daily call to his father, brother, and sister at this time but his account has been taken offline and its been offline for 4 days depriving him of his liberty to make his daily video call to his paternal family and I cannot call Stoney. Please help my defenceless son.

At the moment he’s illegally removed beyond the reach of his loved ones. I have no idea if he’s alive or dead and I’m distraught. People suffering from cancer and their man baby defenceless children should not be treated like this. Please help James to connect his Skype call to his father, brother, and sister.


Abusive care provider Upward Care Ltd illegally blocks my severely incapacitated son’s father from seeking support for him at his abusive care home by blocking his phone number

Because of Downs Jamie abusing my son who is more incapacitated than Downs Jamie by a factor of 10 my severely incapacitated son can no longer receive support requests from James cancer-fighting father and legal advisor because the care home has blocked James father from helping his son because downs Jamie will abuse James father when his father seeks support for his defenceless son James.
Please see below Natasha Streeter abusing James’s cancer-fighting father because I was forced to call her to get help for my severely incapacitated son because aggressive and abusive Downs Jamie abuses 58 year old men fighting cancer when they call the care home to get support for their severely incapacitated young adult sons as well as co-residents with a lower mental capacity than his own by a factor of 10. Cowardly aggressive Downs Jamie has a very wide portfolio of victims he likes to abuse because he is jealous of them for having warm loving family bonds that Downs Jamie obviously lacks.

After James’s cancer fighting father was savaged by Natasha Streeter for nearly an hour my beautiful severely incapacitated man baby son was finally allowed by the people who control him to make his daily call to his loved ones who he likes to see every day regardless of what the people at Upward Care Ltd who control his baby like mental capacity tell him to do and say.


Upward Care Ltd Abuse Manager Natasha Streeter savagely abuses the 58 year old cancer fighting father seeking support for his severely incapacitated 26 year old Man Baby son according to his MRI Scan that the abuse manager refuses to recognise as the proof of my son’s disability


Please compare and contrast my son’s medical report from his GP that clearly depicts my son’s Disability as Neuronal Migration Disorder, Microcephaly, SEVERE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES, and Autism and a mental capacity that renders him incapable of making any decision for himself about any issue because he has the mental capacity of a baby which is exactly how Dr Roper explained the MRI scan report to us. Please compare and contrast my son’s medical report link above that defines his disability beyond all reasonable doubt with Upward Care LTD Abuse Manager’s denial above.

Definition of Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly – there’s a lot more to it than a touch of autism!

Neuronal Migration Disorder – an overview

Natasha Streeter believes that if a person has a verifiably broken arm proven beyond all reasonable doubt by an Xray clearly depicting the break that the arm is not actually broken if a second opinion is sought from a psychologist who reports that the arm is not actually broken because its all in the person’s mind and the person is malingering.

Which report do you trust: the Xray report or the second opinion from the psychologist?

Carer Imran answered correctly and said “you trust the Xray of course”

However Natasha Streeter said it doesn’t matter if the MRI scan clearly, beyond all doubt portrays that my son has a Neuronal Migration Disorder (severely malformed brain) and Microcephally (half-sized brain) and the accompanying report clearly states that my severely incapacitated son will have the lifetime mental capacity of a baby (indicating what support is required to protect him from danger and abuse by carers and co-residents) because our abuse provider organisation: Upward Care Ltd will just hire a bent psychologist to cover up your son’s disability and downgrade it to a touch of autism, a touch of epilepsy and some mild learning difficulties. We will bury the MRI scan and this will allow us to deny your son’s disability, endanger his life, almost kill him on two separate occasions it will allow carers and co-residents to abuse your son’s baby like incapacity and we will cover our backs with the bent psychologist report that buried the MRI scan and allowed carers and co-residents to abuse your son and there is nothing your son can do about it because he’s so incapacitated he doesn’t even know he’s being abused when we abuse him and he is so incapacitated he won’t even know we’re abusing him and he will be happy to be abused and we can do all this because we will deny his disability as defined beyond all reasonable doubt by his MRI scan and we will provide a dangerous care plan for him based on the bent psychologist’s report that will almost kill your son on two separate occasions and allow carers to abuse your son and co-residents to abuse your son because the co-residents all have the mental capacity of thirteen year olds and we will throw your baby like son in with them and leave him at their mercy and if you call the house to seek support for your incapacitated son when you have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that co-resident Downs Jamie has abused and defrauded your son and been abusive to you we will block your phone number and illegally deprive your baby like 26 year old son of his liberty to receive the real care he actually needs based on his MRI scan.

Natasha is wrong to complain about my son’s principal co-resident abuser: Downs Jamie from 2 Stoney Close being referred to as Downs Jamie when this aggressive abusive mildly incapacitated man who only suffers from Down Syndrome (he is not incapacitated with cancer as is James’s father and legal advisor, he is not incapacitated with a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly rendering him with the lifetime capacity of a baby to a toddler according to my severely incapacitated son’s MRI scan report) therefore it is very kind of me, who Downs Jamie refers to as Wan_er when he is defrauding my incapacitated son, Fcuk when he is hacking my incapacitated sons Skype account, and Prick when he cuts my son’s Skype connection then runs to the house phone to abuse me when I call for support for my son and he refuses to pass the call to a carer and abuses me by calling me a prick
Therefore as Downs Jamie is less incapacitated than me because he doesn’t have to fight cancer and is less incapacitated than my son by a factor of 10 as my son is disabled with a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly (born with half of a severely malformed brain) that the Ryder’s groomed everybody at Solihull Council and everybody at Upward Care, and everybody involved in my son’s care over 20 years to cover up. Therefore as all the incapacitated people that cowardly Downs Jamie likes to abuse are more incapacitated than he it would be perfectly reasonable to refer to Downs Jamie as he refers to James’s incapacitated father i.e “Wan_er Jamie”, “Prick Jamie” and “Fcuk Jamie” because that is how Downs Jamie refers to incapacitated old men seeking help for their severely incapacitated sons.
However I’m not going to subject cowardly Downs Jamie to a taste of his own medicine. Instead I’m simply going to refer to him on Skype and my severely incapacitated young adult son’s safeguarding website as “Downs Jamie”. This is very gentle compared to how this aggressive abusive man refers to other incapacitated people.
The name “Downs Jamie” recognises his mild incapacity. If I referred to him as tenant Jamie that would cover up the mildness of Downs Jamie’s 13+ (based on his fluent vocabulary of wan_er, fcuk and prick) incapacity in comparison to my son’s baby-like incapacity when it comes to his ability to defend himself and fight off abuse according to my son’s neurologist, consultant and GP. Apart from these 3 people I’m the only other person with an awareness and knowledge of my son’s disability: Neuronal Migration Disorder, and Microcephaly that together form severe baby like learning disabilities that Natasha Streeter covers up endangering my son.
My son’s disability has two side effects, autism and epilepsy.
The last time I spoke to my son’s abuse manager: Natasha Streeter, 12 month ago she abused my severely incapacitated son by covering up his Microcephaly and Neuronal Migration Disorder and referred to his disability as “autistic” like one of her children. She completely covered up the fact that my son has the lifetime mental capacity of a baby to a toddler packaged in a larger body.
By covering up my son’s disability she is heinously abusing him by depriving him of the care he needs him and exposing him to the verifiable events that have already transpired including his Skype connection to his loved ones being sabotaged for 5 years by carers and co-residents, 2 black eyes he suffered at the hands of his abusers because they cover up his disability and deprive him of the care that he needs. A fractured skull and also a bleed on the brain all caused by Natasha Streeter covering up my son’s disability and depriving him of the care that he needs because she covers up his disability despite my 5 years of pleas for her to recognise my son’s Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly Disorder. Had Natasha followed this path of disability recognition and care instead of her chosen path of disability denial and abuse my severely incapacitated son would have been spared 5 years of his Skype connection to his family being sabotaged by carers and co- residents, 5 years of being coercively controlled by co residents telling him what he is allowed to think, say and do particularly when video calling his loved ones, Not one but two black eyes at the same time. A bleed on the brain and finally a fractured skull.
My severely disabled son suffered all this during his 5 years at Upward Care Limited as a direct result of her refusal to recognise my severely incapacitated sons disability: Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly despite my 5 years of pleas for her to do so.
As my son has the mental capacity of a baby (according to his consultant) the bar to coercively control him by staff and co-residents is as low as them telling him what he is allowed to think say and do because they all know he is scared of them and they all know he will happily accept abuse when they coercively control him because he is so incapacitated he doesn’t even know that he’s being abused that is why Natasha says he’s always happy. It’s because he’s so incapacitated he doesn’t even know he’s being abused but he doesn’t have the capacity to consent to them abusing him enter James cancer fighting father being forced to single handedly fight a crusade for the past 8 years to first stop Queen Alexandra College abusing my son for 3 years then to stop Upward Care LTD from abusing my son for the last 5 years but you can see from yesterday’s abuse of my son’s severe incapacity and Natasha Streeter’s ongoing dangerous disability denial due to his covered up Microcephaly and Neuronal Migration Disorder that my son is still in great danger and still at severe risk from carers, co-residents deliberately or negligently abusing him because they still to this day don’t know what his disability is!

14 April

James hasn’t been able to have face to face communication with his family today you just abused his severe incapacity leaving him with a connection where he couldn’t see or hear us for an hour then his co-resident abuser: Downs Jamie cut my son’s call while he was talking to his sister: towards the end of the call you can clearly hear Cowardly 13+ capacity Downs Jamie abusing my severely incapacitated son with baby-like capacity coercively controlling my son who offered to give his cowardly abuser his device he was talking to his sister on in 5 minutes but Cowardly Downs Jamie, as he has done many times before during his 5-year rampage of abuse of my son’s baby-like incapacity, took my son’s device and cut his call mid-conversation. I believe that Downs Jamie has a mental capacity over and above the criminal age of responsibility and, as such, he should be prosecuted for abusing and persecuting, for 5 years, a co-resident who has the mental capacity of a baby.

The carer / abusers at Upward Care Limited may think it funny watching aggressive co-residents with teenage capacity abusing my much more severely disabled son with baby-like capacity, but as funny as they seem to think it is (they’ve allowed it for 5 years) they cannot cover it up because my severely incapacitated son is not invisible like the recent victim of Solihull Social services: baby Arthur who they made invisible by negligently telling the police all was well while the mother’s girlfriend was slowly beating baby Arthur to death and the police were helpless because social services told them all was well and the police are trained to follow social worker advice as they did with my son James who was,8 years ago, for 2 months, illegally moved beyond the reach of his loved ones who he grew up with and loved all of his life.

Please let my son finish his call.

He could only see and hear us at the end of the call then somebody cut it while he was asking his sister to show him her new phone.

Please give him 5 minutes to finish his call.

I called the house and one of my son’s abusers: Downs Jamie answered the call and was abusive to James’s Dad calling him a pr*k for trying to get help for his son. At the end of this video, you can hear my son’s mildly incapacitated (13 years +) main co-resident abuser at Upwards Care’s 2 Stoney Close care home: Downs Jamie who likes to abuse co-residents with the mental capacity of a baby and their cancer-fighting fathers. Cowards like Downs Jamie never pick on people with their own mental capacity or people in good health.
I bit my tongue with my son’s abuser.

My son with a mental capacity of a 2 year old and an ability to defend him self similar to a baby being forced to live with co-residents with a mental age of early teenagers is like placing a baby in the care of four 13 year olds – it can only possibly lead to one thing: abuse.

And some co-residents have done exactly that abused him and took advantage of his baby-like capacity by sabotaging his video calls to his loved ones for the past 5 years. The ring leader is Downs Jamie as noted above.


Today they deprived him of his liberty to have face to face communication by wasting an hour of his time where he couldn’t see or hear us and shortly after Imran finally gave my severely incapacitated son a connection that worked he was able to talk to his sister and while he was talking to her he was bullied by one of his abusive co- residents who is jealous of my son for having a fantastic relationship with his father brothers and sister and the jealous abuser sabotaged my incapacitated son’s call when he was finally able to see and hear his sister by cutting his call and depriving my son of his right and liberty to talk freely with his sister without being coercively controlled by his abusers about what he is allowed to think do and say.

My son is so scared of his abusers who he lives with the bar to coercively control him is very low. Them Simply telling him what he is allowed to think say and do is more than enough to coercively control him because he’s so scared of them he will willingly comply with their instructions to abuse him but he doesn’t have the capacity to consent to them abusing him even though he willingly complies.

Serious offences have been committed against my severely incapacitated son today by the abusers he lives with at 2 Stoney Close.

I must comply with my obligation to upload the evidence on my son’s safeguarding website including Downs Jamie abusing James’s Dad when I called for help for my son after his abuser cut his call shortly after 1 hour of the audio and video not working.

I will also upload a video of 26 year old Downs Jamie who has a mental capacity of 13+ (he regularly uses abusive words such as wan*er and prck) defrauding and abusing my son who’s medical consultants assert has the mental capacity of a baby, particularly when it comes to his ability to defend himself.
It is very cowardly of Upward Care resident: Downs Jamie with a mental capacity of 13+ to defraud and abuse Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident who has the mental capacity of a baby.

All people with a mental capacity of 13+, including Downs Jamie from Upward Cares’s 2 Stoney Close care home who abuse, coercively control, and defraud defenseless people with the mental capacity of a baby are cowards and have a capacity above the criminal age of responsibility. Therefore Downs Jamie from 2 Stoney Close who regularly abuses a 26-year-old man who has the Mental Capacity of a baby is a coward and the public has the right to full knowledge of Downs Jamie’s cowardly defrauding, coercively controlling, and abusing of a 26-year-old man who is encumbered with the mental capacity of a baby. Downs Jamie’s cowardly defrauding and abusing of a 26-year-old man will shortly be available for peer review on my son’s safeguarding website: for compliance with my legal obligation as my son’s legal advisor to ensure my son’s abuse at the hands of Cowardly Downs Jamie is not covered up by Upward Care and Solihull Council who both have long track records of covering up my son’s abuse by bent social workers, bent solicitors, bent psychologists, and abusive care managers, abusive care workers and abusive co-residents at 2 Stoney Close.


Conversation with Upward Care head office:

28 March

James t see us yesterday but he couldn’t connect.
Please help him today because it’s his sister’s 7th birthday and he wants to watch her blow her candles.
He watched Si and Cherma blow their candles on their birthdays and he said he wanted to watch me blow my candles on my birthday and Monica Massih said he could but she didn’t let him.

Please help James connect his Video call at 3pm UK time today because at this time Simone will be back from Taekwando.

James wants to watch regardless of watch any of his abusers tell him to say and he’s entitled to reasonable adjustment under the disability discrimination act of his schedule so he doesn’t miss out on anything he wants to do.


As my son’s incapacity renders him at the baby to two-year old when it comes to defending himself and expressing himself and he fully understands that he is at the bottom of the food chain at 2 Stoney close and every other resident is at least 10 years older than James in terms of their capacity and James is scared of the co-residents and he willfully repeats what his co-residents tell him to say when they defraud my son by fraudulently passing off their words as my son’s words when the abusers words bear no relation to anything that my son thinks.

On Saturday Downes Jamie burst into my son’s video call and defrauded my son by twice telling upward cares most incapacitated resident to call his Dad a wan_er then Downs Jamie, feeling guilty came back and said it “wasn’t him” however Downs Jamie has the capacity of at least a 13-year-old because he clearly understands what the word means but my son with baby-like capacity according to his MRI scan has no idea whatsoever what this derogatory word means but he just repeated it on demand when Downes Jamie coercively controlled my son to defraud him.

My incapacitated son is scared of all the co-residents and carers at 2 Stoney close and he will repeat on-demand anything they coercively control him to say therefore there is no credibility in anything that my incapacitated son says portrays a negative attitude toward his paternal family: because they are not his words. They are words that his abusers coercively control him to say to fraudulently pass off the abuser’s words as my incapacitated son’s words.

As my son has the mental capacity of a baby according to his MRI Scan the bar to coercively control him to say the opposite of what he thinks is very low, a carer or coresident telling him to say it is all that is required. This is in contrast to his younger 17-year-old brother who would require a gun to his head to be coerced into saying derogatory remarks against his loved ones.

Also My son has no idea that the words he’s coerced into saying by his abusers at 2 Stoney Close will be used against him to prevent him seeing his loved ones. He just says them because he’s scared of upsetting his abusers at 2 stoney close and he’s learned over 5 years to do as his abusers tell him rather than suffer the consequences of not doing and saying what his abusers tell him.

These are the sad circumstances of being at the bottom of the food chain in a care home when your mental capacity to stand up for yourself is baby-like and all the other co-residents have the capacity to defend themselves in early teens.

Please see: at 2 minutes 55 seconds, 12 minutes 45 seconds and 13 minutes 30 seconds Cowardly co-resident: Downs Jamie with a mental capacity of a 13+ year old began defrauding my baby-like incapacitated son by coercively controlling my son to call his Dad a wan_er during my son’s daily skype call to his family. Downs Jamie is fraudulently passing off his own words as my baby-like incapacitated son’s word’s but they could never be my incapacitated son’s words because babies and people with the capacity of a baby don’t know what the word wan_er means and my incapacitated son is so loving and totally malice free he is the last person in the world who would say that word to his father he loves and has always loved and will always love regardless of being coercively controlled and defrauded by Upward Care carer / abusers and co-resident abusers for 5 years to behave in a manner that somebody who didn’t know any different would think that my defenceless loving son didn’t like me. At 28 minutes and 30 seconds you can see Downs Jamie who has 13 year + capacity defraud my son who has the mental capacity of a baby by illegally passing off Downs Jamie’s word wan_er that he coercively controlled my son to say 3 times, to his dad as my incapacitated son’s word even though my son who has the mental capacity of a baby has no idea whatsoever what the word means and it would have been impossible for my son to say this word he doesn’t know had he not be defrauded by Downs Jamie coercively controlling my son to say it and then at 28 minutes and 30 seconds Downs Jamie defrauded my son by passing off his own abusive derogatory words as my defenceless son’s.


I will post Downs Jamie defrauding my incapacitated son James for peer review on my son’s safeguarding website which is the only platform for reporting his abuse that Solihull Council can’t cover-up. James would be equally as invisible as baby Arthur was in the years running up to his death if James didn’t have the benefit of his safeguarding website which gives the police a valuable source of information to help James that they didn’t have the benefit of to help baby Arthur when the police were let down by Solihull Social services just as my incapacitated son: James has been let down of Solihull Social services since he was 12 years old.
James has already suffered 2 near-death experiences such as a fractured skull and a bleed on his brain because his care provider constantly refuses to recognise his disability but his Safeguarding website compensates for this and serves as his representation that he was illegally deprived of in the Court of Protection.
Baby Arthur died because he was invisible to authorities and agencies that should have protected him had they not let him down: My oldest son James is still alive because he is not invisible!

27 March 2018

James on the bus with his sister Simone just before her 3rd birthday in March 2018!AhdD_AJIZfYPqrs_DuY2v8yt4YGjHw?e=teeGGc

25 March 2022

James chatting with his family:!AhdD_AJIZfYPrqoSFFJ2rBZrS_McGw?e=zp9N23

24 March 2022

James enjoying his daily face to face talk with his father, youngest brother: Sirus, and his 6-year-old sister: Simone:!AhdD_AJIZfYPrqoUkX16CAGFS5aG7A?e=7KiI30

He enjoyed his call despite regular distractions from carers who first distract him then they tell him to talk to Simon or his sister as if he didn’t want to but if they didn’t distract him there would be no reason to tell him to talk to his family who he already wants to talk to if he wasn’t distracted. Please see the video:

13 March 2022

All that is required now following my son’s 14 years of abuse by the above-named abusers is for them to join the rest of the world in recognizing my son’s disability, defenselessness, and a deep lifelong love of his paternal family and communicate the same to deperjurise the court orders that the above list of abusers tricked, via perjury, the Court of Protection into granting.
Both of these incidents are heinous cases of Fraud because carer / abuser: Monica Massih is fraudulently passing off her own words, thoughts and wishes as those of Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident and both incidents are heinous abuse of my son’s incapacity because he has no idea, due to his severe incapacity, that his carer / abuser Monica Massih will abusively use what she coercively told him to say and do to further his long list of abusers in Solihull’s false narrative that he is not interested in and doesn’t love his paternal family that he has loved, been part of and followed all of his life. It is hard to imagine a more severe and cruel form of abuse of incapacity to inflict on the care provider’s most incapacitated and defenseless resident.
James has the legal rights to see and hear his loved ones once a day where ever his loved ones are in the world because we live in the age of zoom and the age of digital nomads.

James may even want to see us more than once a day but nobody knows that because of the gravity of his disability being born with a half-sized severely malformed brain that Dr Roper said would render him with the lifetime mental capacity of a baby. She read this information directly from his MRI scan report.

During the 6 months or so my incapacitated son was able to Skype us himself from an albeit poor connection he would choose, himself, to Skype us every 5 minutes all day long. Based on this evidence he would want to see us more than once a day if he could express himself. Therefore as James father and undisputed legal adviser by everybody outside of Solihull, I am content that his legal rights are met when he can Skype his brother and sister with a connection that works so that he has the same rights as his non-disabled brother Sasha and that James defencelessness is not used against him with constant distraction during his bit of family time and he is allowed to look at his camera so he has the same rights as his non disabled brother Sasha. James doesn’t have Sasha’s capacity to ignore distraction and ignore instructions not to look at the camera whereas 26 year old with the mental capacity as described by Dr Roper would be vulnerable to follow any instruction given to him by a non incapacitated person regardless of whether or not the instruction is in his best interests or not. Some, not all his calls clearly show my son following such instructions which stop him from being seen by his loved ones who he wants to be seen by.
His legal rights will be met when he can be seen by the people he loves and he wants to see him are fully adhered to and no circumstances are created that prevent his rights to be seen by his loved ones being adhered to.
In other words, my incapacitated son has the same rights as his non-incapacitated brother Sasha who has never had a failed Skype connection in 12 years and Sasha has never had any issues being seen by his loved ones and James loves his father brother and sister just as much as Sasha does, if not more because Si and Simone have not exceeded James mental capacity as much as Sasha and it’s easier for James Si and Simone to relate to each other.
Please help my incapacitated son with his family time when he wakes up.
After our visit to take James out in October we’ll be able to visit him every 6 months so he doesn’t have to wait too long. We were about to come before covid but we got locked down.
It’s our aim to spend 10 weeks a year during two 5 week visits a year to take James out with his family every other day during our visits.
We’re all desperate to visit James but Thailand won’t drop its COVID measures until later in the year so we’ve scheduled the kids’ October holiday for James.
Then we can see him again in May so we’ll be with James every October and each may going forward.

12 March 2022

James call was cut
James call was cut while he was talking
Also he wasn’t allowed face to face communication because he was told not to look at us when everybody he knows he likes to see us and excercise his rights to face to face communication with his loved ones
It is an offense to coercively control my incapacitated oldest son by telling him what he is allowed to think say and do. It is a offense for Carer / abuser: Monica Massih to force my severely incapacitated son to wear a virtual Straight Jacket with built in Muzzle that restricts where he can look, what he can think and what he can say during his video calls to his loved ones.
On Friday carer / abuser Monica Massih coercively controlled my defenseless 26 year old son with the capacity of a two year old in most aspects by telling him if he looks at the camera or shows interest and love of his father brother and sister she will not let him have a bus ride. That is more than coercive control of Solihulls most incapacitated citizen. On Saturday It is an offense to coercively control my incapacitated oldest son by telling him what he is allowed to think say and do. It is a offense for Carer / abuser: Monica Massih to force my severely incapacitated son to wear a virtual Straight Jacket with built in Muzzle that restricts where he can look, what he can think and what he can say during his video calls to his loved ones.
On Saturday carer / abuser Monica Massih coercively controlled my defenseless 26 year old son with the capacity of a two year old in most aspects by telling him if he looks at the camera or shows interest and love of his father brother and sister she will not let him go to the cinema. That is more than coercive control of Solihulls most incapacitated citizen.
For Sasha to be coerced into telling his loved ones something he didn’t want to say it would take a lot of force but my oldest son is so severely incapacitated the minimum force required to coerce him into doing or saying something to his loved ones that he doesn’t want to do or say is merely for a carer to tell him what he has to do and what he has to say regardless of whether he wants to say or do those things
It is also fraud to coercively control my oldest son by telling him what he is allowed to say or do when he’s trying to have a 2 way video call because the carers and or co residents who are coercively controlling him are passing off their communication as my incapacitated sons communication and that is 100% fraud.
The Carers and co residents know full well how much he loves to see his family but they are hell bent on coercively controlling him and distracting him from his loved ones even when they let him make a viable Skype call that they don’t cut while he’s talking they deprive him of his liberty the express his own feelings and opinions and fraudulently force him to express their own thoughts and opinions and pass them off as my severely incapacitated sons thoughts and opinions which is fraud and a deprivation of his liberty to express his own thoughts and opinions to his loved ones.
Just to reiterate, it would take a gun to James younger brother, Sasha’s, head to coerce him into making a false declaration that he didn’t love his father brother and sister in front of people who have abusively followed that false narrative most of his life and knowing if he made that false declaration he could be yet again (in James’s case) illegally moved beyond the reach of his loved ones
As my oldest son was born with a half sized and severely malformed brain and his MRI scan report proves beyond all reasonable doubt that he will always have the mental capacity of a baby to a toddler: the bar of coercion to control him to make a false declaration to his abusers that water’s down or even denies his love for his father brothers and sister is a very low bar indeed: nothing more than a carer / abuser or coresident / abuser telling him to make the false declaration.
James’s carer / abusers and co resident / abusers have already fraudulently hacked my defenseless son’s Skype account on not one but two occasions and passed off their own abusive and derogatory comments as those of my defenseless sons.
Because of the severity of my incapacitated son’s incapacity and defenselessness l, as his life time legal advisor, and one of a very small group of people (myself, his neurologist and his gp) who recognize his disability as defined by his MRI scan I have a legal duty to report the fraud and deprivation of his liberty to free expression and free face to face communication and his legal right for his carer / abusers and co resident / abusers to recognize my sons love for his father brothers and sister and to recognize that his disability is so severe and that he is so defenseless that abusers telling him what he is allowed to say and do and depriving him of his face to face communication with his loved ones by telling him not to look at the camera is heinous coercive control of Upward Care’s most incapacitated and defenseless resident and the abusers know full well that when my defenseless son complies with their coercion he has no idea whatsoever he is putting at risk his freedom and liberty to express himself and his love, in his own words, to his loved ones and he has no idea that his abusers will use the words his abusers coerce him to say (by telling him urging him encouraging him goading him) against him to further their false narrative that he doesn’t love his paternal family.
Carer Monica Massih’s defense that she doesn’t abuse my defenseless son by coercively controlling him because she doesn’t agree with my sons MRI scan that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that he is defenseless as a two year old doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. It’s the same as saying she cannot abuse my defencless son’s incapacity because she denies his incapacity therefore there is no incapacity to abuse but her ridiculous defense doesn’t stand up to scrutiny because she is denying the existence of my defenseless son’s incapacity and his incapacity is proven beyond all reasonable doubt in his MRI scan report, probably the most covered up MRI scan report ever produced but non the less it exists, it proves beyond all reasonable doubt my  sons severe defenselessness and severe incapacity and it is only able to protect my son because it is available on his safeguarding website: as it was covered up by bent psychologists, bent social workers at Solihull Council, bent lawyers committing perjury, bent care provider managers and a corrupt Local Authority Ombudsman investigator called Phillip Corina and a corrupt deputy local authority ombudsman called Sharon Chappell.
As my sons sole and lifelong legal advisor and almost sole (barring his neurologist, GP, two brothers and sister) recognizer of his disability, I have a duty to update my defenseless son’s safeguarding website with issues of fraud, phone hacking and coercive control of what he is allowed to say and express to his loved ones and deprivation of his liberty to face to face communication by Carers and co residents at Upward care his safeguarding website is the only protection he has from Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder, Solihull Council, Upward Care and all that wish to do my son harm by denying his disability and denying his lifetime love for his family. Because my oldest son is protected from the above list of abusers the rest of the world recognize my severely incapacitated son’s disability and his deep lifelong love of his paternal family.
You can see in the above video James 6 year old sister can competently defend herself against her 9 year old brother. This is in complete contrast to my defenseless oldest sons ability to defend himself. He is so incapacitated, so defencless, so loving with not a grain of malice in his body he couldn’t even come close to his 6 year old sister’s ability to stand up for herself. So although, according to my son’s MRI scan report he has a general capacity of circa two years old a little higher or lower in some aspects, but when it comes to protecting him self from coercive control from Upward Care carers and co residents he is closer to being as defencless as a baby let alone a two year old which Monica Massih denies. Come to think of it my son’s former peadiatricion: Dr Roper told James mother and I that his capacity would be baby like throughout my sons life and how right she has proven to be over the 25 years that passed since the MRI scan photographed my oldest son’s disability beyond dispute he was born with a half sized severely malformed brain which renders him defencless from any of his many abusers and disability deniers and he depends 100% on his safeguarding website for personal protection from abuse of his severe incapacity and for recognition of his disability. Indeed his hard to find recognition of his severe disability is a prerequisite for him not being abused by carers and coresidents and we still, after 26 years, not achieved universal recognition of his defenselessness and his disability and as a direct result he is still regularly abused to this day by Upward Care carers, co residents and managers who all abuse my son by denying  his disability which then enables them all to abuse him even more than they could after first unshackling them of the abuse constraints that recognition of his disability would impose on them!
It is so obvious when my defenseless son is being abused by coercive control when he is told to say and do things that water down his love and interest for his family he has loved and been interested in all his life things that he has never said and done throughout his life until he began being coercively controlled during the past 12 months by upward Care carers and co residents.
All that is required now following my sons 14 years of abuse by the above named abusers is for them to join the rest of the world in recognizing my sons disability, defenselessness and deep life long love of his paternal family and communicate the same to deperjurise the court orders that the above list of abusers tricked, via perjury, the Court of Protection into granting.

Both of these incidents are heinous cases Fraud because carer / abuser: Monica Massih is fraudulently passing off her own words, thoughts and wishes as those of Upward Cares most incapacitated resident and both incidents are heinous abuse of my son’s incapacity because he has no idea, due to his severe incapacity, that his carer / abuser Monica Massih will abusively use what she coercively told him to say and do to further his long list of abusers in Solihull’s false narrative that he is not interested in and doesn’t love his paternal family that he had loved, been part of and followed all of his live. It is hard to imagine a more severe and cruel form of abuse of incapacity to inflict on the care providers most incapacitated and defenseless resident.

22 February 2022

My oldest son is excited to see us as a small part of his daily routine regardless of what anybody in the world tells him what he is allowed to do, think, and say to us. Because my son is so severely incapacitated according to his MRI scan he will willingly repeat to us what he is told to say but, because they’re not his words, they bear no relationship to what he thinks and the only thing that is proved by my defenceless son repeating words that convey the opposite to what he thinks is that the people who control what he can say are fraudulently passing themselves off as my defenceless son. There is a history at upward care of people fraudulently passing themselves off as my son including his recent phone hacking by an abuser fraudulently passing him or herself off as my defenceless oldest son by leaving an obscene voicemail message to his dad and on another occasion leaving an obscene text message to his dad during the phone hackings the abusers fraudulently passed off their obscene message from the abuser to me as from my defenceless son to his dad who he’s loved all his life and always will love regardless what his abusers fraudulently say when passing themselves as my defenceless son by fraudulently controlling what he can say passing their words off as my defenceless son’s words and hacking my defenceless sons phone or tablet fraudulently passing off their obscene words as my defenceless son’s words and my defenceless incapacitated son has no idea whatsoever, because of the gravity of his disability, the extent to which his abusers are abusing him with their abusive false narrative that my defenceless incapacitated son doesn’t love or want to see his paternal family who he has always loved and always wanted to see. Please desist the serious offences of fraudulent passing off of other people’s words as my son’s words to deprive him of his liberty or degrade his liberty to continue the mutually loving relationship with his paternal family that he has enjoyed all of his life and always will enjoy.

16 December 2021

James is calling for his brother and sister to see him but they can’t see him

Please give James a connection that works

James younger brother Sasha has never had a Skype connection fail in any way in 12 years because Sasha is not disabled.  James has never yet had equal rights with his non-disabled brother Sasha

15 October 2021

Hello Jane / Natasha

My oldest and severely incapacitated son has been abused and illegally deprived of seeing his brother and sister during his daily supported midday call for 3 days in succession

Monica Massih deprived my incapacitated son of his liberty to see his brother and sister yesterday by depriving him of his daily supported midday call. Instead she upset him by calling before midday when his brother and sister were at school. She said she would let him see them at 3pm uk time but she deprived him instead and later hiis Skype account was hacked yet again with an attempted call at 3.30 am when his paternal family were sleeping. Therefore his abusers at 2 Stoney Close and 3 Wensley Croft abused by incapacitated son yet again, for the 3rd day in succession these abusers illegally deprived my severely incapacitated son from spending his 15 minutes with his brother and sister at midday uk time when they are home from school. There is no excuse for such heinously abusive and illegal deprivation of Solihull’s most incapacitated resident by depriving him of what he wants to do when it’s available and then tormenting him by letting him see his loved ones when they are fast asleep at 3.30 am and therefore not available. The missed call from my incapacitated sons Skype account hacker did absolutely nothing to help my son see his loved ones. I was forced to watch my incapacitated son in distress yesterday because he was being forced by his abusers at Upward care to go to the cinema instead of seeing his brother and sister when under the mental capacity act and disability Discrimination laws he is entitled to see his brother and sister and go to the cinema. It’s an offense to force him to choose between two things he likes to do when the law says he’s entitled to do both. I was forced by Monica Massih to watch my incapacitated son crave seeing his brother sister because he was deprived of his daily supported midday call when his brother and sister were available and I was  forced to watch him in distress craving his brother and sister and not understanding why he was being sent to the cinema instead of seeing his brother and sister instead of going to the cinema as well ad seeing his brother and sister. A simple reasonable adjustment would have allowed him to do both. Monica massih’s 3pm uk time call did not happen resulting in 3 consecutive days of total deprivation of my incapacitated sons liberty to see his brother and sister.

Going further to ensure he his not abused like this again please don’t send him anywhere until has seen his loved ones for 15 minutes first during his supported midday call and he had legal protection from the reasonable adjustment clause in the Mental capacity Act to ensure he can see his brother and sister before he’s sent out on other activities that he may or may not like but he was definitely not happy yesterday of being sent to the cinema before his supported midday call to his brother and sister and he was again not happy about not being allowed to see them before they went to bed at 4 pm uk time.

Please give my beautiful but severely incapacitated son the care he needs to see his brother and sister during his supported midday call at midday uk time for desist illegally depriving him of his daily video call to his brother and sister. Please give him the love and care to do all things he likes to do instead of hating him and abusing him by distracting him and depriving him of All the things he likes to do.

I’ve no doubt he had some pleasure from the cinema but he was devastated yesterday that he was being sent to the cinema instead of seeing his bother and sister rather than as well as seeing his brother and sister.

Please don’t do this to him again.Yours sincerely Simon Foden (James Foden’s Father)

14 October 2021

Dear Natasha / Jane

Please help my incapacitated some at Upward care Ltd.

My incapacitated son was deprived of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones in a working video call then his abusers at at Upward Care Limited and / or 3 Wensley Croft further abused him by hacking his Skype account and fraudulently passing themselves off as my severely incapacitated son.

It is soul destroying to have to watch your severely incapacitated son being abused in a care home like this especially when you are also fighting cancer..

Please give my incapacitated son some protection from the Ryder’s, carers and much lesser incapacitated co residents.

I will report the abusive carers  / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders who abused my severely incapacitated 26 year old son in recent days by controlling what he can communicate in his calls to his loved ones which deprived him of his liberty to communicate to his love to his loved ones, constantly distracting him throughout his call to deprive him of communicating with his loved ones, cutting his connections degrading his connections, goading him to abuse him by goading him to behave like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones (they all have access to hack my defenseless incapacitated son with the mental Capacity of a baby’s Skype account) and, for the second time, the abusive carers / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders hacked my incapacitated oldest son’s Skype device and fraudulently wrote obscene things to attempt to trash my loving oldest sons reputation with his love ones including his father, brothers, sister Simone who he absolutely adores and his step mom Cherma by fraudulently passing themselves off as my defenseless incapacitated son who, according to his MRI scan report has the mental capacity of a baby and is defenseless to protect himself from his abusive carers who cannot / will not protect him from the Ryders, much lesser incapacitated co residents and other carers who abuse my sons baby like capacity as described above. What the above named abusers of Solihull most incapacitated resident don’t get is my severely incapacitated son, because of his baby like capacity, does not have and never has had, an ounce of malice in his body and he does not have the capacity to understand the obscenities his abusive fraudulent abusive hackers at Upward Care limited or 3 Wensley Croft fraudulently wrote on his Skype account they don’t get that my incapacitated son does not have the mental capacity to understand what these obscenities mean and the implications they could have if a person involved in his care took them as anything other than fraudulent abuse of Solihull’s most incapacitated resident’s incapacity. My son is so severely incapacitated he will consent to the abusive Ryders, abusive much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care and abusive carers at Upward care abusing him because he’s so incapacitated he will simply do what his abusers tell him to do, press the buttons on his device they tell him to press to self harm by sabotaging is own calls to his loved ones if his abusers goad/ tell him to do so and press the buttons that result in an obscenity that he doesn’t understand, being sent to his loved ones regardless of how harmful it is to him. However, what the abusive Ryders from 3 Wensley Croft, abusive carers from Upward care Limited and abusive, much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care Ltd don’t get is that my severely incapacitated young adult son does not have to capacity to consent to them abusing him whether by fraudulently hacking his Skype account and fraudulently passing themselves off as my incapacitated son or goading my incapacitated son to abuse himself!. He’s so incapacitated he will willingly abuse himself if his abusers goad him to or tell him to do so but he does not have the capacity to consent to his abusers abusing him. His abusers at 2 Stoney Close, Upward Care Carers, and Upward Care abusers don’t get that!

Yours sincerely
Simon Foden (James Foden’s father)

13 October 2021 9.23pm

From James Skype Account:

“F*** you”

My severely incapacitated son’s Skype accounts hacked by Upward Care Its or 3 Wensley Croft and they fraudulently passed off their abusive message above as a message from my son to his father in an attempt to abuse by incapacitated son.

I will report the abusive carers / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders who abused my severely incapacitated 26 year old son in recent days by controlling what he can communicate in his calls to his loved ones which deprived him of his liberty to communicate to his love to his loved ones, constantly distracting him throughout his call to deprive him of communicating with his loved ones, cutting his connections degrading his connections, goading him to abuse him by goading him to behave like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones (they all have access to hack my defenseless incapacitated son with the mental Capacity of a baby’s Skype account) and, for the second time, the abusive carers / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders hacked my incapacitated oldest son’s Skype device and fraudulently wrote obscene things to attempt to trash my loving oldest sons reputation with his love ones including his father, brothers, sister Simone who he absolutely adores and his step mom Cherma by fraudulently passing themselves off as my defenseless incapacitated son who, according to his MRI scan report has the mental capacity of a baby and is defenseless to protect himself from his abusive carers who cannot / will not protect him from the Ryders, much lesser incapacitated co residents and other carers who abuse my sons baby like capacity as described above. What the above named abusers of Solihull most incapacitated resident don’t get is my severely incapacitated son, because of his baby like capacity, does not have and never has had, an ounce of malice in his body and he does not have the capacity to understand the obscenities his abusive fraudulent abusive hackers at Upward Care limited or 3 Wensley Croft fraudulently wrote on his Skype account they don’t get that my incapacitated son does not have the mental capacity to understand what these obscenities mean and the implications they could have if a person involved in his care took them as anything other than fraudulent abuse of Solihull’s most incapacitated resident’s incapacity. My son is so severely incapacitated he will consent to the abusive Ryders, abusive much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care and abusive carers at Upward care abusing him because he’s so incapacitated he will simply do what his abusers tell him to do, press the buttons on his device they tell him to press to self harm by sabotaging is own calls to his loved ones if his abusers goad/ tell him to do so and press the buttons that result in an obscenity that he doesn’t understand, being sent to his loved ones regardless of how harmful it is to him. However, what the abusive Ryders from 3 Wensley Croft abusive carers from Upward care Limited and abusive, much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care Ltd don’t get is that my severely incapacitated young adult son does not have to capacity to consent to them abusing him whether by fraudulently hacking his Skype account and fraudulently passing themselves off as my incapacitated son or goading my incapacitated son to abuse himself!. He’s so incapacitated he will willingly abuse himself if his abusers goad him to or tell him to do so but he does not have the capacity to consent to his abusers abusing him. His abusers at 3 Wensley Close, Upward Care Carers, and Upward Care abusers don’t get that!

Dear Natasha / Jane Please help my incapacitated son at Upward care Ltd. My incapacitated son was deprived of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones in a working video call then his abusers at at Upward Care Limited and / or 3 Wensley Croft further abused him by hacking his Skype account and fraudulently passing themselves off as my severely incapacitated son. It is soul destroying to have to watch your severely incapacitated son being abused in a care home like this especially when you are also fighting cancer.. Please give my incapaciaed some protection from the Ryder’s, carers and much lesser incapacitated co residents. I will report the abusive carers / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders who abused my severely incapacitated 26 year old son in recent days by controlling what he can communicate in his calls to his loved ones which deprived him of his liberty to communicate to his love to his loved ones, constantly distracting him throughout his call to deprive him of communicating with his loved ones, cutting his connections degrading his connections, goading him to abuse him by goading him to behave like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones (they all have access to hack my defenseless incapacitated son with the mental Capacity of a baby’s Skype account) and, for the second time, the abusive carers / abusive co residents / abusive Ryders hacked my incapacitated oldest son’s Skype device and fraudulently wrote obscene things to attempt to trash my loving oldest sons reputation with his love ones including his father, brothers, sister Simone who he absolutely adores and his step mom Cherma by fraudulently passing themselves off as my defenseless incapacitated son who, according to his MRI scan report has the mental capacity of a baby and is defenseless to protect himself from his abusive carers who cannot / will not protect him from the Ryders, much lesser incapacitated co residents and other carers who abuse my sons baby like capacity as described above. What the above named abusers of Solihull most incapacitated resident don’t get is my severely incapacitated son, because of his baby like capacity, does not have and never has had, an ounce of malice in his body and he does not have the capacity to understand the obscenities his abusive fraudulent abusive hackers at Upward Care limited or 3 Wensley Croft fraudulently wrote on his Skype account they don’t get that my incapacitated son does not have the mental capacity to understand what these obscenities mean and the implications they could have if a person involved in his care took them as anything other than fraudulent abuse of Solihull’s most incapacitated resident’s incapacity. My son is so severely incapacitated he will consent to the abusive Ryders, abusive much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care and abusive carers at Upward care abusing him because he’s so incapacitated he will simply do what his abusers tell him to do, press the buttons on his device they tell him to press to self harm by sabotaging is own calls to his loved ones if his abusers goad / tell him to do so and press the buttons that result in an obscenity that he doesn’t understand, being sent to his loved ones regardless of how harmful it is to him. However, what the abusive Ryders from 3 Wensley Croft, abusive carers from Upward care Limited and abusive, much lesser incapacitated co residents at Upward care Ltd don’t get is that my severely incapacitated young adult son does not have to capacity to consent to them abusing him whether by fraudulently hacking his Skype account and fraudulently passing themselves off as my incapacitated son or goading my incapacitated son to abuse himself!. He’s so incapacitated he will willingly abuse himself if his abusers goad him to or tell him to do so but he does not have the capacity to consent to his abusers abusing him. His abusers at 3 Wensley Close, Upward Care Carers, and Upward Care abusers don’t get that! Yours sincerely Simon Foden (James Foden’s father)

17 September 2021 

Dear Jayne / Natasha
My sons abusers at Upward care refused to let my incapacitated son hear me say bye bye love you because his abusers cut his sound to illegally prevent him communicating with his loved ones.
James couldn’t hear us at the end of the call he kept saying “what did you say” then his call was cut.
Simon, 15:51
James loves his mom and step dad and me his dad and his brother and sister and it’s cruel to cut his sound and be selective who he’s allowed to communicate with and who he’s not allowed to communicate with.
Simon, 16:04
His call today was sabotaged from start to finish he was censored and controlled what he can and cannot say. When my son is not deprived of freedom of speech by being constantly goaded on what he can and cannot say to his loved ones he’s relaxed and not constantly looking around at his abusers to see what he’s allowed to say. I have hundreds of calls of my son speaking relaxed and not distracted by his abusers but in the last month his abusers make him a nervous wreck by constantly making him look at his abusers to see what he’s allowed to say and what he’s not allowed to say and you’ve clearly banned him from telling his father and sister that he loves us and today day when I tried to say bye bye love you his abusers cut his sound and refused to let him hear his dad say bye bye love you. “Carer Jamie” seized my sons device and I explained to the carer that my son couldn’t hear me. The carer replied he could hear me so that means when I said bye bye love you to my incapacitated son he was deprived of his liberty to say bye bye love you and was told to say repeatedly “what did you say” instead of saying bye buy love you as he used to say before the recent onslaught of abuse of my sons incapacity by his carers strictly controlling what he can and cannot say to his loved ones.
This is an appalling way to treat a defenseless 26 year old man with the mental capacity of a baby and he’s so incapacitated and defenseless he doesn’t even know you are abusing him and he’s so incapacitated and defenseless he will completely agree and consent to being abused because he is too incapacitated and defenseless to defend himself.
Simon, 16:09
What his abusers at Upward care don’t seem to get is that he doesn’t have the capacity to consent to being abused so the consent he gives his abusers to abuse him is not valid because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to give such consent because his mri scan depicts my son was born with half a severely malformed brain rendering him with the lifetime mental capacity and vulnerability to abuse as a baby to a young toddler.
Simon, 16:11
My son’s MRI scan report supersedes all the verifiably fraudulent reports procured by Solihull Council and Upward Care Limited to facilitate their abuse of my severely incapacitated sons incapacity.
Simon, 16:16
It’s soul destroying to watch my amazing and beautiful and delightful but severely incapacitated young adult son being abused by his carers and his abusers should be ashamed of themselves. I will report their abuse of my incapacitated son on his safeguarding website to confidentially report his abuse on a forum that Solihull council cannot cover up.
Simon, 16:20
It’s an offense for me to cover up the abuse of a severely incapacitated you adult by Upward care carers so, for legal compliance, I am not allowed to cover it up.
Why couldn’t carer Jamie simply restore the sound he deprived my son of so my son and I could say bye bye love you as we used to do until the recent onslaught of abuse against my incapacitated son by Upward care carers?
What is Upward Care’s problem with mutual incapacitated son to father communication innocently saying bye bye love you to each other to which my son would reply “bye bye Simon, Love you mate”?
Please permanently end this recent onslaught of abuse against my incapacitated sons incapacity by Upward Care carers.
Yours sincerely
Simon Foden (James Foden’s father)

30 August 2021

Dear Natasha / Jane

The carers and grossly lesser incapacitated co residents  wouldn’t let my severely  incapacitaed son communicate with his family today  They deprived him of his liberty to communicate with us by carers and co residents distracting him all the way through his call then they cut his internet. Then they left him with no video then they let him have video then they continuously distracted him throughout the call leaving the people he loves to communicate with talking to themselves.

Please don’t deprive my severely incapacitated son from comunicating with his loved ones by distracting him all the way through his call then cutting his Internet then cutting his camera and telling him what he can and cannot say.

Just because my 26 year old severely incapacitaed son has the mental capacity of a baby it doesn’t mean its okay to abuse his incapacity just because abusing him is as easy as taking candy from a baby.

My son has the capacity of a baby, he’s completely defenseless and he will do and say anything that his abusers: carers and co residents goad / tell him to do and say but just because he will willingly be abused by his carers and co residents because he doesnt have the capacity to do otherwise doesnt make it right for carers and co residents to sabotage his communication with his loved ones by cutting his connection depriving him of video, distracting him all the way through his call and controlling what he is allowed to say to his family.

It was an horrendous experience for the cancer fighting father of Solihull’s most incapacitaed resident to be forced to watch his incapacitated defenseless  son being abused by carers and lesser incapacitated co residents.

My incapacitated son has been with Upward Care for 5 years now and it beggars belief that you still don’t recognise his his mental capacity and vulnerability of a baby as reported in his MRI scan report and you still dont recognise his love for all of his blood relatives including his father, brothers and sister and his love of sharing what he’s doing with us and us sharing what were doing with my incapacitaed son.

Not only do you fail to recognise his disability you cover it up by recognising verifiably fake psychologist and social worker reports that nobody unassociated with solihull council would recignise and you cover up his his love for his father brothers and sister by abusing his incapacity to goad him to behave like he doesnt love us, distract him all the way through his call, cut his call cut his camera goad my incapacitaed same  to do the same  (abuse himself) and control what he can and cant say during his call (deprive him of his libery to relax and be himself with his loved ones and freely communicate his love for us and us freely communicate our love to my incapacitaed son).

This is very serious abuse of Solihull’s most incapacitated resident by his carers and much much lesser incapacitated co residents.

Please stop abusing him by simply telling carers and lesser incapacitaed co residents to recgnise his totally helpless baby like incapacity and recogise his lifetime love for all his blood relatves including his paternal family.

Yours sincerely

Simon Foden
(James Foden’s Father)

14 July 2021

Hi Natasha

James still being deprived of a Skype connection that works. It is an offence under the Mental Capacity Act 2001 S 16 to deprive him of his liberty to communicate via Skype with his loved ones with a connection that works.

It is also an  offence under the Disability Discrimination Act to treat him as less than equal to his non disabled brother Sasha. Sashas connections have always been crystal clear throughout  connected first time every time and never cut out before the call ended. This is because James is severely disabled and Sasha is not. Therefore by treating my diabled son less favourably than his non incapacitated peers you are comitting an act of Disability Discrimination.

I tried to seek support but no carer answered the phone and no carer offered him any support.

It is creuelty beyond belief not to give him a connection that works.

You will never give him a connection that works because after 5 years you have still not got the will to do it.

Lauren provoked me to to call the house  few hours later by making multiple non ringing calls to me from my sons acount. This used to happen every day but hasn’t hsppened for a while. As the calls didnt ring they couldn’t be answered so I called the house again to investigate.

Lauren answered and was very hostile to the cancer fighting father of Solihull’s most incapacitated citizen. None of Laurens excuses stood up to scrutiny I’ll publish the call on my sons safeguarding website for public scrutiny.

She said it is not possible for my son to have the internet to himself for 15 minutes a day to get a connection that works so I suggested I get him a 4g router for his exclusive use 15 minutes a day.

Lauren advised me to speak to you.

Do you think this solution to achieving  legal compliance and letting my incapacitated son, a unique man severely disabled by being born with half of a severely malformed brain making him Solihulls most incapacitaed citizen see and hear his father brother and sister for 15 minutes a day with a Skype connection that works as Skype connections for non disabled people work?

Is that Okay. Can I fund a working connection for him that will not interfere with any other residents use of the internet. The other residents always appear to have high internet demand at James Skype time which normmally severely degrades my son’s connection so this is a good solution.

Please advise if I can implement this solution.

Kind regards

6th April 2021

My severely incapacitated son depends on his carers care and support for his connection to his family and he doesn’t have the capacity to express what he wants according to his MRI scan report which supersedes anything written by carers, social workers, psychologists, solicitors and any judges who were denied access to, and the implications of my oldest son’s MRI scan report. Please give him the care and support he needs, to connect to his paternal loved ones who he loves and has always loved equally as much as he loves his maternal loved ones regardless of anything he says or is goaded to say by a third party.

Below: James with his youngest brother Sirus who he renamed Baby Ki

Below: James’s 12th Birthday party

Below: James’s 18th Birthday party

Below: James’s 18th Birthday party candles

Below at 10 minutes 30 seconds: Difficulty communicating with my son after much less incapacitated co-resident, by large factor: Jamie who has mild Downes syndrome has abused my son’s baby-like locked-in incapacity, over several months, to goad him to say “Why, why, why what for?” every time his family speaks to him which deprives my son of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones and makes him vulnerable to a carer, who didn’t know better, to think James couldn’t see the point of communicating with his lifetime loved ones with my incapacitated son, due to his baby-like incapacity, having no idea of the dreadful consequences (being pounced on by a whole army of abusive carers, abusive social workers who hire bent psychologists and bent solicitors to perjure their fraudulent reports they write to cover up my son’s disability to the Court of Protection and corrupt Deputy Local Authority ombudsmen and corrupt Ombudsman investigators) of innocently repeating by rote what Jamie abusively goads him to say.

Below: my totally defenceless severely incapacitated young adult son being doubly abused: first by being given his usual unusable connection that keeps cutting out, freezing, and losing audio or video and secondly my son is being or has been goaded to say why, why, why, what for? to everything his family says to him which is a heinous abuse of his incapacity because the failure to provide him with a working connection deprives him of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones and is an offence under section 12 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and it gives him less than equal rights with his non-disabled brother: Sasha to Skype his family as Sasha’s calls always connect first time every time and with a crystal clear connection because Sasha is not severely disabled therefore James is being discriminated against because he is disabled which is an offence under the Disability Discrimination Act. Also, being goaded to say why what for every time his loved ones speak to him deprives him of his liberty to communicate with his loved ones and puts him at risk of an abuser who didn’t know better thinking he didn’t want to see his loved ones and therefore depriving him of his liberty to see Skype is loved ones with a workable connection while my son with baby-like capacity has no idea that what his abusers are goading him to say will be used against him to abuse him.

Below: My severely incapacitated young adult son is finally given a useable connection after I call the care home and seek care for him but he is still being abused by being goaded to ask why why why what for? Every time his family speaks to him.

Below: How can I be selfish for “depriving” my disabled son of the Easter bunny when I don’t know anything about an Easter bunny because nobody told me. All I know is that he wants his brother and sister to be able to see him and when I ask for help I’m abused by Monica Massih as being Selfish. Nobody told James’s family about an Easter Bunny activity and if we didn’t lose an hour trying to get a connection that worked the call would have been over a long time before the secret Easter Bunny activity therefore it was wrong of carer Monica Massih to aggressively brand me as selfish for seeking assistance for my incapacitated son’s call to have a working connection. My actions to seek support for my incapacitated son from a hostile Upward Care Ltd. care home were brave and commendable I was not being selfish in any way carer but Monica Massih was extremely aggressive in her false assertion that I was being selfish.

Why didn’t you let him have his video on so his family could see him? Why did Monica Massih say it’s selfish for me to ask for help for my disabled son to turn on his camera?

He should get the help he needs automatically I shouldn’t even need to ask then when I ask I’m told I’m selfish for asking for help for my son.

How can I be selfish for “depriving” my disabled son of the Easter bunny when I don’t know anything about an Easter bunny because nobody told me. All I know is that he wants his brother and sister to be able to see him and when I ask for help I’m abused by Monica Massih as being Selfish.

I have a legal duty to seek help for him and I always will regardless of how much my disabled son and his cancer-fighting father are abused by Upward Care Carers. It beggars belief that professional carers brand the cancer-fighting father of a severely disabled young adult as selfish for seeking help for him and reporting suspected abuse.

I love James’s activities but how do I know when they start and finish if you don’t tell me? We just expected James supported midday call but it didn’t t happen and when I got help for him to connect the whole thing was a waste of time because no party to the call could see or hear the other and when I called for help I was branded selfish.

If you had let him make his call at midday with a connection that worked his call would have finished a long time before the easter bunny activity.

Thank you very much for giving James an Easter bunny activity. He loves to tell us about his activities so the more he has the better. I love James having lots of activities Simone was very interested in James egg Si saw it but Simone didn’t then he showed it to her that was fantastic.

Thank you for James call but please try to get him a better Internet connection so he is more equal to his brother Sasha who never has a problem because Sasha is not disabled

I have recorded evidence of Downes Syndrome resident Jamie who is only mildly incapacitated compared to my almost completely locked-in incapacitated son with the capacity of a baby to a toddler is abusing my much more incapacitated son’s incapacity.

Resident Jamie admitted that it is he who has been responsible for depriving my much more incapacitated son of his liberty to communicate with his family by abusing my much more severely incapacitated 25-year-old son by goading my son to say Why? why?, what for? to his family every time we speak to him. By abusing my son’s incapacity by taking advantage of my sons baby like capacity Jamie has been abusing my son’s incapacity by goading my son to behave in a manner that somebody who didn’t know better would think that my son with the capacity of a toddler couldn’t see the point of communicating with his loved ones and starts to constantly question the purpose of the call in total innocence that this will be used against him by his principal abusers: Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder who have both spent the last 10 years grooming everybody involved in my severely incapacitated young adult son’s care to aid and abet their abuse of his severe incapacity to deprive him of his liberty to see and Skype with a working connection and express his love for his family who he grew up with and who grew up with him.

My severely incapacitated son is so incapacitated that he is vulnerable to a much less incapacitated resident to abuse his incapacity to goad him to behave in a manner that someone who didn’t know better would think my incapacitated son didn’t want to see his family is as easy as taking candy from a baby. My son is so incapacitated he even has his incapacity abused by much less incapacitated co-residents and the carers do nothing to protect my incapacitated son’s incapacity being abused by co-resident Jamie who has been caught redhanded abusing my son by goading him to keep asking the question why? Why? Why? What for every time his family speaks to him which abuses my son in 2 ways, it deprives him of his liberty to communicate with his family even when his connection is working and it provides reasons for everybody involved in my son’s care, because they have all been so successfully and completely groomed by the Ryders to abuse my son’s incapacity and say hey look James now you’ve behaved in a manner that looks to us like you don’t want to see your family we’re going to make it more difficult for you to see your loved ones even though you don’t have to capacity to know these abusive consequences of Jamie taking advantage of your incapacity when he goads you to self-harm by goading you to behave like you don’t want to see your loved ones who you love and you have no idea whatsoever what they are doing to you and what will happen if somebody who didn’t know any better thought you didn’t want to see your family who you love.

My son’s camera was switched to rear-facing around the same time co-resident Jamie abused my son by goading him to question the purpose of communicating with his loved ones therefore it was probably coresident Jamie who switched James camera to rear-facing or goaded my incapacitated son to do the same leaving my incapacitated son with no idea that his family couldn’t see him because of the camera switch and the carers or Jamie abused my son by cutting his connection while he was still talking to us and refusing to answer my call for help for my incapacitated son.

The carers often get co-resident Jamie, my severely incapacitated son’s abuser, to answer the phone when I call the house to get help for my incapacitated son after the coresident or a carer has cut my son’s connection knowing I will call the house to seek help for my son and then he refuses to pass the call to a carer although a carer sometimes does come to the phone and help my son but my son received no such help today from anybody.

On one occasion Jamie was outright abusive to me when I was seeking help for my son and he told me I was banned from seeking help for my incapacitated son and the care home was going to change the care home phone number in order to block me from seeking help for my severely incapacitated son.

The carers at Upward Care appear to have a very high level of tolerance for inter co-resident abuse of the most incapacitated co-resident by much lesser incapacitated co-residents. This is most worrisome and I, as the most incapacitated co-resident’s father, have a legal duty to get this abuse of the most incapacitated resident by lesser incapacitated residents: stopped.

My severely incapacitated son is entitled to more than so-called “contact”. Current contact is the care home forcing the cancer-fighting father of its most incapacitated resident to watch his incapacitated son being abused. That is definitely a heinous form of contact but what is required for legal compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 and the Disability Discrimination Act is not forcing Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident’s family to watch their son and brother being abused but replace this by us watching him receive the care he needs to communicate effectively via Skype connection that works with 2-way audio and video and via a connection that works and us see that he is protected from his abusers who goad him to act and behave towards his loved ones in a manner that somebody who didn’t know better would think he didn’t want to see his loved ones and put him at risk of being further deprived of his liberty to express his love for his father brother and sister and replace this by giving him the care he needs to effectively communicate his fondness and love for his father and brother and sister so that he has equal rights with his non-disabled brother Sasha.

“James is asleep at the moment. He will call you when he is awake”

Thank you for letting me know. Also, it would be nice if you give James’s family 5 minutes’ notice if he has an activity coming up so that we can all say bye-bye instead of cutting his calls mid-conversation and leaving me thinking he has a problem and needs me to call for support. Then I get scolded for calling for support for him mid an activity I didn’t know existed which would not have been necessary if we were allowed to end the call and say bye-bye before the activity started. Please let’s all work together to help James.

His sleep will do him good and we look forward to his call later. Thank you

When James was allowed to hold his own device that had a connection of sorts he called his family every 5 minutes every day for a year so there is no doubt whatsoever that my severely incapacitated son wants to see his loved ones every day regardless of what his abusers goad him to say and record because they know full well that my son doesn’t have the capacity to understand the consequences of what he is goaded to say if it is taken seriously by one of his abusers.

My incapacitated son has a 13-year history of his incapacity being taken advantage of by his abusers the lowest point of which was his 2-month long kidnapping when he was illegally moved beyond the reach of his loved ones after he left Merstone school.

James daily supported midday call is a satisfactory replacement to having a connected device of his own and meets his needs if he has a workable connection that does not get cut when an abuser doesn’t like what he’s saying and no abusers switch his camera during his call and nobody distracts him every time he says something that an abuser doesn’t like and he is given the liberty to express his love for his family without being distracted and or connection degraded to poor or call cut completely and his device is taken offline because an abuser doesn’t want him to express his love for his family who he has loved since he was born.

8th January 2021

James’s call froze. Please give him a basic Internet connection to carry his video call. He was only able to say a few words and his call froze.

Please give my severely disabled son equal rights with his non disable brother Sasha to make 2-way audio-video calls over a basic Internet connection.

Why was my disabled son’s call frozen after he said half a dozen words?

When Sasha calls he always has a crystal clear connection and his calls never freeze.

Please don’t discriminate against my severely disabled son because he is disabled. Please give him equal rights to his non-disabled brother Sasha and give him a basic Internet connection that can carry a 2 way audio video call

Why did none of the carers help my disabled son after his connection froze after he spoke half a dozen words?

Why did none of the carers answer the call when his family called the house to report his connection freezing after he spoke half a dozen words.

James is entitled to be treated equally to his non-disabled brother Sasha. It is an offense to treat disabled people less favourably than non-disabled people. It is called disability discrimination and my severely disabled son was discriminated against today and he was deprived of seeing his family because his call froze after half a dozen words. He was only able to say a few words to his, dad and he was totally deprived of saying any words at all to his brother and sister who he loves to talk to.

It looked from him wearing a scarf like he was about to go out which is good for him but why did you not make a reasonable adjustment for him as, simple as letting him call 10 minutes earlier so that he could tell his dad, and brother and sister what he wanted to tell us instead of letting him call and freezing it after 6 words which was effectively muzzling him because he is severely disabled.

James’s non-disabled brother Sasha is never muzzled when he Skypes his family. Please give my severely disabled son equal rights to his non-disabled brother Sasha. Sasha’s calls always continue unfrozen and unmuzzled until his call is finished. Please give James equal rights to his no. Non-disabled brother Sasha.

Illegally muzzling Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident which left his family with no idea what he was trying to tell is an horrendous act of cruelty by my disabled son’s carers against their most incapacitated resident. The illegal muzzling after a few words hello how are you are you on left me distressed and traumatized because I still have no idea what my severely incapacitated son wanted to tell me because he was illegally muzzled before he had the chance to tell me and nobody gave him a connection to continue his call which would have unmuzzled him but none of the carer / abusers (this is a matter for debate) wanted to give him the care he needed to unmuzzle him.

Why did you not let him tell us where he was going and when he was coming back to his care home. He clearly wanted to tell us and the carers heinously abused him my severely disabled son by depriving him of telling us where he was going and sharing it with his brother and sister.

Please desist from this heinous abuse of my severely incapacitated son’s incapacity.

It is, an offense for me to cover up this abuse of my severely incapacitated son’s incapacity therefore I have a legal obligation to report it.

30th October 2020
Please don’t let James make calls after 3pm UK because that’s 10pm our time and it’s cruel to tease him. Please let him morning call at 11am.

His carers were very cruel to him last night by depriving him of seeing his family all day and all evening when you know we were awake and then tormenting him by letting him call at 4am in the morning when the carers knew his family would be sleeping.

It was very cruel of Upward Care Carers to torment its most incapacitated resident yesterday by illegally depriving him of seeing his family all day and then actively tormenting him by letting him call at 4am when his carers knew his whole family was sleeping. It is an offence for me to cover up Upward Care’s aggressive torment and abuse of the incapacity of its most incapacitated resident.

Please let James wave bye bye to his family before he goes to his mom’s house. This is particularly important as he was deprived of seeing us yesterday then he was subsequently tormented by letting him call us 5 hours after you we had gone to bed leaving him cruelly frustrated and tormented.

20th October 2020
It’s very important that James can see his family when he Skypes us. All calls must be 2 way audio video with incoming video being viewable by my disabled son. James must be treated equally and with the same respect as his non-disabled brother.

James doesn’t have the capacity to say that he can’t see us because a carer switched to the front-facing camera meaning James can’t see us as all he can see is the back of the tablet if the carer did that to him.

I sincerely hope that no carers made any calls leaving my son looking at the back of the tablet instead of looking at his brother and sister father and step mum

Please never Skype my Skype account for any reason that forces James’s family to watch him being abused. Watching him not being able to see us is the same as watching him being abused.

Please always verify, for legal compliance, that my son can see us after you set up his call. Please never set up a call that leaves my severely incapacitated son looking at the back of the tablet unable to see us unable to tell us that he cannot see us. That is the law and my son relies on me to ensure it is complied with.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act, my severely disabled son must be treated equally to his non-disabled brother Sasha.

In short, when James makes his 2-way audio-video calls at 11am if the person holding the tablet is using the front-facing camera all James can see is the back of the tablet which means he is deprived of 2-way audio and video leaving him with only one way video and this explains why he often doesn’t know who he’s talking to because he is deprived of seeing them and he calls us by the wrong name. This is the only way he can indicate that his call failed.

I’m extremely worried that both of yesterday’s calls, failed because the person who set up the call used the front-facing camera leaving James completely confused about what was going on and leaving his family wrongly thinking he could see us.

Please never ever set up any Skype calls like this that make a fool of my son’s severe incapacity and leave his family actually watching him being made a fool of which is as distressing for his family as it is for James. Please treat this, my disabled son, with the same care and respect that my non-disabled son his treated ie with 2 way audio and video that can be seen by my son, not that can only be seen by whoever is holding the tablet.

Sahsa is never left looking at the back of a tablet while we think he can see us. Sasha would say “I cannot see you all I can see is the back of the tablet”. James is severely disabled so he cannot tell his loved ones he wants to see that he cannot see us. This is Disability Discrimination at Upward Care Ltd my non-disabled son can tell his loved ones he can’t see us but my severely disabled son cannot tell us that he cannot see us and the only purpose the call serves is my disabled son being abused (discriminated against for being disabled in a home for disabled people ) and his loved ones being forced to watch him being abused (discriminated against because he is, disabled in a home for disabled people) because we can actually see him not being able to see his loved ones in other words we are watching his incapacity being abused which is extremely distressing to watch particularly as I’m fighting stage 2 kidney cancer.

My disabled son should always be treated with the same respect as his non-disabled brother and given the care he needs to see his loved ones everyday as he likes to do.

Please never ever make call that leaves my disabled son unable to see or hear his family and his family unable to see its disabled son. I am very upset that 2 times yesterday my son’s severe disability was taken advantage of to make a fool of him looking at the back of tablet instead of looking at the people he wants to see while he’s talking to them. This is the only explanation I have for why he didn’t know who he was talking to because he couldn’t see who he was talking to because he was being discriminated against because he is so severely incapacitated that he cannot tell us that he cannot see us.

James must always, like his non disabled brother Sasha, be able to see who he is talking to so that my disabled son is not made a fool of left confused looking at the back of a tablet wondering where everybody is and not being able to do anything about it because he is so incapacitated.

14th october
We go to bed 5 pm UK time which is 11pm where we live. We woke up 1 hour ago at 11 pm UK time which is 7 am where we live to take the kids to school. Please give my severely incapacitated son a 2-way audio video call at 11 am UK time when his family will be home from school so he can see them and communicate with them.

Please treat him with the same respect and dignity as his non-disabled brother Sasha wh always makes crystal clear 2-way audio-video calls that connect first time every time on his entry-level device over his entry-level Internet connection.

Sasha’s two-way audio-video calls never fail because he is not severely disabled. The only reason James calls fail is because he is severely incapacitated and he is being discriminated against because he is disabled. It has nothing to do with his device or his Internet connection because if he wasn’t Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident and was not disabled he would be able to connect with a crystal clear 2 way audio video call on any basic android device over any connection because this is exactly what James not incapacitated brother Sasha has been doing ever since James connection problems started when he began to be discriminated against for being disabled when he was 18 years old and has been discriminated against ever since and was discriminated against yesterday.

If you don’t believe me that my incapacitated son is being discriminated against at Upward Care I can post non-disabled Sasha’s calls connecting crystal clear audio-video calls first time every time next to my helpless severely disabled son’s calls that always fail regardless of the device he uses they either don’t connect at all or they don’t connect with 2 way video or they don’t connect with 2 way audio and it is terrifying to see my disabled so and his cancer-fighting father being tormented like this by not allowing 2-way audio-video calls arbitrarily cutting the sound or the video or the whole call while my incapacitated son’s lips are still moving as he wrestles to communicate with his family while he is being discriminated against by the carers he depends upon to help him.

Sasha never torments his paternal family when he calls because he is not disabled and he does not rely on tormentors to make his 2-way audio-video Connection. Whereas both my disabled son and his cancer-fighting father both get regularly tormented by the carers at call time.

In short James and his dad get tormented at call time because James is Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident whereas Sasha and his dad never get tormented at call time because Sasha is not disabled. I will post the two videos, side by side on James Safeguarding website so you can see how the severely incapacitated brother gets discriminated against and tormented because he is so helpless and disabled while his younger brother Sasha suffers neither Discrimination nor torment because James is disabled and depends on his tormentors and Sasha is not disabled and does not rely on tormentors to connect his 2-way audio-video calls.

The evidence is both smoking gun and compelling and is very interesting to people who take an interest in the extent to which disabled people are discriminated against and tormented in care homes for the disabled because they are disabled compared to their non-disabled peers who appear to be neither discriminated against nor tormented simply because they are not disabled. A lot of people will take a keen interest in the case of these two brothers and the extent to which the discrimination and torment of disabled people, on a sliding scale, is severe when the disabled person’s incapacity is severe while the discrimination and torment suffered decreases down to zero when the person is not disabled or incapacitated at all.

I will publish my findings for this very important piece of Social Science on James Safeguarding website for public scrutiny and peer review. I hope this helps to resolve the appalling matter of severe incapacity leading to severe torment and severe disability discrimination and the terror of a parent being forced to watch his adult son with the capacity of a baby being tormented and discriminated against while his non-incapacitated bother suffers neither torment nor Discrimination.

11th October
Thank you for letting James call but he missed his brother and sister and step mum who have all been sleeping for 2 hours. He just caught me before I went to bed. His call time should be 4pm. Please let him see all of his family because he’s always loved all of his paternal and maternal family equally. He used to be at his happiest on special occasions when everybody was in the same room but his maternal family unilaterally broke away and stopped communicating with his paternal family when he was 18 and that’s caused a lot of problems for him.

Going forward please don’t let him miss his brother and sister. Baby Ki and Simone kind of replaced his nanny and grandad and he likes to chat with them as he did with his nanny and grandad and at the moment they still have a lot in common like watching Peppa Pig and Wooly and Tig.  James used to have these in common with his brother Sasha but Sasha watches TV for 15 year old now. Eventually, this will happen Sirus and Simone so it’s important for James that he’s not deprived of seizing the moments he has things in common with Si and Simone.

It was difficult for Sasha to stay in touch with James because he lives in a single-parent household because we lost the family home in the 2008 property crash but it will always be easy for James to see Si and Simone because we all Si Simone, step mum Cherma and myself all have a very strong family bond and we all live in a strong family unit and we have done for 9 years. Thank you

Once James disability as defined by his Neurologist’s MRI scan and love for his paternal has been recognised universally my work will be complete but because these key issues have been so severely and successfully and illegally covered up by numerous bad and abusive people at Solihull Council my work to uncover them will be a massive mountain to climb and will necessarily ruffle a lot of feathers but the law is clear that it is illegal for me to cover up what the aggressive and abusive social workers and corrupt psychologists did to abuse my incapacitated oldest son by covering up his disability and his lifetime love for his paternal family and then perjuring their fake reports to mislead the Judges in the court of protection so I will be starting my final push, as per my legal obligation, to overcome the final pockets of resistance to recognition of my oldest son’s disability and love for his paternal family that still exist at Solihull Council and Upward Care so that they can be brought into line with the rest of the world.

Its a tragedy that so many feathers still have to be ruffled to bring about justice for my oldest son but justice I will bring it about and then my oldest son’s happiness will be complete and I hope I will start to recover from the post-traumatic stress I suffered since my oldest son was illegally moved beyond the reach of his loved ones when he was 18 and I’ve had to take medication for post-traumatic stress ever since I hope this will heal after I’ve made to final push and achieved justice for my oldest but severely incapacitated son.

Monica Massih called and was very aggressive implying that if my family and I do not keep Skype open so that James can keep Skyping us every 5 minutes all day long from when he wakes up in the morning until he goes to bed Upward Care will keep abusing him by callously cutting his calls to his loved ones. She said that is what reasonable adjustment is. I said I disagreed. It is aggression and abuse not reasonable adjustment. I suggested reasonable adjustment being we make our Skype available to James every 2 hours after his last call completes and the care home reassures James that we will be there for him in 2 hours.

This is how it played out. Ending with gross abuse of James incapacity by Monica Massih and Other Upward Care Limited staff and probably supported by Upward Care Junior Management: Natasha Streeter who is only to aware of how James’s incapacity is regularly abused at Upward Care Limited:

After Skyping James around 2pm UK

I left a message:

“James working now Baby Ki and Simone are watching YouTube and playing and eating pizza for dinner. I will be online in 2 hours. See you in 2 hours James “

I explained to James carers I’m busy now and I will be online for him in 2 hours. Please explain and reassure him. Thank you

James had a lovely time with Simone. It’s okay for James to be offline while I’m busy and I will be online in 2 hours for a nice chat and after that I’ll be online again around the kids bed time.

Message to Monica Massih thank you very much for communicating with me today. Communication is a very powerful thing. Please reassure James we will be online in 2 hours so he doesn’t fret. Thank you.

Message to care staff: See you in 2 hours James

2 hours later: Bed time

James can’t connect. James likes to say goodnight to us one by one. Is it okay for him to Skype us to do so. We go to bed in around 30 minutes? Please help him.

We explained to him that we were busy after his last call that he enjoyed very much chatting at home and going for a night walk to the toy shop and listening to the frogs and looking at snails with baby Ki and Simone and watching baby Ki and Simone playing with their play doh. We explained we would call around about now so he could say goodnight and he said see you later so he’s expecting our call. Monica Lady said James understands when we’re busy and understands he can call back later. So here we are calling him as he requested to see us later. Please help him to make his call to comply with his wishes. Thank you

A short call would be all that’s required to comply with James’s wishes to see us later.

I’m not sure if James has gone out or not. Could somebody advise us if he’s at home or gone out? He’s had two very nice calls with us today. As Monica Lady requested Cherma and I will see James early in the morning when Si and Simone are at school and reassure him that he can see Si and Simone after school and the again a bit later and use reasonable adjustment so we can fit in with James trips out.

I mean reasonable adjustment our end as that is just as important as reasonable adjustment James end.

As long as James has had the liberty to see his brother and sister a couple of times a day with a Skype connection that works and doesn’t keep getting cut that completes my role as his legal advisor and father and gateway to his step mum brother and sister.

If James is not available to say goodnight tonight his step mum Cherma and I at the request of Monica Lady, will chat with him early in the morning while the kids are at school to reassure him but he still likes to see them so it is important that our early morning call is as well as his two calls where he sees his brother and sister for legal compliance with his liberty to see them. We also understand he goes out of his home at number 2 so it’s important that we all work together wit reasonable adjustment. Which requires communication for legal compliance

James just called on Skype and his call got cut.

He just likes to say good night one by one

Can he say goodnight to us one by one? He likes that. His call call was cut before

His Skype call got cut again.

And again cut

It’s very late for Baby Ki now can Baby Ki say goodnight please. Its midnight baby Ki gets up in 7 hours and he’s still waiting for James to get through and not be cut straight away.

When James called baby Ki was putting his hoody on and couldn’t say couldn’t say goodnight before James call was cut for the third time.

Later James had to make do with not being able to see us and us not being able to see him. This was a failure of reasonable adjustment and it let James down

Why did somebody keep cutting his calls while he was Skyping us?

Reasonable adjustment is James legal right and by definition it requires communication. Please communicate with James family the times you are going to cut his Skype calls so that we can work around them. Your failure to commuicate this information to us will deprive James of the reasonable adjustment he’s entitled to and is a reportable offence.

A simple message such as James care home will cut the calls of its most severely incapacitated resident if the most severely incapacitated resident tries to say goodnight to his loved ones after 5 pm. A simple message like this will enable his family to call a little bit earlier when the care home is less trigger happy with the cut button.

I cannot tell you how upset I am that you did this to my son who is Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident and, I will comply with my legal obligation to report this abuse on James safe guarding website.

You could have avoided this abuse of my son’s severe incapacity in two very simple ways: 1 Communicate the time you are going to cut his calls. 2 Be less trigger happy with cutting Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident’s Skype calls to his family. As you failed to communicate the time you would callously cut his Skype calls today the it was unreasonable of you beyond belief for you to do so as James and his family were deprived of reasonable adjustment.

I left a message after James previous call to say I will call you in 2 hours James. It was gross abuse of James incapacity not to prewarn his father and legal advisor that you planned to callously cut your most incapacitated resident’s Skype calls to his loved ones if I kept my promise to call him at this time.

Baby Ki and Simone go to bed 5 pm UK time. Why did you not prewarn me of your callous intentions if I called at that time? I would have called an hour earlier if you had pre warned me.

By refusing to communicate this information to James father and sole legal representative against all who have abused him since he left Merstone school you have clearly indicated that you have no respect whatsoever for the Disability Discrimination Act because reasonable adjustment cannot exist without communication.

Therefore if you refuse to communicate with James father and sole legal representative against all who have abused him since he was 18 years old what times you are planning to callously cut his face to face Skype call to say goodnight one by one to his loved ones then you have no right whatsoever to callously cut his face to face Skype call to his loved ones.

You can read this abuse report on the Upward Care section of James Safeguarding website in the morning.

I just answered the first call you chose not to cut and apologised to my incapacitated son that he couldn’t say goodnight face to face to the people he wanted to say goodnight to: Cherma, Baby Ki and Simone because when he 3 times tried to do so his care home callously cut his call each time and now they have decided to stop callously cutting their most incapacitated resident’s Face to face calls it is too late because the people he’ wants to say face to face goodnight to are are sleeping.

I reassured him that I will do everything I can do to stop Upward Care’s most defenceless and vulnerable resident’s calls from being callously cut when he is trying to say goodnight to his loved ones at a time the care home knew we would be calling James because I noted it in the chat and nobody said “don’t call at this time bacause we will callously cut our most incapacitated resident’s calls to say goodnight to his loved ones on Skype”

I look forward to your solicitor emailing me at if there are any issues in James Upward Care abuse report and if he raises any that I agree with I will deal with them immediately.

It’s not only callous of Upward Care to abuse its most incapacitated resident as noted above its also callous of them to force James cancer fighting father to stay up an hour after I should have gone to bed.

It would be an offense for me to cover up Upward Care’s most defenceless and incapacitated resident’s abuse tonight and I will be complying with my legal obligation to get it reported in the most confidential place where nobody can cover it up.

It still beggars belief that Monica Massih still doesn’t recognise James disability some 7 years after all the effort I ve put in to report his disability. Her assertion today that James has seizures because he cannot get through to his loved ones means she has no clue as to what James Disability is. I will spell it out again and again until it is as recognised by Upward Care as it is with James GP, his father and legal representative and his neurologist. It is called a Neuronal Migration Disorder and comes with a lifetime mental capacity of a baby to a toddler And sporadic lifetime seizures as standard. Autism is a mear side effect of James disability. It has nothing to do with the cause of his disability. In other words if my son didn’t have a grossly malformed brain and a grossly undersized brain he would have neither seizures nor autism. Failure to recognise his disability was the key point I raised in the last abuse report I filed last week that I still haven’t had time to uncover on James Safeguarding website. I’ll endeavour to get both abuse reports filed in the morning and again I would welcome communication with Upward Care’s solicitor in my capacity as James sole legal representative against all who have abused him since he left Merstone school and prior to that with gross incidents of abuse being suffered at Reynalds Cross School headed by Jane Davenport where James was illegally blamed punished and excluded for being disabled by his school for disabled children. I believe that it was in order to cover up this abuse of my son’s incapacity that corrupt paid to lie psychologists and social workers started to filter out James Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephally from his records and replace them with “a touch of Autism”.

The problem is that the credibility of the superfluous balderdash written in the reports written by corrupt paid to lie psychologists and social workers are no match for James undisputed (but highly covered up) : MRI scan report that proves James Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephally beyond all reasonable doubt and proves that James highly corrupt paid to lie social workers and psychologists who obfuscated his disability to facilitate his abuse are nothing more than heinous abusers of one of the most severely incapacitated and locked in people alive today and these abusers deserve lengthy prison sentences for what they have subjected James and his paternal family too since James was 18 and they also deserve lengthy prison stances for their perjury in a secret Court of Protection hearing in which the one of the country’s most locked in and incapacitated people had no legal representation against all of the above noted people who have a history of abusing James with their callous easily proveable agressive fake reports and agressive vigilante perjury in the secret Court of Protection hearing where the Ryders and all noted above gained a licence to abuse James completely incapacitated, completely defenceless and completely unrepresented lwith legal representationagainst his abusers and tormentors. One of the country’s most incapacitated and locked in people didn’t stand a chance completely unrepresented against a plethora of corrupt solicitors, corrupt social workers and corrupt psychologists all paid to lie in order to facilitate the abuse of one of the country’s most locked in incapacitated and defenseless individuals. I hope one day these heinous abusers of my severely incapacitated son who have rained terror down on their victim since he was 12 years old at Reynalds Cross School headed by Jane Davenport and again when he was 18 years years old after the Ryders so successfully groomed everybody involved in James care to commit heinous acts of abuse against his incapacity.

All I can do is ensure James abuse is kept to a minimum and does not get covered up when it flares up such as his face to face Skype calls that he tried to make tonight while his brother and step mum were still awake being callously cut by his abusers at Upward Care and only being allowed to Skype face to face to say goodnight after 75% his loved ones had gone to sleep and he had to make do seeing only his highly traumatised father who was in no fit state to talk to his incapacitated son following not one but 3 of his sons Skype calls while his family were still awake being callously cut by his abusers at Upward Care.

I’ll try and get this abuse report filed in the morning. I’m still too traumatised following the heinous abuse that Upward Care’s most incapacitated, locked in and defenseless resident suffered tonight at the hands of Upward Care staff

I’m to traumatised to see James now I should have been in bed 2 hours ago. I’ll see my son in the morning after I’ve filed his abuse reports for him.

James has been badly abused by Upward Care staff Camelia Monica Ryder otherwise known as Monica Ryder and/or Dominic Ryder and offenses committed under Magna Carta, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16, and the Disability Discrimination Act, particularly the reasonable adjustment clause.


23.30 James called to say good night to his brother and sister but his call was cut

Somebody accessing James account it could be a carer or one of the Ryders said James can’t call until later when his brother and sister would be sleeping in order to deprive him of saying goodnight to them as he planned to do when he attempted to call us.

I replied, “Please make a reasonable adjustment for him.”

I called the care home to get help for James and they said he hadn’t returned from the Ryders. Therefore they were saying it was the Ryders who cut James all or abused his capacity of a baby to goad him to cut it himself.

Please remember that it is an offense to offer James alternatives that include one option that deprives him of Skyping his loved ones because my severely incapacitated son who is Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident doesn’t have the capacity to know that if he accidentally chooses the option that deprives him of his liberty to Skype his loved ones he will have no idea that he will be deprived of seeing us.

Eg the other night the carer asked James do you want to watch Youtube or do you want to say good night to your family. I explained to the male carer that he had just committed an offence because James doesn’t have the capacity to know that he will be illegally deprived of his liberty to say goodnight to his loved ones if he chooses youtube. The male carer accepted that what he asked James was an offence and agreed he should have used the word And instead of Or ask James if he wants to watch Youtube And Skype his family is fully compliant with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 because it eliminates the option of being deprived of his liberty of doing one of the things he loves to do because the word And ensures he has the liberty to do both of the things he loves to do. Care can be enhanced further by using the reasonable adjustment clause of the Disability Discrimination Act to prioritise Skyping his family over watching YouTube so that he can say goodnight one by one to us as he loves to do and by using the word And James will also not be deprived of his liberty to watch Youtube because the reasonable adjustment means he can say goodnight to his family one by one And then watch several hours of youtube after we have all gone to bed.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Act are extremely well thought out laws that provide all the protection from abuse that a 25 year old with the Mental Capacity of a baby. James Neuronal Migration Disorder a severely malformed brain and Microcephaly a severely under formed brain (you only have to look at the back of his head compared to the back of his brothers’ and sister’s heads to see that a substantial piece of James’s brain is missing ). James’s MRI scan proves beyond all reasonable doubt that James has the Mental Capacity of a bay to a toddler.

The final law that protects James is the single law that underpins all British laws. It’s called Magna Carta. It simply means that everybody in the UK is equal under every law and UK citizens cannot pick and choose which laws they want to apply to them. Magna Carta protects James from everybody who has abused his incapacity in the past including the Ryders who so successfully groomed everybody involved in James care by slandering, libeling and defaming his paternal family who raised James during most of his waking hours to aid and abet their abuse of his incapacity, Reynalds Cross School abused James by blaming and punishing him for being disabled. A plethora of paid to lie corrupt psychologists abused James by writing fake reports that covered up his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly so they could fake his Mental Capacity and heinously abuse James by pretending he had the capacity to give up seeing his loved ones and understand what he was giving up. I personally think these corrupt psychologists should be jailed for the gravity of their offenses against one of the most incapacitated and locked-in people alive today by being 25 years old with the metal capacity of a baby to a toddler. Motor Neurone disease sufferers are less locked in than James. James social workers abused James by neglecting him and writing fake reports about James that covered up his disability and exaggerated his mental capacity to expose him to abuse of his incapacity. The social workers did this to cover up other offenses Solihull council committed against James. They deliberately neglected their client to cover up for their bosses at Solihull Council. The people named above as abusing James incapacity then went on a rampage of aggression, abuse, and hostility to James by hiring corrupt solicitors, paid to lie paid to commit perjury in a secret Vigilante celebration of perjury of in a secret Court of Protection hearing where James had no representation against everybody named above who abused him that resulted in the whole army of abusers that the ryders groomed and hired to abuse James being granted cover to abuse him by the judges that were perjured to by everybody named above. And the Local Authority Ombudsman who abused James by covering up the Ryders’ perjury in the Court of Protection and also covered up Solihull Council’s Anti Whistle Blowing Culture by writing a fake report that amounted to a celebration of obfuscation. Magna Carta forces every abuser named above of my severely incapacitated young adult son to comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16, the Disability Discrimination Act, particularly the reasonable adjustment clause, and Magna Carta requires that every single lie written and uttered by the Ryders about James and every lie written about James by corrupt paid to lie Psychologists and every lie written about James by corrupt solicitors and every single lie written by the Local Authority Ombudsman ALL be set aside and Magna Carta requires that the only report written about James that should not be set aside is my severely incapacitated young adult son’s MRI scan which is photographic evidence of his disability and proof beyond all reasonable doubt that he has the Mental Capacity of a baby to a toddler. The conveniently and repeatedly covered up MRI scan is smoking gun proof that everybody named above heinously abused one of the most severely disabled, incapacitated, and locked in people alive today by exposing the lies that everybody named above uttered and wrote about such an innocent utterly defenceless severely incapacitated 25-year-old with a Mental Capacity of a toddler to a baby according to his undisputed but highly covered up by his abusers: MRI scan.

James’s MRI scan report is available for download from his Safeguarding website which is the only representation he has from the long list of heinous abusers of his incapacity named above please see Please note if anybody named above does not think that the above abuse report is a true and accurate reflection of what has transpired please as your solicitors to email me at so that any issues can be resolved without delay.

When I get the time I’ll update the Upward Care section of James Safeguarding website with the abuse report above in order to bolster his protection from everybody with a long track record of abusing James who are named above.


James has been badly abused by Upward Care staff cutting his sound and leaving the call open and simply cutting the whole call if they don’t cut the sound.

Hi Natasha / Jane

James has been badly abused by Upward Care staff cutting his sound and leaving the call open and simply cutting the whole call if they don’t cut the sound.

I can’t take these hate crimes against James paternal family anymore.

I’ll file an abuse report but please give me access to your solicitor to get a permanent resolution.

Please ask your solicitors to email me at if there are any inaccuracies in my incapacitated son’s latest abuse report below and they will be dealt with without delay.

Yours, sincerely

Simon Foden
James Foden’s Father
James Foden’s legal representative

Hi Natasha / Jane

When James has a working Skype connection there is nothing for me to comment about as his legal advisor and loving father. So if you see no commend in Skype chat you will see all is well.

I will compare James Skype calls with Sasha’s Skype calls on James Safeguarding website so that the public can act as adjudicators regarding whether or not James Skypes rarely working and Sasha’s Skypes always working with a 100% success rate is down to James being severely disabled and Sasha not being disabled.

Sasha has never had a problem Skyping because he is not disabled while I’ve been reporting James Skype problems for months now, because he is disabled.

The weird thing is that when I defend James with a robust response after the terror of his sound not working on a sustained basis the carers can make it work but when I use my more normal passive response to the terror of James sound not working on a sustained basis the carers cannot make it work so it all boils down to the robustness of James’s legal representative’s response to the terror of James sound not working, on a sustained basis that determines if the carers will let James Skype with a working connection. Therefore, as James loving father and  legal representative, I will make a robust response in this instance that will invoke Magna Carta on James Safeguarding website that will force the Ryders, all of the corrupt psychologists, corrupt solicitors, corrupt social workers, corrupt Local Authority Ombudsman, and anybody who has hidden behind these corrupt people and anybody else into legal compliance with the hate crime laws, the Mental Capacity Act, and the disability discrimination Act because James Mri Scan report which is downloadable from James website and covered up from the Judges that all the people noted above perjured to in the Court of Protection. James  Mri scan proves beyond all reasonable doubt that there was not a single word of truth uttered in the secret Court of Protection hearing by the aggressive and abusive highly deceitfully manipulated Ryders, the corrupt psychologists who lied for money and the corrupt social workers who lied to protect their Solihull Council bosses and that the only document that contains the truth was covered up from the judges in the secret perjury committed in the Court of Protection by the Ryders, corrupt psychologists and corrupt social workers.

All of these corrupt individuals are equal under the law under Magna Carta and cannot excuse themselves because  James’s Mri scan lays all of their lies and corruption they used to abuse my severely incapacitated son with: bare.

For James to be protected from the Ryders and Solihull Council it is paramount that his disability is not covered up in the way it was covered up from the Judges in the Court of Protection in a mass celebration of perjury by the Ryders, Solihull social services, the corrupt psychologists and everybody else the Ryders groomed to aid and abet their abuse of my son’s severe incapacity it is important that his disability is,  covered up by all the lies, perjured in the secret court of protection order is exposed on his safeguarding website.

Once James Disability is recognised by the handful of people, including Upward Care, who still don’t recognise it James will be much safer and much less prone to having hate crimes committed against he and his paternal family and offences under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 and offences under the Disability Discrimination laws.

All of the hate crimes committed against James and his paternal family will stop once James disability is recognised by Upward Care and he is given the care and protection that Upward Care’s most vulnerable resident as a 25-year-old with the Mental Capacity of a baby to a toddler, proven beyond all reasonable doubt by his Mri scan, needs.

His current level of care falls short of what James needs because Upward Care like the corrupt Solihull Social Services, the Court of Protection and the Local Authority Ombudsman still does not recognise James disability in the same manner that the rest of the world does and anybody who has visited James Safeguarding Web site and anybody who can Read an Mri scan result.

The public have a right to know that there is not a word of Truth in any of the documents you received about James, from any psychologists, social workers, Courts of Protection or Ombudsmen and the only document containing any truth about my severely incapacitated son: his Mri scan result, is available for download on his safeguarding websites.

I hope this information helps to bring about a lasting settlement and solution to the ongoing abuse of his incapacity.

Yours sincerely

Simon Foden
James Foden’s father
James Foden’s Legal Representative

Skype chat

We cant hear James

We cant hear you James

Why can’t James be heard when he Skypes his family?

Is it because he is disabled?

Why do James calls go straight to missed calls without ringing?

Why can’t James be heard when he calls his family? Is it because he is severely disabled?

Why do James carers not help him when his legal advisor reports that he’s Skype call is not working?

Why do James carers not help him when his legal advisor reports that he’s Skype call is not working?

Is it because he is disabled?

Why can’t James have working Skype calls as nondisabled people have? Is it because he is disabled and Upward Care is discriminating against their most incapacitated resident because he is so helpless, defenseless, and disabled?

Why do Upward Care Carers and management not let their most incapacitated resident make working Skype calls to their family in the same way that non incapacitated people can make working Skype calls to their families?

If James call carries sound it gets cut. If it doesn’t get cut it doesn’t carry sound either. Why is James not allowed to make calls that both work and do not get cut? Why is it that only the calls that don’t carry his sound don’t get cut? We need a permanent resolution. I’ll report later. The distress of seeing my disabled son trying to talk to me but only a crackle coming through because he is so incapacitated it is terrifying to watch him being deprived of his liberty to be seen and heard 2 ways when he Skypes his loved ones

The whole world must know about his abuse at Upward Care Ltd until it stops and he is treated the same as his brother Sasha. I will spell it out to the world that Sasha can make working Skype calls because he is not disabled but James cannot because he is disabled and Upward Care staff like to abuse his incapacity. I will post multiple examples on the Upward Care section of James’s Safeguarding website and I will pray that somebody picks up on it and James abuse of his incapacity stops and the hate crimes committed against James and his paternal family stop and the offenses under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 committed by Upward Care stop and the offenses committed against James under the Disability Discrimination Act stop and that James legal advisor will no longer be ignored when he reports his severely incapacitated sons abuse of his incapacity by Upward Care workers at an upward care care home. Enough is enough. Permanent resolution of my severely incapacitated son must be achieved and this can only be brought about by legal action in the Court of Public Opinion via James Safeguarding website which is the only protection he has against the Ryders 20 year old campaign of abuse of his incapacity raged against my defenseless son and all they have groomed to aid and abet their abuse of my defenseless son: the most I capacitated resident in the whole of Upward Care Nationwide. Upward Care Can no longer abuse my son and commit hate crimes against him and his paternal family in secret. You have forced James’s legal advisor to reveal all on James Safeguarding website with a view to permanently ending upwards care’s abuse of my son and if you don’t think Upward Care staff and management dont regularly abuse my son there will be an email address posted on my incapacitated sons safeguarding website where your solicitor can make contact with me I I can layout the charges against Upward Care directly with the Upward Care solicitor.

I am too terrified to answer my severely incapacitated young adult sons Skye calls because the Upward Care Management backed abusers of my son’s incapacity will cut my son’s call or they will leave his call ope but with the sound cut in order to terrorise their most incapacitated resident’s paternal family for a longer period of time and they will ignore reports of James Skype not working by forcing James legal advisor to call the care home and then when they are expecting the call not answer it.

It’s beautiful to see the call come through and then it’s terrifying when the sound or the whole call gets cut after a minute or two. Upward Care staff think it’s funny to abuse the family of a severely incapacitated young adult but their abuse is so terrifying I hope the Court of public opinion will end the abuse once and for all and put my severely incapacitated son on an equal footing with his non-incapacitated brother Sasha and share with Sasha the basic human right to make Skype calls that work.

James just called but his call got cut straightway

I will call back but it won’t answer
It didn’t answer

James legal advisor called the house to report James call being cut but the house didn’t answer

James cant make successful Skype calls

He loves to call his paternal family but he was cut by his abusers after 10 seconds or his abusers abused his incapacity to goad James to cut the call he himself wanted to make

Please let James call his family with a Skype connection that works

James likes to say goodnight to us one by one but his call was cut. Please let him say goodnight to his brother and sister


Upward Care Limited Solihull commits Hate Crimes and offenses under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 and the Disability Disability Discrimination Act against its most vulnerable and incapacitate 25-year-old resident who has the Mental Capacity ranging from a baby to a two-year-old toddler.

Please ask your solicitors to email me at if there are any inaccuracies in my incapacitated son’s latest abuse report below and they will be dealt with without delay.

James can’t connect please help him

James can’t connect please help him

We cant hear James please help him

Sound and picture keep freezing


James call got cut please help him

Please always give James the care he needs to keep James tablet charged so that he’s not deprived of seeing his loved ones. Thank you

Please help James we can’t hear him

Please help him

James’s sound keeps getting cut. Please help him

Please help James he’s trying to Skype us but his signal keeps dropping to poor, then his picture freezes then the connection is dropped. Please help him

Please help James

His call just froze after 10 seconds. Please give him the care he needs to Skype his loved ones on a viable device

He likes to see his father brother sister and step mum Cherma and communicate with us on Skype and be seen and heard and him see and hear us. Please help him

We can’t hear James when he calls please help him

Please help James

Please help James

It is very distressing to James when he can’t be heard. He can’t understand why we can’t understand what he’s saying. Why are you doing this to him? Why are you tormenting him like this? Why don’t you want him to have the same rights to Skype his loved ones that non incapacitated people have. Non incapacitated people can see and hear each other when they Skype. Why are you depriving my incapacitated son of his liberty to Skype his loved ones on a viable device with a viable connection using mature technology that has been around for 15 years? Why don’t you let him have a viable Skype device and connection combination?

Why don’t you answer James’s legal advisor when he calls the care home to report the problems my son is suffering. Why don’t you give James the care he needs to make a viable Skype connection. Why don’t you help him?

We cant hear James please help him

There is no change. When we answer James calls there is some muffled sound at the start of the call then it says poor connection. Then we cannot hear him at all then his picture freezes then his connection drops. When I tell James we can’t hear him he ends the call and calls back as he thinks that will fix it but when he calls back we still cannot hear him then it says poor connection then his image freezes then the connection is lost. The only reason this happens to James is because he is incapacitated. If he wasn’t incapacitated, for example like his brother Sasha, he would simply resolve the problem and make a beautiful Skype call with crystal clear sound and vision but James cannot do this because he is incapacitated.

In short James is being discriminated against because he is disabled (Disability Discrimination Act) and this results in him being deprived of his liberty to Skype his loved ones on a viable device with a viable wifi connection (Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16)

I know you are not deliberately committing these offenses and I know you are making an effort to stop committing these offenses but a simple wide range WiFi router or the new Mesh technology that binds routers in each room together should resolve James problems and as I’m James sole legal representative regarding his rights under The Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 and the Disability Discrimination laws I have to liaise with Upward Care to ensure his rights are adhered to and today they were not.

Please give my son and my client as his legal representative a viable Skype device and connection so that he can enjoy the same liberties as his non-disabled peers.
James calls in the last 10 minutes were just about viable but please, going forward ensure all of his calls are viable. He likes to see his brother and sister for half an hour to an hour around the time we pick them up from school. He likes to ask them what they’ve been doing. He also likes to call them around their bedtime to say goodnight. He likes to say good night to us all one by one.

As James has the Mental Capacity of a baby it is very easy (as easy as taking candy from a baby) to abuse him by goading him to behave in a way that looks like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones and filming it and saying “hey look, we have video evidence that James doesn’t want to see his loved ones” and anybody who didn’t know otherwise would think that James didn’t want to see his loved ones but James because he has the Mental Capacity of a baby would have no idea that by behaving in the way he was so easily goaded to behave would be videoed and used as evidence against him to illegally deprive him of seeing his loved ones.

The filming of James being goaded to behave in a way that he doesn’t want to see his loved ones is evidence of him being abused. It is not evidence that he doesn’t want to see his loved ones because James doesn’t have the capacity to know that the recorded abuse of his incapacity will be illegally used against him to commit offences against him under the disability discrimination laws and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16. The only legally compliant solution is for it to be settled that he always wants to see his loved ones because he always has wanted to and always will want to if he is is not abused by being filmed easily goaded into behaving in a way that could look like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones.

I hope this clarifies James’s legal status regarding his rights under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws. Under Magna Carta we are all equal, whether parents, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, doctors judges or carers.

I rest James’s case for now but please provide James with a viable Skype connection and device combination that can carry his call for up to 30 minutes to one hour when’s his family come home from school and before they go to bed. The “Reasonable Adjustment” clause in The Disability Discrimination Act should help you to bring this about and be legally compliant regarding my severely disabled son’s incapacity and ensure his rights under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Act are fully adhered to.

James can’t connect please help him

It freezes straight away

Please help James

Please help James he cannot connect his calls freeze straight away

Please answer James legal advisor on the house phone

Please help James his calls have no sound and then his picture freezes.

James can’t make viable Skype calls that connect his family. Please help him.

When his device is online he cannot connect. Now his device is offline. Please give him a viable device and connection

Please help my incapacitated son

Please help my incapacitated son

Natasha said she would fix James’s very poor wifi connection but now it’s so bad he can’t even make a broken connection that nobody can see or hear. He can’t even do that.

Please let James Skype his family he likes to tell us what he’s been doing and say goodnight to us one by one. He asks for us by name to say goodnight.

Why don’t you help him? Why don’t you answer his legal advisor’s calls

Why do you keep letting him try to call on a duff connection?

He doesn’t understand what’s going on when we can’t see or hear him

Why don’t you help him?

If he wasn’t disabled he would fix the problem himself but he has to rely on other people to help him and nobody is helping him

Why does James not have a viable device WiFi connection to Skype his loved ones on? Is it because he’s disabled?

Why won’t you let James communicate with his family on Skype? Is it because he’s disabled?

Please do the decent thing and help him.

How can I report this?

You don’t answer the phone when I call for assistance for him.

Why don’t answer the phone when I call for assistance for him.


Please help him

He could connect a little in the end. Thank you for trying. He was just about able to say goodnight to everybody but please respect his rights and liberty to have a viable Skype connection that neither repeatedly freezes the sound and repeatedly freezes the picture. My 25-year-old severely incapacitated son deserves his basic communication rights to be adhered to. Please give him his basic rights. Thank you


James can’t connect please help him sound and picture freezes after seconds of answering

James call just got cut twice please help him

Please help James

Cut again

Please help James

His green profile light has gone. Please help him

Please help James we can’t hear him

Please help James we can’t hear him when he calls and he’s getting upset

Please help James he cannot be heard


Monica Massih the point I was trying to make was that James doesn’t have the capacity to procure a viable Skype device but you do have this capacity, therefore, James being without a Viable Skype device discriminates against him for being disabled because he is not able to procure one as a non disabled person such as his non disabled brother Sasha can. In short James is being treated less favourably than his brother Sasha because James is disabled and Sasha is not. Sasha can procure a viable Skype device James cannot because he is severely disabled. Therefore leaving James with a non viable Skype device that barely aften doesn’t at all carry his voice is an offense under the Disability Discrimination Act and James totally depends on me to enforce the Act for him. I have a legal obligation as his legal advisor to enforce the Act for him. This issue is also an offense under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16.

James just called me and his call got cut.

I’m fighting cancer, and have 3 expensive dependents who live with me to pay for as well as Sasha in England and Kenneth in the Philippines so I cannot afford to hire any more solicitors. The only options open to me are to all but beg the house carers not to discriminate against James for being disabled. Then I can all but beg Natasha not to discriminate against James for being disabled then I can all but beg Upward Care head office not to discriminate against James for being disabled. All of the aforementioned options to protect James from being discriminated against for being disabled have already been exhausted. Then (the only option left open to me) is to report Upward Care’s discrimination against James for being disabled on James Safeguarding website and then Upward Care’s Solicitor is most welcome to email me at and the, hopefully, James will no longer be discriminated against for being disabled by being put at a disadvantage to his non disabled people who can procure a viable Skype device. I hope this helps to resolve James problems of not being able to Skype his loved ones on a viable device 100 % because he is disabled. As James legal advisor I’m happy to discuss this important matter with anybody who is in a position to help James and I look forward to an early resolution.

James tried to call me and his call was cut. Please let him finish his call. Thank you

Carers letting Upwards Care’s most vulnerable resident make his daily Skype calls to his loved ones on a non viable device that doesn’t carry two-way picture and sound is a very serious and reportable Hate Crime against Upward Care’s most vulnerable resident. It is a gross Hate Crime abuse of Upward Care’s most Vulnerable resident and his cancer fighting father and 7 year old brother and 5 year old sister.

Upward Care Carers started to commit this Hate Crime abuse of Upward Care’s most incapacitated and Vulnerable resident: James Foden many months ago by regularly committing offences against his incapacity under the Hate Crime laws, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S16 and the Disability Discrimination Laws.

Upward Carer Ltd carers such as Sigel said on the phone last week that Skype calls don’t work in the rain. I replied to Sigel that that is a very feeble excuse and nobody will believe it and then she backtracked and said I was putting words in her mouth but then she unblocked James connection and then he could call us with two way sound and video. Yesterday morning Sigel again let James Skype his family with blocked sound and Vision that constantly freezes. I told her I would report this abuse to Upward Care head office she unblocked Upward Care’s most vulnerable resident’s call and she let him Skype his loved ones with two way sound and video that is not constantly freezing.

Yesterday afternoon Monica Massih let Upward Care’s Most vulnerable resident make numerous failed Skype calls to his loved ones that didn’t carry unfrozen sound and video and she could not, as she used to be able, to u block his connection to carry unfrozen sound and video. This Hate Crime Upward Care is committing against Upward Care’s most Vulnerable resident is not only very upsetting to James (Monica Massih admitted it is very upsetting to James when Upward Care don’t give him a viable device to Skype his family on) it is also very upsetting to James’s cancer-fighting father and family.

Although Upward Care Management are unphased by the hate crimes Upward Care Carers are committing against Upward Care’s most Vulnerable resident as I’ve reported Upwards cares inability and willingness to let their most Vulnerable resident have the dignity to Skype his loved ones on a device that carries two way unfrozen sound and video. Upward Care are fully aware that their most incapacitated resident does not have the capacity to procure a viable Skype device as a non incapacitated person such as James 15 year old brother can do whivh is an offence under the Disabilty Discrimination laws and also an offence of Deprivation of Liberty For now Upward Care are content to let their carers comit these illegal hate crimes, illegal deprivation of liberty and illegal disability Discrimination and I believe that the public will frown upon the hate crimes, illegal deprivation and illegal Disability Discrimination noted above against their most vulnerable resident so as James’s legal representative and the only person who can stop his abuse of his incapacity at Upward Care I will upload this information detailing the carers ongoing abuse of of Upward Care’s most vulnerable resident in full knowledge of Upward Care’s Manage who lack the will to stop the abuse of their most incapacitated resident’s incapacity to the Upward Care and Latest News sections on James’s Safeguarding website and I pray that the public will frown upon Upwards Care’s ongoing abuse of their most vulnerable resident’s incapacity and I hope the public will sufficiently frown upon Upward Care’s continued illegal hate crimes, illegal deprivations and illegal discriminations against Upward Care Limited’s most vulnerable resident to bring about something that Upward Care Management are not able to do: bring an end to these illegal hate crimes, deprivation and discriminations and instead let their most vulnerable resident have the dignity to Skype his loved ones with two way unfrozen sound and video. Any non incapacitated person can procure such a device but Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident is totally helpless to procure a viable Skype device because he is Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident.

I hope and pray that public Knowledge of the months-long ongoing abuse of Upward Care’s most incapacitated resident’s incapacity resident as noted above under the above-noted offences will bring an end to his abuse. I can’t tell you how much I hope and pray we can bring an end to James’s months-long abuse of his incapacity as noted above.

Hello James was barely audible in the end but that was an improvement to totally inaudible when he first called. It’s still a hate crime for Upward Care to deprive him of a device that carries clear audio 2 way and 2 way video because Upward Care know full well that as their most incapacitated resident James cannot procure a viable Skype device in the way that a non disabled person can which is an offence under the Disability Discrimination laws therefore Upward Care are discriminating against James because he is helpless and disabled

We cannot hear you and your call freezes straightaway

We cannot hear anything James is saying

If I call the house as James legal representative it’s because I’m distressed that James is deprived of his liberty to connect because he doesn’t have the capacity to procure a viable connection

Every time I’m forced to call the house because James’s connection never works when we answer will be logged on James Safeguarding website. I as James’s legal representative is the o ly recourse James has for the offences committed against him u der the Disability Discrimination laws. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the hate crime laws because giving James A duff connection knowing full well he is helpless knowing full well that you are going to trigger me to call the house multiple times until you let him connect and then having the nerve to say I’m disturbing the residents is a hat crime. You (Monica Massih) instigated this Hate crime and as James legal representative I have to report it on James Safeguarding website as it is the only leverage James has against the people committing all of these offences against James and his family and if you do think you have committed a hate crime today your solicitor can email me at I really really want to speak to your solicitor and resolve the matter of James’s ongoing abuse of his incapacity because nobody will help him procure a viable Skype device that carries his sound and video once and for all. You can read the report in which you will be named in the morning. Committing hate crimes against vulnerable young adults and their vulnerable cancer-fighting fathers is unacceptable, unforgivable, and illegal for me as James’s legal representative to Cover-up.

