Dear PC X
Please email me my log number for my very very serious and fully substantiated complaints again Mrs J’s Mother for her non-compliance with the Harassment Laws (repeatedly harassing College X to aid and abet her abuse of my son’s incapacity), the Hate Crime Laws, the Libel Laws, Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws. I have evidence that J’s Mother has left no stone unturned to HARASS College X into non-compliance of their obligations under Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Laws.
Please note that I have to put the above charges to J’s Mother directly because Social Services have told me to do this and College X have also told me to do this and J’s Mother still hasn’t given me the contact details of her solicitor. I have already taken all the legal advice I need to successfully resolve this unfortunate matter and I am simply not in any financial position to to hire another solicitor. I also have evidence from Families Need Fathers that my communications with both J’s Mother and the agencies involved in my severely disabled and incapacitated young adult son’s care has been very restrained compared to other FNF members who find themselves in the same unfortunate position as I.
I have one thousand pounds in the bank to pay for baby Simone’s delivery in the next less than 2 weeks and I may need to pawn my grandmother’s bracelet if baby Simone needs a caesarean. Therefore it is out of the question for me to hire another solicitor. All I want to do is put the charges directly to J’s Mother’s solicitor as it is I who is my defenceless disabled son’s legal representative. I still don’t know the contact details of J’s Mother’s legal representative!!!
I must refute any possible allegation in the strongest possible terms that I’ve harassed J’s Mother in any way. As you read below I’ve all but pleaded with J’s Mother to give me the contact details of her solicitor because I have a mountain of complaints against J’s Mother’s non-compliance with Harassment Laws (repeatedly harassing College X to aid and abet her abuse of my son’s incapacity), the Hate Crime Laws, the Libel Laws, Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws. Once the matter is resolved all that will be left is for J’s Mother to settle her bill for the 6 month’s work she ordered for me to clear my name after she libelled me to every agency involved in my son’s care and to stop her in her tracks from committing further abuse of my son’s incapacity, to stop her from harassing College X.
J’s Mother’s constant refusal to give me the contact details of her solicitor who will be duty bound advise her on the plethora of laws she has broken is HER indication that it’s HER preference for me to communicate with her directly until the matter is permanently resolved.
I’m sure you’ll agree with me that her refusal to give me the contact details of her solicitor is her expression of preference that I communicate with her directly as per Social Services and COLLEGE X’s instructions.
Please correct me if you do not think it is her preference for me to communicate with her directly in the absence of her solicitors contact details,
Please give me my log number for my fully substantiated complaint against Mrs J’s Mother for her relentless non-compliance with the Harassment Laws (repeatedly harassing College X to aid and abet her abuse of my son’s incapacity), the Hate Crime Laws, the Libel Laws, Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws. This is a very serious and fully substantiated complaint of J’s Mother abusing a severely disabled utterly defenceless young adult with a mental age of circa 4 years old. Please treat this complaint with the utmost seriousness and diligence.
Yours sincerely
J’s Father
Date: 21 March 2015 at 18:00
Dear PC X
I would like to add harassment to my complaints against Mrs J’s Mother in addition to her relentless non-compliance with the Hate Crime Laws, the Libel Laws, Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Laws I have evidence as J’s Mother has left no stone unturned to HARASS College X into non-compliance of their obligations under Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Laws. What transpired was that the College sat on the fence and ignored my complaints (Stoke Mandeville style) for best part of 6 months before finally coming off the fence and inadvertently but actively aiding and abetting J’s Mother in her abuse of my son’s incapacity. This was the point, several weeks ago when the college forced me to refer the matter to the court of public opinion which is the highest authority in the land by way of complying with my obligation to my defenceless son that his appalling treatment be exposed and listened too.
As a result of the referral I College Xuickly gained the ear of the COLLEGE X legal team. Although they were extremely aggressive in their initial communication, by their second communication the legal team and I had a tacit understanding that the only person who had been libelled was J’s father and my complaints were listened to for the very first time.
I received a response from the complaint on Thursday evening and I can confirm that one of the 6 points that need to be cleared up in order to bring about a lasting solution has received a satisfactory response, i.e. that J’s rights under Section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to see his father and brothers and soon to be born sister on Skype and in person during our annual 2 month visit to see him in England and keep him in contact with 10 year old brother Sasha who lives in Solihull must be adhered to.
The other five points that have yet to receive a satisfactory response deal with gaining an understanding that J’s rights under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination Laws Must be adhered to by way of a general understanding that nobody or no organisation has an exemption from these two laws (recognition of Magna Carta) and nobody or no organisation has a veto on whether J maintains his contact with his brothers and sister (who one day will be all he has to keep an eye on him and ensure his rights are adhered to) via Skype or in person – this includes Mrs J’s Mother herself.
I have a lot to tell Mrs J’s Mother’s solicitor who I’m desperate to talk to as he or she will have a duty to her to ensure she complies with the Harassment Laws, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Disability Discrimination Laws, the Libel Laws, and the Hate Crime laws, but as yet she has been too cowardly to give me the contact details of her solicitor. I also need to speak to her solicitor about the compensation that is due to me to cover the cost of the last 6 months unpaid work she set me in order to clear my name from her libel and for my defenceless severely disabled son’s rights to be adhered to and include a compensation for the mental trauma she has subjected me to for no other reason than she wants to vent her hatred of J’s family.
Why does Mrs J’s Mother hate J’s family so much?
