4th July 2020 (James’s day with the Ryders)
Please ask your solicitor to contact me at simon@foden.net if anybody mentioned in my vulnerable and incapacitated young adult son’s abuse report, which incorporates the Ryder’s abuse of his incapacity today, 4th July 2020, and any other element of this confidential abuse report that Solihull Council, the Local Authority Ombudsman cannot cover-up, doesn’t think it’s a true and accurate reflection of what has transpired and I will deal with any issues raised without delay:
Somebody is trying to call us on James Skype account but it doesn’t answer when we press the green button it just goes straight into missed calls. Also when we return the call to James Skype account it doesn’t ring. Whoever is doing this is committing a heinous act of abuse again my most vulnerable son’s incapacity that requires reporting on his safeguarding website in order to ensure that this element of his abuse is not covered up by Solihull Council, their negligent social workers and the corrupt psychologists they hire to lie for money and to ensure that James’s voice is heard and my legal obligation to protect James from all who abuse his incapacity is carried out.
Because my oldest son has the capacity of a baby abusing his incapacity by goading him to act in a way that an uninformed person would think he doesn’t want to see his loved ones on Skype and filming it is as easy as taking candy from a baby. Anybody could trick my most vulnerable son into behaving in what looks like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones and film it and say “hey look we have video evidence that James doesn’t want to see his loved ones” when the reality is that because my son is the most vulnerable person in the world he will have no idea that what they goaded him to do on video (as easy as taking candy from a baby) will be used against him to aid and abet his abusers to illegally deprive him of seeing his loved ones, a serious crime under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to put him at a disadvantage to his non-incapacitated brother Sasha a serious crime under the Disability Discrimination laws. Therefore the only thing that videos of him after being goaded to behave in a way that he doesn’t want to see the people he loves to see is evidence that his abusers have abused his incapacity. It is not evidence that he doesn’t want to see his loved ones.
As James legal representative and the only person other than Doctor Ghandi and Doctor Roper who recognised and understands his disability, I have a legal obligation to confidentially report this avenue of abuse of his incapacity, confidentially on his Safeguarding website using the maximum level of confidentiality that Solihull Council and the Local authority ombudsman cannot cover up, in order to discharge my legal obligations to my incapacitated young adult son who is one of the most incapacitated and vulnerable people on the planet if not the most vulnerable person on the planet due to the extent that he, as a 25-year-old is “locked-in” and defenceless due to having the Mental Capacity of a baby and, as such, is so vulnerable to abuse of his incapacity by the people who control him.
2 hours later
More unanswerable and non-returnable calls that don’t ring when James’s account calls his family and don’t ring when we return t caller’s call.
I reply “Who is this?”
James, Simone asked to see you this morning but I explained that that is not allowed when you are at Mommy’s house because the calls people make from your Skype Account never connect when you are at Mommy’s house. See you when you get home to number Two. Love you, Daddy, Cherma, Baby Ki and Simone
Hope you have a nice time at Mommy’s house. It’s very nice for you to have time at Mommy’s house and we know you like your time at Mommy’s house. See you later when you get back to your friends at number Two. Love Daddy, Cherma, Baby Ki and Simone
16 June
James likes to say goodnight to us but his call was cut before he was given the liberty to say good night. Please help him.
If James was distracted during his call he doesn’t have the capacity to understand that the distraction would be instead of seeing his family on Skype rather than as well as.
Because my son is so severely incapacitated with the capacity of a baby or toddler and the vulnerability of a baby or toddler due to his neuronal migration disorder and microcephaly, conditions conveniently overlooked by his aggressive and abusive negligent Ryder supporting psychologists and social workers, to aid and abet their 20-year-old false narrative that he doesn’t want to see his loved ones who the Ryders’ left him with until his late teens so that they could carry out their economic activities unimpeded by the most vulnerable person in the world who is so locked in by his inability to express how much he loves his paternal family, his father, late grandparents, two bothers Sasha and Sirus, his sister Simone and step mum of 7 years Cherma. He must be helped by his carers to do ALL of the things he likes to do which includes Skyping his paternal family on a device he can be seen and heard from. Regardless of how good the activities the carers provide my incapacitated son James doesn’t know that if he is offered an activity “Or” being able to Skype his loved ones on a viable device he will be deprived of seeing his loved ones if he chooses the other activity when the legally compliant solution is so easy: simply let him do both!
It is very easy for the carers to distract my son while he is Skyping us and its very easy for them to create the video the false Ryder supporting illusion that he doesn’t want to see us and be seen and heard by us because he is the most vulnerable person in the world and because he is so vulnerable he will say and do anything the carers or Ryders tell him to do while they video the fake illusory evidence that he doesn’t want to see us and because he is the most vulnerable person in the world he will comply with the manipulation they are filming with no knowledge whatsoever that the video footage of him being manipulated will be used against him to illegally deprive him of his liberty to be seen and heard by his loved ones. This is why my son is so dependent on his father and his legal representative since winning his Sendist Tribunal when James was 12 years old and I am the only protection he has to stand up for him and fight his case against the aggressively abusive Ryders, the negligent social workers, the corrupt and negligent social psychologists, and the potentially very good carers at Upward Care who sometimes let my son down because they are under constant harassment by the Ryders to provide them with fake manipulated video footage of the most vulnerable person in the world to support the Ryders heinously abusive false narrative that my totally defenceless most vulnerable person in the world son doesn’t want to see his loved ones who he likes to say good morning to when he wakes up and goodnight when we go to bed and see us in between when we have something interesting for him to see like when we go on holiday or Starbucks or shopping orca drive in the car. James likes to participate in these activities and he can with “Reasonable Adjustment” that he is entitled to under the Disability Discrimination laws he can.
It is very important for James’s legal representative to be able to call the care home if James is in trouble with his Skype device. I could until last month when James’s legal representative’s calls stopped being answered however my call yesterday was answered.
Please remember that James legal representative and father is the only protection James has against the Ryders heinous 20 year campaign of abuse they have raged against my son’s incapacity by libelling and defaming James paternal family behind our backs for 12 years and to our faces for 8 years and the only protection James has from the Ryders and all the negligent social workers and corrupt psychologists willing to lie for money that the Ryder groomed and the protection they all gave themselves with their vigilante perjury in the court of protection.
I hope this crucial information helps the carers to stand up to the Ryders harassment of the carers at upward care, as they did at Queen Alexandra college by saying No you cannot harass us any more to video manipulation of the most vulnerable person in the world being manipulated to water down the extent he loves his paternal family in the same way James was manipulated by corrupt Psychologists hired by Solihull Council to water down the extent that Reynalds Cross School abused James by blaming and punishing him with exclusion from a disabled school for being disabled and banning his legal representative from representing him at the school. Such abuse and manipulation of the most vulnerable person in the world and harassment by his abusers to cover up his abuse such as depriving his legal representative from representing him or carers being harassed into making videos of the most vulnerable person in the world filming fake evidence of him being manipulated to provide the Ryders with fake evidence to water down the extent they have abused the most vulnerable person in the world is easily exposed by simply portraying his medical records that confirm his Neuronal Migration Disorder and Microcephaly that renders his capacity similar to that of a baby or toddler and locking in is ability to express how much he loves his paternal family and deprives him of knowledge of the consequences of his videoed manipulation that he has no idea that it will be used to water down the extent to which the Ryders and Solihull Council have abused his incapacity and will be used to excuse them from James protection under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws.
This leaves the only protection the most vulnerable person in the world has from the Ryders, the negligent Social workers, the corrupt psychologists who lied for money, the protection they all gave themselves from their vigilante perjury in the Court of Protection and the harassment of Upward Carer carers by the Ryders (as they harassed Queen Alexandra College Carers) is James legal representative and James Safeguarding website.
Please help my desperately most vulnerable person in the world son by admitting how much he loves his paternal family and stop making videos of him being easily manipulated, like a lamb to the slaughter, into falsely behaving like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones on a viable Skype device with a viable Internet connection when the whole world, barring Solihull Council, the Court of Protection and the Local Authority Ombudsman (all three institutions manipulated on an industrial scale and successfully groomed by the Ryders’ aggressive and abusive false narrative that he does not want to see that they abused James with over the past 20 years) knows how much he loves his paternal family and likes to be helped to Skype us on a viable device.
Therefore it is time to stop manipulating him to support the Ryders 20 year aggressive and abusive false narrative that he doesn’t want to see his loved ones and, finally, after 7 years of hell since the shock of the Ryders kidnapping him by illegally moving him beyond the reach of his loved ones and the shock that they’d libeled and defamed James paternal family over 20 years it is time to stop manipulating the incapacity of the most vulnerable person in the world into acting like he doesn’t want to see his loved ones and, finally fully recognise how much he loves us and stop being harassed by the Ryders into pretending otherwise. All the carers at upward care know how much James loves his father, brothers, sister, and step mum Cherma so please care for him by recognising this and helping and supporting him instead of aiding and abetting the Ryders to abuse him.
There is no reason for anybody at Upward Care to pretend James doesn’t love us and / or pretend he doesn’t want to see us and to not help him keep his device in good order so he can see us on a viable device with a viable Internet connection. And there is no reason for the carers to be harassed by the Ryders into doing other than recognising how much he loves us and helping him to Skype us on a viable device with a viable Internet connection.
Manipulating my severely incapacitated son into acting like he doesn’t want to see us while knowing full well he is too incapacitated to understand the consequences of behaving that way is as easy as taking candy from a baby because he has the capacity of a baby according to his former pediatrician Dr. Roper and his GP Dr. Ghandi.
Therefore recognition of his love for us and general desire to see and hear us and be seen and heard on skype and see us when we come to visit him is the only legal way forward.
I hope this helps
Kind regards Simon (James father and legal representative)
His general desire to Skype us on a viable device with a viable Internet connection, regardless of whether he is being manipulated, distracted, or carers harassed by the Ryders must be recognised for legal compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Disability Discrimination laws. We appreciate your care of James and we only seek legal compliance to protect him from the Ryders and all they have groomed and harassed over the past 20 years.
Care home stops answering father’s calls when his severely incapacitated son is missing or cannot Skype or be heard when he Skypes
authority that the Ryders claim to have. Even the Local Authority Ombudsmen investigated who covered up of James abuse at the hands of the Ryders in a celebration of obfuscation implied Camelia Monica Ryder was a liar such is the lowly nature of her reputation as a long time abuser of a severely incapacitated young adult’s incapacity.
Please ask your solicitor to email me at simon@foden.net if anybody mentioned in the report does not think the report is a true and accurate reflection of what has transpired so any issues can be resolved without delay.
Ryder Commits Perjury in the Court of Protection
The police are copied in – please note in your report that neither I, James’s father, nor my barrister have had the opportunity to cross examine any of your witnesses (we don’t even have their identities) who have no doubt been massaging their submissions during the last 12 months or more in order to achieve their desired outcome: i.e. that you will report that they did nothing wrong (as part of the Local Authority Ombudsman’s Anti Whistle Blowing Culture) when they libelled James’s paternal family as unfit and unworthy to continue their rich life long contact with him and they aided and abetted Ryder to abuse his incapacity to airbrush his loved ones out of his defenceless life. They massaged and constructed their submissions via their pay-rolled Social Workers and Psychologists eager to please their paymasters to wriggle out of their offences under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 S 16.
Its clear for all to see on James’s Safeguarding website: https://www.solihullcouncil.com what a fantastic relationship he’s always had with his paternal family. I respectfully request the police to investigate Monica Ryder’s perjury committed in the court of Protection and also Solihull Council’s perjury that somehow deceived the Court to believe that James has had a less than fantastic relationship with his paternal family from birth until the present day.
The Local Authority Ombudsman excused Solihull Council of any blame when James was 12 years old when they blamed and punished him for being disabled and excluded him from his school because he was throwing terrible two’s tantrums when they knew he only had a mental age of two. Instead helping him they blamed and punished him for being a naughty 12 year old.
However the SENDIST Tribunal held Reynalds Cross School, headed by Jane Davenport, to account. The Local Authority Ombudsman’s office always excuses Solihull Council for its abuse of its disabled students. Solihull Council’s culture is that its good for council employees to abuse its disabled and vulnerable customers but its very bad of “abusive” whistle blowers to stop the “good abusers” at the council from peacefully carrying out their abuse of its disabled customers. This is due to Solihull Council’s Anti Whistle Blowing Culture and Solihull Council knows it can always rely on its Anti Whistle Blowing Local Authority Ombudsman to excuse it after it has either directly abused disabled customer’s e.g. Reynalds Cross School who openly discriminated against disable pupils because they were disabled even though it was a disabled school!
It is my opinion that your report covers up the offences under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 that have been committed by Ryder and aided and abetted and covered up by Solihull Council. It is my opinion that your opinion contradicts the opinion of my barrister and my barrister is a higher authority on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 than you are, with respect.
The WPC investigating my son’s disappearance refused to confirm or deny Ryder had obtained a Court of Protection Deputyship via Deception and Perjury but you have clearly confirmed this today. The reason this particular Court of Protection order is invalid is precisely because it was obtained by deception and perjury and no doubt aided and abetted by Solihull Council. As this particular order is invalid neither Ryder nor Solihull Council are able to hide behind it and I have a duty to report the fraudulent nature of this invalid order on James’s Safeguarding website. No Court of Protection Orders can be valid if they are obtained using deceitful manipulation and perjury behind the incapacitated person’s family’s back when the family are fully able and willing to participate in the proceedings to bring about legally binding orders based on the truth and not Ryder’s innate deceitful manipulation skills. I don’t believe there is a person on the planet who does not think that Ryder deceitfully manipulated the Court of Protection as she did when she groomed all of the professionals involved in James’s care and that she went behind the back of the father brothers and sister of a severely incapacitated young adult.
The recent case of the MPs wife who lied in court about who was driving the car when a speed camera caught it speeding resulted in the wife being jailed for 3 months for perjury. I believe Ryder’s case will attract a similar sentence. Why should Rider get off Scott free for submitting false evidence in court whilst the MPs wife was jailed for 3 months for the same offence?
The first thing the court of protection ask is who are the family in the incapacitated person’s life and Ryder has committed perjury in the court of protection by omitting to tell the court of the rich and loving relationship my son has always had with his paternal family from birth right until this day. The court will have asked her for my contact details and I believe her reply to that question was a wilful and perjerous lie to the court. Ryder has always known my telephone number and email address. Both libelling James’s family and committing perjury in court are in full keeping with Ryder’s deceitfully manipulative personality. I believe Ryder has been equally disrespectful to the Court of Protection as she has been to Solihull Council by feeding both institutions such a convincing tissue of lies.
There is no risk to my son of reporting his abuse on his Safeguarding Website however there is a clear risk to him when his abuse is not reported on his Safguarding website such as Solihull Council aiding and abetting Ryder to abuse my son’s incapacity to airbrush his loved ones out of his defenceless life by illegally depriving him of his liberty to Skype his loved ones and completely abandoning their care of him by wilfully neglecting to help him to connect his Skype calls to his loved ones. James’s Safeguarding website is only in existence to reach above Solihull Council’s and the Local Authority Ombudsman’s Anti Whistle Blowing Cultures. However, an unintended consequence of his safeguarding website is that Solihull Council appeared to stop Aiding and Abetting Ryder to abuse my son’s incapacity during summer holiday 2015. What I would have given if they could have stopped aiding and abetting Ryder’s abuse during summer holiday 2014 immediately after James’s two month kidnapping when I was desperate to get some support for James from the council. If the council, choose not to abuse James during summer holiday 2016 and beyond that will be a big step in the right direction for my son.
It appears that by Solihull Council refusing to abuse my disabled son in 2015 they effectively admitted they did abuse him in 2014 because refusing to abuse him in 2014 was an option open to the Council but the Council chose not to use it.
Every time they refuse to aid and abet Ryder to abuse my son’s incapacity I will report such improvements on James’s Safeguarding website.
Mrs Ryder has still to this day refused to give me the contact details of her solicitor so that I can put the charges of abuse of my son’s incapacity and perjury directly to her solicitor.
The council have still refused to give me the contact details of their solicitor so that I can put the charges of the Council’s aiding and abetting of my son’s principal carer’s abuse of my son’s incapacity directly and possible perjury to the council’s solicitor.
James’s safeguarding website is now more relevant than ever and in addition to exposing how Ryder has libelled James’s father, brothers and sister in the most highly targeted way to all the professionals involved in my son’s care (they simply would never have behaved they way they did if she hadn’t) James’s website will now highlight how Ryder committed perjury in the court of protection by failing to make it crystal clear to the court that James was raised during his daytime hours by his paternal family and he has always enjoyed a fantastic, rich and loving relationship with his growing paternal family and that his incapacity must never be abused by anybody to deprive him of his liberty to Skype or meet his family in person.
There is nothing about James’s safeguarding website that is designed to influence contact. The only purpose of the site is to carry out my legal duty to report my son’s abuse of his incapacity by Ryder and aided and abetted by Solihull Council on a forum that is over and above Solihull Council’s and the Local Authority Ombudsman’s Anti Whistle Blowing Cultures and David Cameron himself has made it clear last year that he will be bringing in legislation that will require people who block the whistle blowing of abuse of vulnerable people to serve a jail term of up to 5 years and I’m doing my bit, with the effort I’ve put in, to expose Ryder’s abuse of my son’s incapacity which was aided and abetted by Solihull Council and now condoned by the Local Authority Ombudsman.
Your initial findings make no mention of the distress to James’s family caused by Ryder’s council supported, totally out of the blue, kidnapping which amounted to a blatant abuse of my son’s incapacity and a dereliction of a so called principal carer’s primary duty which is to help my disabled son to Skype his loving paternal family he grew up with and who grew up with him because he doesn’t have the capacity to do it himself as his peers do and by kidnapping him and wilfully depriving him of his liberty to Skype us for an extended two month period she was abusing him not caring for him and the council supported her in this abuse and the public have a right to know how Solihull Council Solihull MBC aided and abetted Ryder to abuse my son’s incapacity.
Thank you for your draft report. Even though it is wrong it will still be useful evidence to bring to bear against Ryder the next time she offends. It is wrong for the reason’s I’ve outlined above.
The next stage is for Ryder and the Council to offer me the contact details of their solicitors if they don’t believe that the abuses of my son’s incapacity detailed on his Safeguarding website are a true and accurate reflection of what has transpired.
Yours sincerely
Simon Foden
James’s Father