We can’t hear you, James. (James can’t read this of course)

James called but we couldn’t hear anything he said please help him

When you deprive James of his liberty to access a Skype connection that works you cause distress to the residents because you say our obligatory report of his deprivation causes distress and you also cause distress to James and his paternal family

James’s ongoing deprivation of his liberty to Skype his family without them being forced to call a hostile care home is unacceptable, unforgivable, illegal for me to cover up but very simple to fix: just give him a WiFi connection that carries two way sound and video. His brother Sasha has one. I hope the report under the upward care section on James Safeguarding website will help James to be treated equally to his nondisabled brother. James is entitled to nothing less. Please check out the Upward Care and Latest News sections of James Safeguarding website in the morning and ask your solicitor s to contact me in my capacity as James legal representative. Its an offence for me to cover up James deprivation of a Skype device that works and its an offence for me to cover up being repeatedly forced to call a hostile care home and keep begging the to fix a connection that begins to free straight away and improve it to one that barely works.

James deserves better than a connection that barely works after multiple calls to a hostile care home that are distressful for every party. He deserves nothing less than a connection that works correctly from the start so that neither James’s family nor care home residents need to incur any distress. Giving my incapacitated son a connection that works as per his legal entitlements will stop Upward Care causing unnecessary distress to my incapacitated son, his paternal family, and other care home residents. The public has a right to Know how much distress you have caused everybody over the last few months by steadfastly refusing to provide my incapacitated son with a Skype connection that works by carrying 2-way audio and video without freezing.

By the way, James could not be heard when he wanted to watch Peppa pig in the car with his brother and sister. That offence alone is worthy of a report on James’ Safeguarding website. As much as I’ve pleaded with you and bit my tongue over the last 3 months of frozen Skype calls its now time to accept that upward care has no will to resolve the matter and comply with my obligation as James legal advisor to report the matter on the most confidential forum that Upward Care cannot cover up: James Safeguarding website.

We couldn’t hear James on his last call please help him

You distress James when you don’t give him a connection that works. I have to report you for distressing James

We cant hear James please help him

James call didn’t ring please help him

I just answered a call but the sound was broken and the camera was pointing at the ceiling and although James asked what we bought we couldn’t show him and his call dropped.

Please help James in a muffled sound I made out that he wants to see what we bought.

James call was cut please help him

James call was cut please help him

James’s call was completely frozen and the dropped. This is very distressful for James and James’s family and as you say the other residents so why don’t you let James have a connection that works because his current connection is causing distress to every party involved?

James last call was completely frozen nobody could see or hear each other so please help James

Why can’t the parties in James Skype calls see and hear each other?

James just called but it cut before his image came onto the screen

Same happened again 2 more times

His last call was barely audible and froze after 2 minutes.

James cannot say good night to his family because his picture and sound keep freezing

James Skype is not working please help him

Why don’t you let James have a connection that works. He can’t Skype us and he’s visibly getting distressed by it not working?

James just called but we couldn’t hear anything said to us and he cannot say goodnight to us because we can’t hear anything he says to us. Please help him

Please help James. Why can the parties to his calls not be able to see and hear each other?

Please help James

That was acceptable. Why could you not let James have a connection like that earlier? It would have prevented hours of distress to every party involved. James, his family, and his co-residents.

From Monica Massih

Can you answer James’s call? He wants to talk to you

Then multiple missed calls that went straight into missed calls without ringing

I keep answering James calls but they keep dropping

James calls keep dropping

I’ve been answering as you requested but they keep dropping

The last one worked for a while but got cut.

I tried to reassure James that he can see me Baby Ki Simone and Cherma every day after school for 30 minutes to an hour and for 30 minutes to an hour before they go to bed and reassured him that his Mom’s turn will come round automatically so he doesn’t need to worry about it every day and I told him the most important people are his friends at number Two because he lives with them and his time with his paternal and maternal families will come round automatically.

I put do not disturb on after our Skype calls to encourage James to interact with his friends at number Two as they are his housemates and its very good for him to interact with them. His time with us is covered under the reasonable adjustment clause of the Disability Discrimination Act and section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act so giving him his time with us with a clear connection that works both ways for audio and video is simply legal compliance. It means you are compliant with these laws as opposed to infringing them. James Skype connection not working when it’s his time to see us on Skype infringes the laws and its an offence for me not to report it hence calls to the house, Head office and then Finally James Safeguarding website as a last resort report that is immutable meaning that nobody can cover it up

I have to publish James’s report because that’s the only way I can get access to Upward Care’s legal time in order to get a permanent resolution to protect James from the Ryders’ aggressive, abusive and hostile perjury they committed in the Court of Protection. James also needs protection from the Naive and professionally negligent social workers the Ryders groomed to aid and abet their abuse of James incapacity since James was abused at Reynalds Cross School according to the Sendist Tribunal. James also needs protection from the corrupt psychologists that Solihull Council hired to lie for money to write fake reports about James’s capacity. They muddy the waters regarding James’s disability. Even Natasha doesn’t know what James’s disability is. She thinks it’s Autism. That’s what she told me during a recent telephone conversation. The fact is that Autism is just but a side effect of James’s disability. Epilepsy is just but a side effect of James’s disability. I as James’s legal representative am one of only 4 people who Know what James’s disability is. I and James paediatricians, and his neurologists and his GP are the only people who know what his disability is. Upward care employees don’t know what James’s disability is. James professionally negligent social workers don’t know what his disability is. James corrupt Psychologists who all lied for money don’t know what James’s disability is. Solihull Council doesn’t know what James Disability is. The Local Authority Ombudsman don’t know what James Disability and most important of all even the Court of Protection doesn’t know what James’ Disabilty is as all of the aforementioned (except the Court of Protection because they were victims of monumental aggressive vigilante perjury) aggressively and abusively covered up James disability to support the Ryders’ heinously aggressive, hostile and abusive libelous slanderous defamatory false narrative that they have proffered to groom every professional involved in James care over the past 20 years that James doesn’t want to see his loved ones. James has and never will have any idea that they subjected him to such heinous abuse of his incapacity during the majority of his life. It is very easy to confirm these reports as fake because I and the 4 others mentioned above know what James disability is: There are two aspects to it: 1) a Neuronal Migration Disorder (a severely malformed brain that didn’t develop and grow quite close to conception because James Neurons didn’t Migrate to the correct places in his brain) , 2) Microcephaly (a tiny brain that didn’t grow because of his Neuronal Migration disorder). You only have to look at the back of James’s head to see that a big piece of his brain is missing. Therefore James Neuronal Migration disorder and Microcephaly are what render James with the Mental Capacity of a baby in many aspects. In some aspects, James’s development matches that of a young kindergarten child such as being able to put things such as dishes away. James’s speech is probable around what his brothers and sister had at the two-year-old level. James’s Autism and epilepsy are merely side effects of his Neuronal Migration Disorder. They have almost nothing to do with his disability. James Disability is 90% derived from his Neuronal Migration Disorder. This is what James paediatric consultant told me when James was diagnosed with his disability at 2 years old. She said James will always have the Mental Capacity of a baby and she turned out to be 100% correct. If anybody involved in James’s care wants to know what his disability is simply Google Neuronal Migration and Microcephaly. Apart from I and the aforementioned doctors and readers of James’s Safeguarding website: nobody else knows what my son’s disability is. You can learn about James’s disability and the abuse he as suffered over many years at the hands of Monica and Dominic Ryder and every professional involved in my son’s care who they groomed to aid and abet their abuse of my son’s incapacity. You can even download a copy of James CT scan report that confirmed the diagnosis of his disability and his lifetime ordeal struggling with the Mental Capacity of a baby/toddler. I urge all carers involved in James care to disregard the negligent social workers’ reports, the corrupt fake pychologists’ reports and instead read all of the information on James Safeguarding website (the antidote that puts James case against the Ryders aggressive, abusive, vigilante perjury in the Court of Protection) that way you won’t risk committing serious offences against my son’s severe incapacity and almost certainly the most incapacitated Upward Care resident nationwide. I hope this helps bring an end to all of the offences committed over recent months.

Monica Massih if James needs to see his family other than half an hour to an hour after school pickup and half an hour to an hour at bedtime please call my English Mobile number: 07 and I’ll take off do not disturb. I’m fully aware of the importance of James time with his housemates and I’ve always been pro his time with his housemates and I’m also aware of reasonable adjustment and sometimes it will be necessary to reschedule. Nobody is or has ever been more pro James’s best interests than his father that is why I’m also his legal representative and I’ve always successfully defended him when he’s been abused or in crisis.


Dear Natasha / Jane

James started his previous supported accommodation, Queen Alexander College, two months after Camelia Monica Ryder, otherwise known as Monica Ryder abused him by illegally removing one of the most highly incapacitated people on the planet (you would need something like Motor Neurone Disease to be more incapacitated than James) beyond the reach of his loved ones who he loves and grew up with until his mid teenage years. Please see James’s Safeguarding website:

During the entire three years James resided at Queen Alexander College he was illegally deprived of Skyping his loved ones from his own device at a time of his choosing. In fact was totally deprived of his liberty to Skype us at all for “technical” reasons so I set up his confidential Safeguarding website to report his Solihull Council backed abuse of his incapacity by Camelia Monica Ryder, otherwise known as Monica Ryder, and Dominic Ryder.

I used the maximum level of confidentiality to the point where SolIhull Council and the Local Authority Ombudsman could no-longer cover up the Ryders’ SolIhull Council backed abuse of James’s severe incapacity. Please see James’s Safeguarding website: and you can see that James is fully protected against the Council covering up the Ryders’ heinous abuse of his severe incapacity and the cover they all gave themselves from their perjury in the Court of Protection.

Shortly after James Safeguarding Website went live James was allowed a once per week 10 minute supported Skype call to his family but he continued to be illegally deprived of Skyping his loved ones from his own device at a time of his choosing. The last entry on James Safeguarding Website was the one about Natasha being the first professional involved in James’s care to be on James’s side. There has been no updates since then.

However, even though the site is not updated, content not maintained nor given any search engine optimisation nor submitted to any search engines nor linked on any social media the site is climbing in the Google rankings because of the public interest in how easy it is for people with aggressive and abusive personalities such as Camelia Monica Ryder and Dominic Ryder can groom a team of naive and professionally negligent social workers, over a decade and a half, to aid and abet their abuse of one of the most vulnerable people in the world and then hire a plethora of corrupt psychologists to cover it up with fake reports and then all commit perjury in the Court of Protection to provide themselves with “cover” to abuse my vulnerable oldest son and the, when they got all their heinous ducks in a row, bring in the Local Authority ombudsman cover up my son’s abuse in a fake report that can only be described as a celebration of obfuscation!

However, it is all lovingly unraveled and exposed on James Safeguarding Website.

Upward Care

As noted previously, James’s care improved dramatically upon his placement by Upward Care, however, he was still illegally deprived of Skyping his loved ones from his own device at a time of his choosing.

This important matter was not resolved until Christmas 2018, some 5 years after the Mental Capacity Act 2005 gave him the right to his liberty to Skype us at the time of his choosing from his own device. It was Christmas 2018 when James was finally granted the liberty he should have been granted on his 18th birthday: ie to be given his liberty to Skype his loved ones from his own device at a time of his choosing. This 5 year deprivation of his liberty cost James 5 years of seeing his father, brother, and sister every day and he had to make do with only one 10 minute call per week.

This was a massive 5-year long deprivation for one of the most incapacitated people in the world today.

Upward Care resolved this issue at the end of 2018 and on the whole, James has been able to Skype his loved ones in the morning and in the afternoon at a time of his choosing in line with his rights under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

There have been issues though. The tablets and laptops I buy him always break after a couple of weeks. His calls were often cut and it was difficult for James to see his brother and sister due to him not being allowed to Skype between 11 am and 3pm when his brother and sister are at home. However, over the last few months, James rights under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 have been met in full. However, there has been an issue today. James was deprived of Skyping us this morning. When I called the carer said Skype has been removed from his device. This is most worrying.

Apart from James Skype problems his care at Upward Care is very good. He lives with other residents, much less incapacitated than he, who are helpful and kind to him. His carers are helpful and kind to him.

James is happy at his care home but he does count down the number of “sleeps” until one of the Ryders’ take him out for a day.

James is always happy to see us on Skype on his return to his care home. He is equally happy to see his co-residents and his carers upon his return. He always returns happy and excited.

James is very gregarious and he loves all of the time he has with his paternal family on Skype and when we can afford to visit him, and he loves his time with his co-residents and his carers and his time with the Ryders.

James has an interesting program of activities. He loves his trips out on the bus and train. He likes to go shopping with his carer. He loves his bowling and Gym and disco. He also likes his Nintendo game console.

He loves to relax with his DVDs and to Skype his paternal family as he is a very gregarious open book who likes to share what he’s been doing with his loved ones.

I would score James care as follows:

Interaction and fun with co-residents 10 out of 10

Quality of Activities 10 out of 10

James’s happiness and contentment with care and activities 9 out of 10. (This would be 10 out of 10 if he had no Skype issues. He likes to Skype us and this is not always available to him, therefore, his rights are not always adhered to.)

Quality of care from care workers 7 out of 10 (this would be 10 out of 10 if James was given the care he needs to keep his devices were well maintained and charged at night and nobody removed Skype from his device and his new tablet and laptop were repaired)

Recognition of James’s Disability 5 out of 10

If the care home fully recognised that James has the Mental Capacity of a toddler whilst having the body of a 25 year old (hence his vulnerable being on par with a Motor Neurone Disease sufferer) he would never have been allowed on the stairs and would never have suffered his first fall down the stairs that blacked both of his eyes and he would not have suffered the second fall that fractured his skull and caused a bleed on his brain. Even if James did not have epilepsy he would still be too vulnerable to have access to the stairs.

I believe that regarding my son’s two serious falls down the stairs causing serious injury that the care home is as much a victim of the fake reports the Ryders and Solihull Council procured from various corrupt psychologists willing to lie for money and the naive and professionally negligent social worker reports all written to obfuscate the fact that my son has vulnerability on a par with motor neurone sufferer due to the extent of the malformation and very small size of his brain in order to heinously abuse his incapacity to pretend that he has the capacity to say he doesn’t want to see his loved ones any more and to know what he is giving up!

The result of the aggressively abusive fake reports that obfuscated my oldest son’s disability is he was almost killed, not once but twice in serious falls down the stairs.

I am confident that there was nothing written in James’s reports that said “James has a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly giving him the Mental Capacity of a toddler therefore always help him to Skype his paternal family who he loves so much because he grew up with them and do not let him use the stairs” and “James has a Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly which causes very difficult to control grand mal and complex partial seizures, therefore, do not let him use the stairs”.

In short, the fake and negligent reports the Ryders and Solihull Council procured to abuse my oldest son by illegally depriving him of his liberty to Skype his loved ones almost killed him on not one but two separate occasions.

In short the fake reports they procured to abuse my oldest son almost killed my oldest son!

Therefore you can see the importance of James Safeguarding Website. It’s all my oldest son has to protect him from the Ryders, from Solihull Council, from Corrupt psychologists, and from the Local Authority Ombudsman cover-up of all of my oldest son’s abuse of his incapacity as noted on his Safeguarding website:

I’m confident that you would have received a score of much higher than 5 out of 10 for disability recognition had Upward Care not been a co-victim with James of the heinously corrupt and professionally negligent fake reports procured by the Ryders and Solihull Council to obfuscate his disability and pretend he has the capacity to say he doesn’t want to see his loved ones and know what he is giving up.

Please note that it is an offense to ask James if he wants to go for a bus ride or see his family on Skype. It is obvious, based on James’s incapacity that he will choose the bus and he will not understand that by choosing the bus means he will be deprived of seeing his loved ones on Skype. The Ryders have used this method of abuse of James on many occasions.

In order for an offense not to be committed James must be given the liberty to do both: I.e. See his family on Skype then go for a bus ride or vice versa if time allows before his family abroad go to bed.

Please advise all current and future carers of the “flaws” in James reports and advise them that they can get all the information they need to keep James safe from his

Safeguarding website:

I hope this helps to guide you through the fog and obfuscation of any reports procured by the Ryders or Solihull Council.

Kind regards


P.S. James still hasn’t been able to Skype his family today. Please help him.

PPS if anybody thinks the information portrayed in this report is not a true and accurate reflection of what has transpired please ask your solicitor to email me at to resolve any inaccuracies without delay.

Simon Foden