How J’s Mother groomed her victim for her sham marriage:
J’s Mother doesn’t know why she has never been happy – but I do. You see the key to happiness is honesty. Honesty is a word that is not in J’s Mother’s vocabulary. When I met her as my neighbour in the hall of residence at a university in St Etienne that we both attended during 1993 she asked me what I wanted in life. I said I wanted children and a dog. She told me she wanted the same. Indeed every time we saw a dog or a child she said “look there’s a dog” or “there’s a baby”. It got a bit embarrassing.
She came to England and married me and J was conceived straight away. 9 month later he was born and fitting from a few days after birth. He was diagnosed with West Syndrome and Microcephaly. Later he was diagnosed with Neuronal Migration Disorder and Developmental Delay hence his mental age of circa 4.
After 4 years of marriage, on the day J’ Mother’s British Passport arrived J’s Mother left me and told me I’d ruined her life because I knew she didn’t want any children. This was the first I’d heard of this and the shock was served to me on a very cold and devastating plate.
Prior to this I was led to believe that she wanted children – and a dog! Therefore, you see – her hate campaign against J’s family that she commenced late summer last year is down to the fact that she feels that I’ve ruined her life!!! Her deceitful and devious plan was to use me to get a British Passport but what she actually got was a British Passport and a delightful but severely disabled and incapacity son!!!
All my children are delightful to me they were all planned from my point of view and I love them all to bits and I will shortly be blessed with my daughter Simone who is due in the next two weeks. I currently live in Thailand with my partner Cherma (I’m too scared to marry anybody again) my delightful 2 year old son Sirus and baby Simone due shortly. The reason I live in Thailand is that I don’t earn enough money to acquire shelter in England. In Thailand typical rent and bill combinations are less than £200 a month and food is cheaper here. I sadly fell off the property ladder during my bankruptcy following the 2008 property crash and I was made bankrupt and homeless. At this time I was fighting J’s disability Discrimination case which I won for him but the time spent on the case caused me to take my eye of my work and I lost customers. My second son S’s Mom sadly left me because she wanted to live on benefits as a single mother because I didn’t earn enough provide her and S with shelter. Therefore, here I am in Thailand with a new family and all the kids have enjoyed significant and rich actual and Skype contact from birth and they’re all very close.
Now the police are involved in investigating J’s Mother’s serial failures to comply with her obligations under the Harassment Laws, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Disability Discrimination Laws, the Libel Laws, and the Hate Crime laws I hope the unfortunate matters documented in my communications with you and on J’s support web sites will soon receive a permanent solution in order to end the last six months of torment and distress she served upon me on a very cold plate and resume my peaceful and happy life as a family man blessed with soon to be 4 amazing children without having to constantly look over my shoulder to see who J’s Mother is libelling me to next or what her next plot to abuse my son’s incapacity will be to hurt his family will be.
So you can see that J’s Mother and I were never in fact “legally” married although a sham marriage existed for 4 years which ended the day the postman delivered her British passport therefore I respectfully request that you refer to her as J’s Mother and not as my ex-wife – please.
I’ll reply shortly to COLLEGE X legal team’s recent response to my complaint that started 6 months ago.
Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you need extra evidence on any issue detailed.
Yours sincerely
J’s father
Date: 21 March 2015 at 05:29
Dear PC X
Regarding my complaint about J’s Mother’s serious offences under section 16 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Hate Crime laws, the disability Discrimination laws and the libel laws (libelling me and my 2 sons Sirus and S as unfit and unworthy to visit Son / Brother J at his residential college in Harborne Birmingham). The evidence I’ve just furnished you with is a summary and only goes back to end of last year. I have evidence of how his abusive mother has left no stone unturned to airbrush J’s loved ones who he grew up with and who grew up with him – out of his life by abusing his defenceless incapacity that leaves him with a mental age of circa 4 years old.
Having a severely disabled and defenceless son is very stressful indeed but to be a victim of hate crimes and watch his abuser illegally taking advantage of his incapacity to airbrush his loved ones out of his life, for no other reason than that she doesn’t like them is utterly devastating and as a result of her abuse I’ve been unable to work for most of the past 6 months and I’ve been unable to think of much other than how we can stop her abusing my son’s incapacity once and for all. Really once and for all so she can never inflict such total devastation on my disabled son’s family ever again.
Please read the evidence carefully and I will give you additional evidence on request so that the nightmare J’s Mother delivered to J’s family – totally out of the blue (we always managed a polite business like relationship prior to late last summer) can be permanently ended.
As soon as we’ve dealt with my complaints of J’s Mother’s abuse of a severely disabled, totally defenceless young adult I’ll be very happy to discuss J’s Mother’s lesser reputation complaint based on her not wanting to take responsibility for her abuse of my defenceless son.
Yours sincerely
J’s father
Date: 21 March 2015 at 04:56
Dear PC X
I cannot talk to you about J’s Mother’s complaint until we have dealt with my complaint against her first as my complaint is far more serious.
I have a legal duty to report 6 months of abuse of a seriously incapacitated young adult – my son J by his mother and hateful abuser: J’s Mother.
Her complaint is only about her reputation. My complaint is about 6 months of relentless abuse against my seriously disabled son by his mother who, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, decided to serve devastation my family on a very cold plate and repeatedly harass and goad his new college to aid and abet her in carrying out her abuse.
J and his father, brothers, sister due to be born any time now have had 6 months deleted from our lives due to this hateful woman’s abuse:
Please read on – its mostly in reverse order and take a look at J’s support web sites noted below: